Title: Mandy Wilson
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2Mandy Wilson COGS Evaluating the impact of
community empowerment
3Broad range of different methodologies 45 plus
different frameworks Evaluation and
Monitoring Quality Assurance Performance
4- Evaluation step by step
- 1 Review the situation evaluation is like
planning a journey - where you want to get to
- how you are going to get there
- what you need to equip yourself with for the
journey - the signposts and milestones
- whether you are likely to get there on time
5- Tackling each stage of the journey
- What problems are you trying to solve/issues you
are trying to address? - What will make change happen?
- How you plan to make change happen?
- What results do you want to see?
- How can you measure progress?
6- 2 Gather evidence and establish a baseline
- Analyse the evidence
- 4 Make us of the learning and share your findings
with others
7Community Empowerment a process and an
outcome Evaluating empowerment and empowering
8Principles of evaluating empowerment Continuous
process Multi-stakeholder contribution to the
setting of indicators Provide opportunities for
mutual learning Developmental process integral
to project /programme Empowering process,
celebrate whats worked and ensure an honest
appraisal, not a PR exercise Imaginative and
creative approaches which engage people
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