Title: Part I: Introduction
1Final Review CS1652/Telcom2310
KyoungSoo Park University of Pittsburgh
2Chapter 4 Network Layer
- Network layer service model
- Forwarding vs. Routing
- IP addressing, NAT DHCP
- Router architecture
- Routing algorithms
- Handling scale - CIDR and BGP
- ICMP, IPv6
3Network layer service model
- Unreliable, connectionless data delivery
- Q is UDP more reliable than IP?
- Q do TCP packets receive special treatment than
UDP packets? - Host-to-host packet delivery
- Q Transport layer?
- All systems implement network layer
- End systems routers
- Q Why not routers implement transport layer?
4Forwarding vs. Routing
- Definition?
- Switch vs. router?
- How routing affects forwarding?
- Routing algorithms
- Intradomain routing algorithms
- Distance vector, Link state
- Interdomain routing algorithms
- Longest prefix match
5IP addressing, DHCP and NAT
- 32-bit IPv4 address
- Subnet part host part
- Subnet part is used for forwarding decision
- Subnet portion can be an arbitrary size
- Why CIDR?
- IP allocation efficiency supernetting
- How it works? Where is it useful?
- Pros. and Cons.
6IP datagram format
- how much overhead with TCP?
- 20 bytes of TCP
- 20 bytes of IP
- 40 bytes app layer overhead
7Router Architecture
- Two key router functions
- Run routing algorithms/protocol (RIP, OSPF, BGP)
- Forwarding datagrams from incoming to outgoing
- Input ports (line cards)
- Forwarding table lookup line speed
- Queuing packets if switching fabric is busy
- Head-of-line blocking?
- Switching fabric
- Via memory, bus, special interconnection
- Output ports
- Buffering scheduling
- How much buffering?
- C x RTT/sqrt(N)
9Link state algorithm
- Broadcast local link info to all routers
- Dijkstras algorithm
- Greedy algorithm
- Compute the least cost path to every node
- Each loop finds at least one node whose least
cost path is found - Algorithm complexity? O(nlogn)
- Oscillation problem
10Distance vector algorithm
- Distribute ones view of network to neighbors
- Bellman-ford algorithm
- Dynamic programming
- Asynchronous update
- Problem?
- Count-to-infinity routing loops
- Possible solution?
11Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)
- Autonomous System (AS)
- AS number 16 bit id
- BGP contains full path from src to dest AS
- AS PATH list of AS numbers
- How to prevent routing loops?
- Hot potato routing?
- One reason for routing path asymmetry
- How to deliver a packet from one AS to another?
- Intradomain (Intra-AS) routing
- Interdomain routing
- Forwarding table (FIB)
12Chapter 5 Link Layer
- Delivering frames to a direct neighbor
- Error detection and correction
- Sharing a broadcasting channel
- Reliable data transfer flow control
- Hop-by-hop vs. end-to-end
13Error detection correction
- Parity checking
- Single bit vs. two-dimentional bit parity
- Odd/even parity
- Internet checksum IP/TCP layer
- Why is error checking needed in the upper layer?
- Cyclic Redunancy Check (CRC)
- Make sure to know how it works!
- CRC32 is widely used (e.g., Ethernet)
14Multiple Access Protocol
- How to share a broadcasting media
- Medium Acccess Control (MAC) protocol
- Channel Partitioning
- Random Access
- Taking turns
15Random Access Protocol
- Slotted ALOHA
- Fixed time slot synchronized
- If collision, the retransmit with a probability
of p for each slot - ALOHA
- No slot synchronization
- CSMA sense carrier before sending
- CD detect collision while sending and cancel it
- CA avoid collision by getting the permission
first - Ethernet and Wi-Fi?
16MAC addresses
- Ethernet 48-bit MAC addresses
- Burned into hardware
- Globally uniquely assigned
- Why not use MAC address instead of IP?
- Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
- Determining MAC address with IP address
- ARP table ltIP address, MAC address, TTLgt
- Broadcasting mechanism (make sure to know!)
17Ethernet Switch
- Access protocol CSMA/CD
- Old Ethernet hub used to share the access
- Understand the exponential back-off algorithm
- Most current devices are swtiches
- Connectionless, unreliable
- Frame format
- Preamble, 2 MAC address, type, data, CRC32
- Switch
- Make sure to understand self-learning algorithm
18Chapter 6 Wireless
- 802.11/802.15/802.16
- Difference from wired enviroment
- Signal attenuation
- Hidden terminal problem
- Interference from other sources (phone,microwave)
- Multi-path propagation
- SNR (Signal-to-Noise raitio)
- The larger, the better
- BER (Bit error rate)
- Access protocol CSMA/CA
- Reserve the channel first before sending
- No collision detection why?
- Understand the sending protocol
- Access Point(AP)
- Link layer device (may run DHCP)
- Passive/Active scanning for association
- 802.11 frame format
- Why we need three MAC addresses?
- Encryption - WEP
20Chapter 7 Multimedia
- Quality of service guarantee
- Provding performance guarantee required by app
- Current Internet does not directly support it
- Delay sensitive, loss tolerant application
- Video streaming vs. Email?
- What is jitter?
- MM application
- Stored streaming
- Live streaming
- Real-time interactive
21Internet Phone, CDN
- Internet phone
- Network loss vs. delay loss
- Adaptive playout delay how to estimate delay?
- Forward Error Correction (FEC)
- N1 chunks with 1 redundant data (XOR)
- Piggyback lower-quality stream
- Interleaving
- Content distribution networks (CDNs)
- Definition?
- DNS redirection for finding the near server?
- Real-Time Protocl (RTP)
- General packet structure to deliver audio, video
- Runs in end sytems (using UDP)
- Real-Time Control Protocol (RTCP)
- Periodically sent by the participants
- Receiver report sender report
- Feedback mechanism to control performance
- Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
- Provide email address like ID for Internet phone
- Protocol format similar to HTTP and SMTP
- Typically run on RTP/UDP (but no requirement)
23QoS Principles
- QoS principles
- Packet marking to classify the flows
- Protection for one class from another
- Efficient resource usage
- Packet scheduling
- Priority Queuing
- Round Robin
- Weighted Fair Queuing
- Policing mechanism
- Token bucket - r tokens/sec, b bucket size
24DiffServ Integreated Services
- Differentiated Services
- Use IPs ToS field (DSCP) to mark each packet
- PHB on each router
- Expedited forwarding assured forwarding
- Integrated Services
- Signalling (RSVP) used for resource
reservation, receiver oritened protocol - Soft state can expire if not renewed
- Per-flow QoS enforcement (scalability problem)
- Guaranteed service controlled load service
25Chapter8 Network security
- What do want to achieve?
- Confientiality
- Authentication
- Message Integrity
- Access and Availability
- Firewall, IDS not covered in the class
- Cryptography used beyond confidentiality
- Symmetric crypto
- Public crypto (asymmetric)
- One-way hash function
26Symmetric/Asymmetric cyphers
- Shared secret between parties
- Stream cipher RC4
- Block cipher 3DES, AES
- Cipher Block Chaining (CBC)
- Why is it needed?
- How does it work?
- Public cryptography
- RSA algorithm?
- K(K-(m)) K-(K(m)) ?
27Integrity, signature, certificate
- Message Intergrity
- Use a hash function (MD5, SHA-1) - digest
- Hash function property?
- MAC Hash (shared secret data)
- MAC provides both Integrity and Authentication
- How HMAC is calculated?
- Digital signature
- Provides MAC functionality with public key crypto
- Digital certificate
- CA attests the ownership of a public key
28Email security SSL
- Secure Email
- Make sure to understand how you provide
confidentiality, message integrity, and
authentication using a public key scheme - Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
- Transport-layer security (TLS)
- Handshake
- Key Derivation
- Data transfer
- Connection Clousre
29VPN, IPsec, and Wireless security
- Virtual Private Network
- Private network too expensive
- Coupled with IPsec
- IPsec
- AH and ESP
- Security Association (SA)
- How ESP encodes and decodes IP packet?
- Internet Key Exchange
- Wirelss security
- Understand WEP
- Understand WEP vulnerability