Knowledge Genesis Group - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Knowledge Genesis Group


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Knowledge Genesis Group

Knowledge Genesis Group Smart Solutions
Petr Skobelev
Multi-Agent Technology Ideas, Experiments
and Industrial Applications
Small, but coordinated forces, produce magic.
Prof. A. Konovalov. Lectures on supramolecular
Ekaterinburg, 12-13 May 2011
  • Introduction
  • Key Challenges of Real Time Economy
  • Multi-Agent Technology
  • First Experiments with Multi-Agent Solutions
  • Industrial Applications in Real Time Scheduling
  • Future

Knowledge Genesis Group
  • Started 1997, Samara, Russia
  • Originally from Russian Academy of Science and
    Aerospace Industry
  • 15 years of experience in Multi-agent systems
    and Semantic web
  • Expertise in application development,
    large-scale systems, web-applications, GPS
    navigation and e-maps, data bases, mobile
  • 100 J2EE and .net programmers
  • Knowledge Genesis Group companies
  • Magenta Technology (UK) - 2000
  • Knowledge Genesis Germany 2008
  • Knowledge Genesis UK 2009
  • Emergent Intelligence, USA 2010
  • Smart Solutions, Russia 2010
  • Advanced technology product vision for solving
    complex problems
  • Own development platform
  • International network of partners
  • Strong links with universities

In Samara Office of Magenta Technology (UK)
15 June 1990 The beginning
Prof. George Rzevski (Open University, UK) and
Prof Vladimir Vittikh (Institute of Complex
Systems of Russian Academy of Science)
Company Growth (Number of Employees)
Key Challenges of Real Time Economy
  • Uncertainty, Complexity Dynamics of business
    are growing
  • Clients, partners resources demand more
    individual approach
  • High efficiency of business requires to become
    more open, flexible and fast in decision making
  • Solutions for Real Time Decision Making can help
    to optimize resources, balance and reduce cost
    time, service level, risks and penalties
  • Activity-Based Cost (ABC) model is required to
    analyze options and provide dynamic pricing in
    real time
  • Pro-actively negotiate with clients and
    resources on the fly
  • Solutions need to support not only optimization
    of resources but also provide opportunities for
    business growth, learning and adaptation
  • Use full power of Internet services, GPS
    navigation, mobile phones, RFID, etc

New generation of software solutions for smart
decision making support and sophisticated user
interaction is required on the market!
Multi-Agent Technology Differentiation
Traditional Systems
Multi-Agent Systems
  • Networks of agents
  • Parallel Processing
  • Negotiations Trade-Offs
  • Distributed
  • Knowledge-Driven
  • Self-Organization
  • Evolution
  • Thrive with Complexity
  • Managing growth
  • Hierarchy of programs
  • Sequential Processing
  • Top-down instructions
  • Centralized
  • Data-driven
  • Predictable
  • Stable
  • Reduce Complexity
  • Full Control

Modules are working as a co-routines
Distributed Approach Wins!
The Beginning of Multi-Agent Systems
  • Started in the beginning of 1970s
  • Based on achievements in Artificial Intelligence
    Object-Oriented and Parallel Programming
  • Traditionally focused on logic reasoning
    (Wooldridge, etc)
  • Our approach is bio-inspired (Van Brussel, Paulo
    Letao, etc) but strongly influenced by
  • Ilya Prigozhin in Physics (auto-catalytic
  • Marvin Minsky in Psychology (society of mind),
  • Artur Kestler in Biology (holonic systems)
  • Key focus self-organisation and evolution,
    synergy, non-linear thermodynamics, collective
    (emergent) intelligence
  • First Applications Internet e-commerce
  • Current Applications logistics, data mining,
    text understanding, etc
  • Future Web-Intelligence

Classification of Agents
Current Focus
How Agents work?
  • A new agent is created at runtime whenever there
    is a task to be performed
  • The agent begins its life by analysing the task
    and studying rules of engagement
  • Agent activities include
  • analysing situation
  • composing messages
  • receiving sending messages to other agents or
  • interpreting received messages
  • deciding how to react
  • acting upon their decisions
  • This enables agents to run concurrently
  • When an agent completes its task it is destroyed

Examples of Multi-Agent Systems
  • Winestein Technologies http//
  • NuTech http//
  • Living Systems http//
  • AgentBuilder - http//
  • Quarterdeck - http//
  • GeneralMagic - http//
  • Intelligent Reasoning System
  • - http//members.home.net80/marcush/IRS
  • BiosGroup http
  • LostWax http//
  • About 30 companies on the market.
  • More than 100 University projects are known.

Existing Multi-Agent Systems
  • Single-Agent Approach no self-organization
  • Based on results of traditional AI research
    (Prolog-style deductive machine for reasoning)
    not effective for dynamical environments with
    high uncertainty
  • Concept of Mobile Agents problems with security
  • Traditionally Oriented on e-Commerce
  • Do not have Knowledge Base and Reasoning Tools to
    support Decision Making Processes of End-Users
  • Do not have Re-Negotiations support
  • Memory intensive and slow low performance, only
    a few Agents can work on server in parallel
  • Not supported with development tools (basic
    platforms only) - very expensive and difficult to
    design develop

Our Approach Main Ideas
  • Our Multi-Agent Systems working in Swarms
    consisting of a large number of small autonomous
    programs (objects) called Smart Agents
  • Smart Agents have special in-built tools for
    decision making and ontology-based scene support
  • Main feature of Smart Agents is the ability to
    solve complex problems through negotiations
  • Every complex problem can be solved by
    self-organization and evolution, in competition
    and cooperation of Smart Agents
  • Examples real time logistics, pattern
    recognition, text understanding, data mining, etc

Demand and Supply Matching on Virtual Market
Engine - is Core Part of Real Time Multi-Agent
Solutions for Any Type of
Complex Problems
Swarm Demand and Supply Networks
Virtual Market Engine
Demand-Supply Match
Demand Agent
Our Approach Main Ideas
  • Software Agents model physical objects, people
    and abstract concepts forming Virtual Markets in
    which they allocate supply to demands
  • The agent interaction is based on the free-market
    model Demand Agents purchase resources from
    Supply Agents and Supply Agents sell resources to
    Demand Agents, all working concurrently
  • Logistics orders to resources
  • Text understanding words to meanings
  • Data mining records to clusters
  • Agents learn how to accomplish their tasks by
    accessing Ontology where they consult the
    detailed knowledge of the domain in which they

  • Ontology by definition is knowledge as it is or
    conceptualisation of abstraction (Gruber)
  • Knowledge can be represented by semantic network
    of concepts and relations
  • OntologyEditors OntoEdit, WebODE, WebOnto,
    Protégé-2000, OWL/RDF/RDQL
  • Our ontologies are used for pecification of
    situations (scenes)
  • Ontologies are the combination of declarative
    semantic network and operational knowledge
  • Concepts and relations can represent objects,
    roles, properties, processes, attributes, etc.
  • Some ontologies can be hard-coded to improve

Example of Ontology /Scene
Multi-Agent Platform
  • Adaptive, Real time and Event-driven
  • Swarm-based approach (vs mobile agents)
  • Virtual Market as a Core engine
  • Highly Reactive Pro-Active
  • Provide Emergent Intelligence
  • Based on Semantic web innovations
  • Ontology to capture Enterprise Knowledge and keep
    it separately from source code
  • Decision Making Logic instead of rules
  • Able to Learn in Future (Using Pattern Discovery
    module) - source codes separated from knowledge

MAS driven by Inner virtual market
Knowledge BasedDecision Making
  • Java-based / .net
  • Peer-to-peer architecture
  • Scalable/Robust
  • Strong visualizations
  • Desk-Top Web-Interface

Smart Clash Analysis for Airbus Wings
  1. When change happen (lets assume that in our
    example it is size of part C) we create agent of
    changed part
  2. This agent will investigate scene and find his
    neighbors (Part B)
  3. Agent of part C will create agent of part B and
    to inform him on changes and his new boundaries
  4. Agent of Part B will compare new size or position
    of Part C and will check his boundaries according
    with the type of relation
  5. If these changes not affect his position it
    will be recognized as the end of wave of changes.
  6. If yes the situation will be repeated for other
    neighbors of the network in the same way (Part A,
    Part E, Part D)
  7. As a result of this process it will be
    ripple-effect from initial change which will take
    place until it affects positions of other parts

Semantic network scene of wing
Part E
Part A
Part D
Agent of Part C
Part B
1, 2
Part C
  • Value for Client
  • Analysis can be made in real time (and even for
    dynamically reconfiguring complex objects)
  • The approach proposed can be applied for any
    complex object or machine without full
    re-programming (need another ontology and scene
    mainly and change of interpretation of links)
  • Many threads of activities can go in
    quasi-parallel mode starting from any point
    (changed part) of network when needed and even in
    parallel for engineers

Agent of Part B
Ripple effect of Part C changes
Noble Group Solution Smart Coal Mining in
  1. When change happen (lets assume that in our
    example it is bad Weather in Region A heavy
    rain!) we create agent of region and send message
    about weather event.
  2. This agent will use ontology for find out the
    consequences. Usually bad weather affects Jetty
    Loading Rate and Waterway availability. Then
    agent finds all affected instances of jetties and
    waterways in this region and inform them about
    bad weather.
  3. Agents of all these objects will estimate impact
    and make changes in their schedules. This can
    leads to new changes in a network. For example
    due to the new jetty schedule some barge will be
    late on anchorage. Agent will inform his
    operator immediately and will present current
    options, for example barge will come 3 days late.
  4. If this decision will be confirmed by operation,
    Agent of Barge will create agent of Vessel and FC
    and will inform them about delay, and they will
    check options and inform their operators if
  5. If these changes will not be possible to solve
    inside region and they will affect client it
    will be needed to inform clients and it will be
    the end of wave of changes.
  6. As a result of this process it will be
    ripple-effect from initial change which will take
    place until it affects positions of other parts

Agent of Weather in Region A
Semantic network scene of Noble Group network
Region A
Client 4
Jetty 1
Barge 2
Crane 4
Vessel 3
  • Value for Client
  • Team of managers can be coordinated in real time
    according with events coming
  • The approach proposed can be applied for any team
    coordination without full re-programming (need
    another ontology and scene mainly and change of
    interpretation of links)
  • Flexibility many threads of activities can go in
    quasi-parallel mode starting from any point
    (changed part) of network when needed and even in
    parallel for users

Ripple effect of changes
Jarvis Solution Smart Pattern Recognition
Agent of House
  1. Input image flow comes as binary digital photos
    taken on new landscapes with different
    configuration of patterns and high level of
  2. All agents of patterns start their work in
    parallel and compete because it is not known in
    advance where strong patterns will be recognized.
  3. Looking into ontology all agents trying to make
    their best match with image fragments (and all of
    them can invoke some specific methods for this).
  4. If for one of patterns matching is Ok then he
    adds object into scene specifying parameters of
    recognized pattern (lake, forest, etc) and links
    it with other objects.
  5. If matching is not Ok (for example agents of
    house and cloud have conflict and are competing
    for the same fragment of image in brackets)
    they need help and switch for cooperation based
    on domain semantics.
  6. For this example agent of house will look in
    ontology and find out that usually there are
    garage and road near houses. Now he can
    investigate scene and will see that garage and
    road are already there.
  7. Then probability of the fact that it is house
    (not a cloud) becomes higher because of this
    links (sometimes it is needed that garage and
    road will agree also that their neighbor looks
    like a house).
  8. In this situation cloud also can know from
    ontology that it can move and will give priority
    to the house.

Agent of Cloud
Agent of Lake
Agent of Garage
Agent of Forest
Agent of Road
  • Value for Client
  • Analysis can be made in real time or batch image
  • The approach proposed can be applied for any
    complex image processing system for pattern
    recognition without full re-programming (need
    another ontology and scene mainly and low level
    methods of image processing)
  • Flexibility of solution many threads of
    activities can go in quasi-parallel mode starting
    from best recognized parts of image (unknown in
  • Quality of pattern recognition can be very high
    because of semantic links and errors checking
    during the process of recognition
  • Proposed solution is very generic not only for
    image processing but also for text understanding
    and other applications (patterns of sense can
    compete for strings of texts, etc)

Semantic network partially reconstructed scene
during patterns recognition
OmPrompt Solution Smart Fax Recognition
  1. This task has the same solution as for images
    considered above.
  2. When new fax is coming agent of first pattern
    according with fax template starts looking his
    part of image. If he finds 100 matching he
    writes results in scene and initiates next agent
    looking into scene of fax template.
  3. But if matching is not 100 a few agents of this
    area can compete for the same part of the image
    (for example Osipemagen it is wrong end of one
    field and wrong beginning of the new field).
  4. Agent of first field will recognized that it is
    beginning of the address and will ask agent of
    the next field do you recognize rest of the
    string as a company name connected with this
    address? In general the best one will try to get
    support from other with whom he can cooperate
    investigating his local area via relations.
  5. Recognized part of image is saved in scene and is
    used by all other agents to detect next parts and
    find solution of conflicts.

Real fax
Is-Header on the top of page
Fax Number
Next in line
Semantic network partially reconstructed scene
of fax recognition
  • Value for Client
  • Analysis can be made in real time
  • The approach proposed can be applied for any
    complex fax or image processing without full
    re-programming (need another ontology and scene
    mainly and change of interpretation of links)
  • Flexibility many threads of activities can go in
    quasi-parallel mode starting from any point
    (changed part) of network when needed and even in
  • Quality of fax (image) recognition can be very
    high because of semantic errors checking during
    the process of recognition

Fax template
VineWorld Solution Smart Diet Management
  1. When new event happen (lets assume that in our
    example it is user request to replace Fish by
    Pork at dinner time) we create agent of changed
  2. This agent of Pork will replace Fish informing
    other agents in dinner group and agent of dinner.
  3. Immediately agent of white wine (good with fish)
    will leave the dinner and agent of red wine will
    propose Dinner agent to enter the menu as a good
    match with user preferences.
  4. Agent of Dinner will calculate calories and find
    out that now it is more than 2000 calories for a
  5. To solve the conflict agent of Dinner will try to
    find candidates to reduce number of calories
    calculating the difference.
  6. If it is not possible to solve the conflict
    inside dinner it will ask agent of Tuesday menu
    who else can be involved in this process. Maybe
    both other groups (lunch and breakfast) will be
    recommended to start looking variants in
  7. All potential candidates will be asked to find
    nearest possible food option according with user
    preference and less calories.
  8. All options will be not simply sorted and
    presented to user for final decision but will
    compete to be recognized as a best option. Best
    possible option (remove ice-cream) can also
    switch to cooperation with other options to get
    more points.
  9. As a result of this process a few food items can
    drop out of menu, or size of portion will be
    reduced or physical exercises will be added to
    menu to reduce extra calories.
  10. In all cases it will be ripple-effect from
    initial change which will take place until
    decision is found or not

Semantic network Scene of Tuesday menu
Apple juice 177 kcal
Omelet 261 kcal
Soup 205 kcal
Pudding 362 kcal
Ice cream 450 kcal
! 50
Strawberry 41 kcal
Pork 537 kcal
River fish 216 kcal
Red Wine 180 kcal
White Wine 192 kcal
Total 2225 kcal
Total 1904 kcal
Total 1988 kcal
Ice cream 50
Agent of Menu
Refuse omelet
Change Wine
  • Value for Client
  • Solution can be find in real time (and even
    during update of food items types)
  • Solution is open for adding new types of
    services health, exercises, fridge, etc
  • Solution is flexible changes can start from any
    point and run in parallel threads of activities

Smart Content Semantic Network of Celebrities
Upload and specify new photos
Ontology of Celebrities
Ontology/Scene Editor
Add new photo and agents will change network
New Photo is added to Semantic Network
Text Understanding Projects
  • Intelligent Documents Classifier (Rubus/Aon)
  • Classification of all documents into groups with
    the similar sense - semantic proximity
  • Ability to build the template document on the
    base of the group of similar documents
  • Intelligent Requests System (Integrated Genomics)
  • Intelligent search and comparison of the
    abstracts semantic descriptors on the basis of
    the problem domain ontology
  • Database Natural Language Requests System (Hotel
  • Intelligent partial matching on the base of the
    ontology to make complex search of several
    interconnected items
  • On-line clustering analysis of customers types
    and their patterns of requests thus generating
    new rules to enlarge the ontology

MEDLINE Database - Internet search for
molecular biology abstracts
The MedLine database contains brief abstracts of
articles on biological themes, which are
presented to users free of any charge.
Search conditions - keywords and logical
If the abstract of a found article is satisfies
the user, he can order the full version of the
article for a certain price.
Text Understanding Process
Syntax stage
Example phrase MagentA will provide support for
Software Programs employed by the Client.
Morphology stage
Semantics stage
Text Understanding System
Two pUC-derived vectors containing the
promoterless xylE gene (encoding catechol
2,3-dioxygenase) of Pseudomonas putida mt-2 were
constructed. The t(o) transcriptional terminator
of phage lambda was placed downstream from the
stop codon of xylE. The new vectors, pXT1 and
pXT2, contain xylE and the t(o) terminator
within a cloning cassette which can be excised
with several endonucleases.
Text Understanding System
Two pUC-derived vectors containing the
promoterless xylE gene (encoding catechol
2,3-dioxygenase) of Pseudomonas putida mt-2 were
constructed. The t(o) transcriptional terminator
of phage lambda was placed downstream from the
stop codon of xylE. The new vectors, pXT1 and
pXT2, contain xylE and the t(o) terminator
within a cloning cassette which can be excised
with several endonucleases.
Text Understanding System
Two pUC-derived vectors containing the
promoterless xylE gene (encoding catechol
2,3-dioxygenase) of Pseudomonas putida mt-2 were
constructed. The t(o) transcriptional terminator
of phage lambda was placed downstream from the
stop codon of xylE. The new vectors, pXT1 and
pXT2, contain xylE and the t(o) terminator
within a cloning cassette which can be excised
with several endonucleases.
Text Understanding Systems
Results In good groups in general accuracy of
finding correct article is higher than 81, in
certain requests its almost 90 In bad groups
the probability of still good article put there
by mistake is less than 8
Intelligent Requests System statistics Time to
build one semantic descriptor 1-2 min. Time to
search through 1000 abstracts 1 min. Ontology
of problem domain contains 150 concepts and
3100 relations (with inheritance)
Text Understanding System
Comparison with keywords The proposed approach
demonstrated significant quality increase
comparing to keywords Keyword search even with
all improvements (synonyms etc) still
demonstrates rather bad results, clearly
insignificant to the required task Accuracy of
proposed search higher than simple keyword search
Intelligent Requests System statistics Time to
build one semantic descriptor 1-2 min. Time to
search through 1000 abstracts 1 min. Ontology
of problem domain contains 150 basic concepts
and relations
Multi-Agent Solutions for Real Time Resource
Allocation, Scheduling and Optimization
Your solution application?
MAT Solutions for Real Time Logistics
  • Truck Scheduling
  • Ocean Scheduling
  • Taxi Scheduling
  • Courier Scheduling
  • Car Rental Optimization
  • Factory Scheduling
  • Airport Scheduling
  • Work forces ...

How It Works in Transportation Networks
It is important to be able to assess alternate
routes, to meet services levels and minimum cost.
Imagine the power of having a single system that
can automatically plan and re-plan a network like
this, as events occur, such as new orders being
added or resource availability changes.
This order has a shortest journey route but the
capacity is not available on one of the legs.
Transport Logistics Network Complexity
  • Real-time scheduling with shrinking time windows
  • Large complex networks (gt 1000 orders per day,
    gt 100 locations, gt 50 vessels )
  • Less-than-Truck loads requiring effective
  • Need to find backhaul opportunities
  • Intensive use of crossdocking operations
  • Trailer swaps
  • Numerous constraints on products, locations, dock
    doors, vehicles types, availability,
  • Individual Service Level agreements with major
  • Own and third-party fleet
  • Fixed and flexible schedules
  • Dependent schedules (trailers, drivers, dock
    doors, etc)
  • Activity Based Cost Model
  • Other client-specific requirements

Most of large complex transport networks are
still scheduled manually!
Vision of MAT Scheduling Solutions
Current Situation and Ongoing Plan
Advise on How-To make Network More Efficient
Pattern Discovery
Evolutional Design
Patterns and Ongoing Forecast
Resulting Plan and KPIs
Adaptive Scheduler
Input Events Flow (New order, Resource
unavailable, etc)
Network Configuration Situation specs (Scene)
Domain Ontology
Ontology Editor
Network Designer
Network Assets Real Situation
Modeling Plan and KPIs
Domain Knowledge
Modeling Data (Flow of orders, fleet size, etc)
MAT Schedulers Screens Example
Ontology as a Way to Capture Domain
Describe your classes of concepts and relations
Examples of Concepts and Relations
Ontology concepts
  • Client
  • Order
  • Cargo
  • TI
  • TIConsolidation
  • Fleet
  • Trailer
  • DD Trailer
  • Standard
  • Truck
  • Tractor
  • Rigid
  • Dock
  • Trip
  • Location
  • Cross Dock
  • RDC
  • TI Operations
  • Collect
  • Drop
  • Truck operation
  • Stop
  • Move
  • Idle

Ontology Relations
  • ClientHasOrder
  • OrderHasCargo
  • OrderHasTI
  • FleetHasTruck
  • FleetHasTrailer
  • TruckHasSchedule
  • TIConsolidationHasTI
  • JourneyHasTI
  • TIHasTISchedule
  • TIHasTIOperation

Truck Logistics Scene Example
  • Scene objects
  • 27 clients
  • 154 cargoes
  • Fleet
  • 22 DD Trailer
  • 12 Rigid Truck
  • 72 locations

Create a situation (scene)
Logic of Multi-Agent Scheduling
  • Existing schedule
  • New Order arrives
  • Pre-matching
  • New order wakes up Truck 3 agent and starts
    talking to him
  • Truck 3 evaluates the options to take New order
  • Truck 3 wakes up Order 3 agent and asks it to
  • Order 3 analyzes the proposal and rejects it
  • Truck 3 asks New order if it can shift to the
  • Truck 3 decides to drop Order 3 and take New
  • Agents of New Order and Truck 3 disappear
  • Order 3 starts looking for a new allocation and
    finally allocates on Truck 1 by shifting Order 1

Truck 1
My time window is too tight I cannot shift
Truck 2
Can you shift to the right?
Truck 3
Logic of Multi-Agent Routing
Cross dock 1
Cross dock 2
Consider business-network of a company 1.Order1
goes from Location C to Location Z 2.Order2 goes
from Location B to Location X 3.Order3 appears,
which goes from Location A to Location Z 4.Order3
decides to go to B and then travel with Order 2
via cross-dock1 5.Order4 appears, which goes from
Location A to Location Y 6.Order3 decides to
travel the first leg with Order 4 and the second
leg with Order 1 via cross-dock 2, to avoid going
alone from A to B
Case Study UK Logistics Operator
  • Network Characteristics
  • 4500 orders per day
  • Order profile with high complexity
  • Many consolidations should be found
  • Few Full Truck Load orders
  • Few orders can be given away to TPC
  • Majority of orders require complex planning the
    price of a mistake is high
  • 600 locations
  • Large number of small orders
  • 3 cross docks
  • 9 trailer swap locations
  • 140 own fleet trucks, various types
  • 20 third party carriers
  • Carrier availability time
  • Different pricing schemes
  • Problems to be Solved
  • Location availability windows
  • Backhaul
  • Consolidation
  • Vehicle capacity
  • Constraint stressing
  • Planning in continuous mode
  • Dynamic routing
  • Cross-docking
  • Handling driver shifts

Key Problem Real-time planning in a highly
complex network with X-Docks and Dynamical
Case Study UK Market leader in supply chain
  • Network Characteristics
  • Employs around 5,000 staff, rising to 7,000
    during Christmas peak
  • Has 40 operating sites
  • Manages 300,000 sq m of warehouse space
  • Has sites across Europe
  • Has a turnover of 400 million
  • Moves in excess of 10bn worth of merchandise
    each year
  • Services over 3,000 retail outlets around the
  • Travels 75m miles each year
  • Operates a fleet in excess of 1,300 vehicles
  • Has over 35 years of supply chain experience
  • Problems to be solved
  • Maximise utilisation of capacity minimise need
    for ad hoc journeys
  • Comply with constraints temperature regimes,
    collection and delivery times, customer priority,
    product compatibilities, product weight, etc
  • Optimise trunking through best use of changeovers
    and cross docks
  • Do not over split orders to prevent problems on
  • Make best use of subcontractors versus own fleet
  • Make best use of store returning vehicles

Key Problems Automatic Search for effective
scheduling decisions using own fleet Adaptively
distribute orders among the journeys of static
Summary of Benefits (Before / After)
Two operators worked for a day to make a schedule
for 200 instructions
8 minutes to schedule 200 transportation instructi
Planning day 1 for day 3 no chance to Support
backhauls and consolidations in real time
Planning day 1 for day 2 and even day 1 for day 1
No software for schedule 4000 orders With
X-Docks and Drivers (manual procedure only)
4 hours to plan orders 4000 orders via X-Docks
and ability to add new orders incrementally (a
few seconds for a order)
Knowledge was hard to share, it was spread
among different experts
Capture best practice and domain knowledge in
ontology. New knowledge can be inserted quickly.
Hard to consider various criteria quickly and
choose the best possible option
Choosing the best route from the point of view
of consolidation or other criteria
Case Study Taxi Dispatching (UK)
  • Network Characteristics
  • Call centre with about 130 operators receiving
    orders concurrently
  • A fleet of more than 2,000 vehicles (each with a
    GPS navigation system)
  • A very large number of orders more than 13,000
    orders per day the order flow occasionally
    exceeds the rate of 1,500 orders per hour order
    arrival times and locations are unpredictable
  • The order attributes are as follows place of
    pick-up and drop urgent or booked in advance
    (for a certain date and time) type of service
    (minivan, VIP, etc.) importance (a number from 0
    to 100 depending the client) special
    requirements (pet, need for child chair, etc.)
  • A large variety of clients, e.g., personal,
    corporate, VIPs, with a variety of discounted
    tariffs, with special requirements for drivers,
    disabled, requiring child seats, requiring
    transportation of pets, etc.
  • A large number of freelance drivers who lease
    cars from the company and are allowed to start
    and finish their shifts at times that suite them,
    which may differ from one day to another
  • At any time around 700 drivers are working
    concurrently, competing with each other for
  • Guaranteed pick up of clients in the centre of
    London within 15 minutes from the time of placing
    an order
  • Unpredictability of the traffic congestion in
    various parts of London causing delays and
    consequently the interruption of schedules,
    unpredictability of times spent in queues at
    airports and railway stations

Key Problem Real-timeresource reallocation
  • Problems to be solved
  • React on events in real time
  • Provide individual approach to clients
  • Balance costs vs time and risks
  • Increase efficiency of business
  • Satisfy drivers

Case Study UK Corporate Taxi Company
  • Main Results
  • The system began its operation and maintenance
    phase in March 2008, only 6 months from the
    beginning of the project
  • The total number of processed orders increased
    7 (1000 orders per day 20 pounds cash in
    average) in a first month with the same number of
  • 98.5 of all orders were allocated automatically
    without dispatchers assistance
  • The number of lost orders was reduced to 3.5 (by
    up to 2 )
  • The number of vehicles idle runs was reduced by
  • Each vehicle was able to complete two additional
    orders per week spending the same time and
    consuming the same amount of fuel, which
    increased the yield of each vehicle by 5 7
  • Profitability Increase 4.8
  • Orders collecting time 40 faster
  • Time for Operators Training 4 times less
  • ROI 6 months

Key Customers
  • Avis (UK) Leading car rental provider
  • Real time scheduler for downtown market reducing
    car assets required and improving service levels
  • Addison Lee (UK) largest private hire car firm
    in London
  • Operational system and real time scheduler for
    resource optimization
  • Tankers International (UK) Manage a large oil
    tanker fleet
  • Real time scheduler for tankers scheduling and
  • One Network (USA) logistics software provider
  • Providing development services to implement new
    core, scheduling and visual features/components
    for their platform
  • GIST (UK) MS supply chain
  • Real-time scheduler for increased fleet
    utilisation and reduced transportation costs
  • Airbus/Cologne University (Germany)
  • Catering RFID scheduler for improving service
    level and airport efficiency
  • Enfora (USA) major manufacturer of handheld
  • Development of a wide range of software modules
    and market partnership for a real time scheduling
    web service
  • Aerospace Enterprises Energy,CSKB-Progress,
    Izevsky Motozavod (Russia)
  • Prototyping P2P network of real time workshop
    schedulers for workers optimization
  • RusGlobal Prologics (Russia)
  • Real time truck scheduler for resource
  • Russian Fund of Fundamental Research, Ministry of
    Science and Education

Adaptive Network of Real Time Schedulers
16.00 Monday
10.00 Monday
Event 2 delay in truck delivery
Event 1 delay on factory side
Real Time Factory MAT Scheduler
Real Time Truck MAT Scheduler
Enterprise Service Bus
XML messages
Event 1 Factory is late for 4 hours with
producing products. Factory Scheduler need to
negotiate with Truck Scheduler on re-scheduling
previously booked truck and avoid penalties for 4
hours delay. If booked truck can be reallocated
by Truck Scheduler to other client no penalties
is required.
Event 2 Now small Truck is late. Then Truck
Scheduler need to negotiate with Factory
Scheduler that bigger truck (more expensive) will
be sent to Factory to avoid penalties. Factory
Scheduler can re-schedule production lines to
produce more products which can be loaded into
this truck for the same client to use capacity of
bigger truck fully.
That Was Then
This is Future
Manage Trade-offs
Decision-Making Logic
Rules Engines
Cost/value equation
Learn, Simulate Adapt and Forecast
  • Enjoy beauty of self-organized systems for
    solving complex problems.
  • Thank you!

Knowledge Genesis Group Smart Solutions
Petr Skobelev
Multi-Agent Technology Ideas, Experiments
and Industrial Applications
Small, but coordinated forces, produce magic.
Prof. A. Konovalov. Lectures on supramolecular
Ekaterinburg, 12-13 May 2011
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