Title: Expert Group on cost model and Tariff Group
1Expert Group on cost model and Tariff Group for
Latin America and the Caribbean (TAL Group)
meetingsGuatemala City, Guatemala, 4 to 8
November 2002
Trends on Telecommunication Services for the
Americas Region
Financing Strategies Unit
2Determination of price of domestic
telecommunication services, 2002(Local and
long-distance calls and interconnection)
Set by the State Based on revenue
requirements Based of individual production costs
of each service
Source ITU Tariff Policies Database.
3Types of costs on which tariff models are based,
Source ITU Tariff Policies Database.
4Financing Universal Service Domestic market, 2002
Source ITU Tariff Policies Database.
5Time-frame for absorbing the access deficit, 2002
(Tariff rebalancing)
Source ITU Tariff Policies Database.
6Percentage of separate regulators in each region,
Source ITU Telecommunication Regulatory
7Degree of competition by service, World, 2001
(ITU Member States)
Source ITU Telecommunication Regulatory
8Degree of competition by service in America, 2001
Source ITU Telecommunication Regulatory Database.
9Degree of competition in basic services, 2001 by
Source ITU Telecommunication Regulatory
10Regulatory Agencies in the World (cumulative)
Source ITU Telecommunication Regulatory Database.
11Separate regulators by Region June 2002, Total
Source ITU Telecommunication Regulatory Database.
12Privatizations by Region, 2001Total countries
Source ITU Telecommunication Regulatory Database.
13Separate regulatory bodies, worldwide, 2002
Separate regulators
Source ITU Telecom Regulatory Database.