1Orchestra of Treaties Scenariofor after 2012
- Taishi Sugiyama, Central Research Institute of
Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI) - sugiyama_at_criepi.denken.or.jp
- Side-Event Developing Post-Kyoto Architecture
CRIEPI/FNI/HWWA/CASS/IHDP - June 12th , 2003, Bonn
3Kyoto Achievements
- Creation of comprehensive Cap Trade systems
- Political awareness increased
- Stakeholders identified themselves (renewable
producer, ESCO, forestry etc). - Low-cost emission cut opportunities were
4Simple Kyoto Plus is not enough
- Kyoto Plus negotiation of caps without
changing the structure of Kyoto Protocol. - USA, China, India, etc. unlikely to take on caps
- Coverage of cap will be limited to willingness.
EU (?) Others(?) - Difficult to keep price high to induce enough
change in investment/ technological RD. - Legal instruments other than cap trade are
5What International Legal Instruments Should Do?
- Lessons from History of Pollution Control -
6Followers Do Better
7Demonstration of Feasibility Made Followers Do
1. Technology. eg. Sulfur scrubber development
2. Institution. eg. Govt organization, laws
3. Idea eg. Pollutions should be controlled
eg. Public nuisance undermine brand
4. Economy --- Economy is still running!
- Take the lead makes sense.
- The key is demonstration of feasibility
technology, institution, idea, and economy. - Requirement for international legal instrument
- Encourage such demonstration!
9Orchestra of Treaties Reform of Kyoto
10Kyoto The Real Shortcomings
- Adversarial Negotiation Setup
- Trying the impossible to impose caps to parties.
- Negotiation of all policies linked with caps
each policy negotiation is adversarial few
progress. - (e.g. Reporting, Sink).
- Parties of rights without duties exist evils
gain most. - Lengthy, complex, abstract negotiation absence
of real stakeholders (PV producer, ESCO etc).
11Orchestra of Treaties
- UNFCCC Protocols
- Monitoring Protocol
- Scientific Cooperation Protocol
- G8 / G20 minus 1 Treaties
- (G8key developed countriesEUJPNUS etc)
- (G20G8key developing countries )
- (minus 1 is recalcitrant(s) in each treaty)
- Renewable Treaty
- F-gas Treaty, Sink Treaty, Geological Storage
Treaty - Binding Cap Treaty
- Climate-Friendly Development Treaty
- Technology RDD Treaty, Technology Transfer Treaty
- Adaptation Treaty
12Orchestra of Treaties
- Orchestra of single issue treaties.
- Like-minded parties cooperate on a single issue
area of common interest, - De-linking the single issue with binding caps,
- Parties have right and duties in each Treaty to
keep evils free-riders out of negotiation, - Invite stakeholders (e.g. PV producer in
renewable treaty) in each negotiation, to create
Green Greedy coalition
13Orchestra of Treaties
- How it works?
- Like-minded Parties, with Green Greedy, deepen
international cooperation in each Treaty. - Feasibility of domestic climate policies are
demonstrated. - More Parties feel confident to deepen their
commitment in more treaties.
- Kyoto is significant, but simple Kyoto Plus,
will fail - Process should be reformed from adversarial setup
to cooperative one Orchestra of Treaties
mostly outside UNFCCC.
- Eg. 1. Baptist Bootleggers
Eg. 2. Ozone Protocol DuPont Eg. 3. Auto
emissions Honda