Title: Dr' Zaid Kasim Ghazzawi
1How to learn Engineering Sciences Fully from The
Noble Quran?
- Dr. Zaid Kasim Ghazzawi
- Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering
2How to learn Electrical Engineering from the
Noble Quran?
3Miracles of Knowledge in the Quranic Verse
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30. Have not those who disbelieve known that the
heavens and the earth were joined together as one
united piece (One weaved tapestry), then Allah
(God) tore them apart? And Allah (God) has made
from water every living thing. Will they not then
The Noble Quran (21 30)
Since Allah (God) Almighty states that He has
created everything from water
Thus all forms of energy should propagate like
the propagating of energy in water
Energy propagates in water in concentric spheres
(in Three-Dimensional Space)
4Energy propagation in water
Throwing a rock in a pond of water (Energy Source)
5Shape of water waves in 3D
6Energy propagates in a spherical pattern from its
7Scientific Proof
8Perfect Correlation Between the Deduction from
The Noble Quran and Observations
Energy propagation from a light source
Energy propagation in water
9?A Light Wave
Water Waves
10Perfect Correlation Between the Deduction from
The Noble Quran and Observations
Propagation of mechanical energy
Energy propagation in water
11In The Name of Allah (God) The Most Compassionate
The Most Merciful
And on the earth are signs for those who have
Faith with certainty And also in your
ownselves. Will you not then see?
The Noble Quran (51 20-21)
Verily, Allah (God) created human in an optimal
The Noble Quran (95 4)
Allah (God) Almighty encourages people to study
and reflect upon their bodies
Since the human body is a text book in optimal
12- Understanding The Design and Function of Muscles
from The Noble Quran
13Internal Design of Muscles
14The Internal Design of Muscles as derived from
The Noble Quran
The Internal Design of Muscles as Found from
Thick Filaments
Thin Filaments
15Engineering Applications from The Knowledge of
Muscle Design
- Arranging energy sources in a hexagonal
arrangement is the optimal arrangement for energy
sources - Coverage of maximum volume with minimum number of
energy sources - Arranging transmission towers in a hexagonal cell
ensures the coverage of maximum volume with the
minimum number of towers
16(No Transcript)
17Dr. Zaid Kasim Ghazzawi E-mail
zaidquran_at_yahoo.com Website www.quran-miracle.c