Title: Performance, Reliability and Analysis of Photovoltaic Power Systems
1Performance, Reliability and Analysis of
Photovoltaic Power Systems
- 5.4 Performance Prediction
- (solar irradiation part)
- Tokyo, 14-15 March 2007
2Solar irradiation
- Objectives
- evaluation of the global solar horizontal
irradiation via satellite images and validation
with ground based measurements (meteo stations) - Calculation on an inclined surface and validation
with ground based measurements at different time
scales (PDB and other PV systems) -
3Evaluation of the solar resource
- HelioClim Solar irradiation
- Data base
- Europe - Africa
- http//www.soda-is.com
- Using data fusion, this method exploits satellite
observation treatments, ground based measurements
and other meteo and geographical information - space step 10X10 km2
- daily time step since 1985 (helioclim1)
- hourly time step since 2004 (helioclim2)
4Helioclim1 and Helioclim2 data base
- Helioclim 1
- Daily values of the global horizontal irradiance,
calculated from one measurement every 3 hours,
using a clear sky model - One pixel 10X10 km2 over 50X50 km2
- Helioclim2
- hourly values of the global horizontal
irradiance. - One pixel 10X10 km2
- Starting in 2004
5Comparison between values from the PDB and from
the helioclim DB
- Comparison achieved with helioclim12
- Hespul building near Lyon (FR)
- Lyon (FR) installation F1
6F1 - 2004
Accuracy about 10 (yearly basis) 5-30
(monthly basis)
7comparaison between mean monthly values from
Heliclim1, Helioclim2 et those measured at the
Hamburg meteo ground station, on an horizontal
surface in 2004 et 2005
8Irradiance on an horizontal surface
Helioclim12 and Lyon meteo ground station
9Algorithmic chains to calculate the irradiance at
the tilt SoDa and Retscreen
10F1 - 2004
Accuracy about 10 (yearly basis) 5-30
(monthly basis)
11HESPUL - 2004
12Munich Trade Fair 2004
13Some comments
- Evaluation of the Heliclim2 data base with ground
base measurement at the horizontal and the tilt
for the same place. - Questions on the validity of the measurement
performed on the irradiance at the tilt for F1
and Hespul - Collaboration with Task 36 on this aspect