Title: Dr' Zaid Kasim Ghazzawi
1How to learn Engineering Sciences Fully from The
Noble Quran?
- Dr. Zaid Kasim Ghazzawi
- Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering
2How to learn Naval (Marine) and Aerospace
Engineering from the Noble Quran?
3Miracles of Knowledge in the Quranic Verse
Have not those who disbelieve known that the
heavens and the earth were joined together as one
united piece (One weaved tapestry), then Allah
(God) tore them apart? And Allah (God) has made
from water every living thing. Will they not then
The Noble Quran (21 30)
4Water is A Fabric of Atoms
5Water Atoms
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7It is hard to tear apart the fabric of atoms by a
large contact region
8It is easy to tear apart the fabric of atoms by a
small contact region
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10A creation that is based on mercy prior to any
other consideration
11The Mercy of Allah (God) in Birds and Fish
12The Design of The Bodies of Birds
13The Design of The Bodies of Fish
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16How to reduce drag ? as derived from the Noble
17In The Name of Allah (God) Almighty The Most
Compassionate The Most Merciful
And in yourself will you not then see
The Noble Quran (51 21)
Allah (God) created humans in an optimal form
The Noble Quran (95 4)
Allah (God) Almighty urges people to study and
examine their bodies
Also Allah (God) Almighty states that He created
humans in an optimal form
Thus the human body is a textbook in optimal
design, such that optimal design ideas can be
learnt from it
18Wind Flow on Human Skin
19High Drag
A body which does not contain projections on its
20Low Drag
Turbulence in air atoms on the skin
21Projections on the body of a bee
22Miracles of Knowledge in the Quranic Verse
Then, eat of all fruits, and follow the ways of
your Lord made easy (for you)." There comes forth
from their bellies, a drink of varying color
wherein is healing for men. Verily, in this is
indeed a sign for people who think.
The Noble Quran (16 69)
The ways of your Lord made easy
Which means the mechanisms that Allah (God)
installed to make it easy on His creation
Thus Allah (God) teaches us that if projections
are installed on a surface of a body then drag is
23Dr. Zaid Kasim Ghazzawi E-mail
zaidquran_at_yahoo.com Website www.quran-miracle.c