Title: Power Sector of China
1Power Sector of China
- Prof. HU Zhaoguang
- State Power Economic Research Institute, Warwick
UK,14Dec.2007 - huzhaoguang_at_chinasperi.com.cn
- States of power sector in China
- Conflict of energy efficiency and de-regulation
- Energy saving as the first priority in Chinas
strategy of Energy - TRP/IRP
- Measures
- Intelligent Laboratory of Power Economics
- The Power of Policies on Economic Growth
- Global Economy leads to Energy Globalization
3States of power sector in China
4The Data from Power Sector to View The State
- Generation, transmission, distribution and
consumption are finished without time delay. - Electricity can not be stored in big amount
technically. - The data of the electricity from both supply and
demand sides are automatically recorded by
computers and meters with very high accurate and
time reality. - Electricity is widely used in most economic
activities except transporting.
5Economic Cycle
6Power Supply in 2006
- Total generation capacity 622GW
- Coal fired power plant 484GW,77.82
- Hydro power128.5GW,20.67
- Nuclear power7.01GW1.18
7Power Generation in 2006
- Total power generation 2834.4TWh,growth 14
- Hydro 416.7TWh,share 14.7
- Thermal 2353.7TWh,share 83.17
- Nuclear 54.3TWh,share 1.92?
8Power Supply/Demand Index
9Electricity Consumption in China
10Electric Power Generation Capacity
11The Share of Electricity with Terminal Energy
12Data on Power Supply Side in China
Source China Electric Reliability Management
Annual Report, 2005
13Coal used for thermal generation in Chinagce/kWh
14The Structure of Thermal Units
- 500-800MW share 18.48
- 300-399MW share 46.19
- 200-299MW share 17.95
- 100-199MW share 17.39
15Installed Thermal Units in 2006
- 900-1000MW 3 units
- 660-670MW 2 units
- 640-650MW 2 units
- 600MW 63 units
- 350MW 1 units
- 310-330MW 19 units
- 300MW 65 units
- 220MW 3 units
- 210MW 3 units
- 200MW 11 units
- 130-199MW 46 units
- 125MW 1 units
16Line Loss of TD in China
17Coal used for some thermal generation
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19Conflict of energy efficiency and de-regulation
20Conflict Between Price and Energy Efficiency in
the Competition
- There are 484GW coal-fired power plants in China,
where 275GW with the unit over 300MW, 321GW with
the unit over 200MW and 378GW with the unit over
100MW. There is 60GW with the unit lower than
100MW except co-generation. They are still in
operation with more than 450gce/kWh.
21Conflict Between Price and Energy Efficiency in
the Competition
- However, some of them with more than 20years old
and the payback of the investment has been
finished. Cost of the generation is very lower.
It is very difficult for big units with higher
energy efficiency to win in the competition.
22Simulation of the conflict
- Power generation 1989TWh by coal-fired power
plants in 2005 - By price competition
- Spot price0.298RMB/KWh
- Coal used689.8Million tce
- By energy efficiency
- Spot price0.312RMB/KWh
- Coal used607.6Million tce
- Coal saving82.2Million tce
- Price up0.014RMB/KWh
23Energy saving as the first priority in Chinas
strategy of Energy
24- Challenges
- Pollutions
- Energy resources
- Energy
- Saving
25The Benefits of Demand Side Management
- DSM is the largest energy resource
- DSM is the cheapest energy resource
- DSM is the cleanest energy resource
- DSM is the fastest energy resource
- DSM increases energy reliability
- DSM increases competitiveness
- DSM increases energy security
- DSM stimulates economic development
26DSM IN CHINA 90-2000
27DSM in 2001-2005
- Power shortage 24-32GW
- Peak load moving 9GW(coal saving 5.6Mtce in
generation side) in 2003 - Energy saving 52TWh in 2003
- Peak load moving 11GW (coal saving 6.7Mtce in
generation side) in 2004 - Energy saving 81TWh in 2004
- Peak load moving 13GW (coal saving 7.2Mtce in
generation side) in 2005 - Energy saving 48TWh in 2004
28The top 5 peak load less than 50 hours each year
29Potentials of DSM in China
- The technical potential will be around 500-900TWh
and the economic potential will be around
200-350TWh annually until 2020. - The technical potential of peak load moving will
be around 50-100GW and the economic potential
will be around 20-50GW annually until 2020.
30By DSM
- If 5 of electricity saving and 5 peak load
reduction through DSM - Then
- 100 GW of generation capacity will be saved in
31Efficiency of Load Management
- It has been proved that one percent higher of
load factor will save 4gce/kwh in thermal power
plants. It was 7Mtce in 2003 in China
32Traditional Resources Planning and Integrated
Resources Planning
33Electricity demands in 2020
- The electricity demand of implementing
industrialization for a country/region is that
the electricity consumption per-capita should be
around 4500kWh at least, the electricity used for
resident per-capita should be around 900kWh at
least, the generation capacity should be around
1kW at least, the shares for industrial,
commercial and residential sectors are around
55, 18 and 20 respectively.
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36Electricity saved TRP/IRP
37Generation capacity saved TRP/IRP
38Coal saved TRP/IRP
39CO2 mitigating
- China is planning to close 50GW such inefficient
thermal power plants until 2010. And it has been
closed such power plants about 10GW in 2007. It
is clear that the plan will make great
contribution to the energy efficiency target of
2010. - It will be able to save 60 million tce each year.
- Competition by energy efficiency
- Energy efficiency as the rule in dispatch in the
order as - Renewable energy generation
- Nuclear power
- Co-generation
- Thermal power in the order of energy efficiency
- Audit energy consumption in energy intensive
industrial sectors, and set higher energy
efficiency standards. If the energy intensity of
a production facility is higher than the minimum
standard, the facility must be phased out in the
current year. - Provide market based-financial incentives for
industrial stakeholders to invest in energy
efficient technologies. These policies include
tax exemption, soft-loans and green certificates.
The government needs to develop a market
mechanism to trade green certificates. - Put DSM into Energy Conservation Law, Electricity
Law and other relative laws to set up a
sustainable mechanism on promoting DSM. - Establish a stable and adequate funding to
implement DSM programs. The DSM funding may come
from tariffs, local taxes on environment
pollutions, or other sources. There is a need to
create special funds to support DSM within the
power sector. - Go further with pricing reforms that will
facilitate the implementation of time-of-use
tariffs and interruptible prices.
43Intelligent laboratory of power economics
44What is Laboratory?
- if then
- Physical laboratoryphysical laws
- Policy simulationIntelligent Engineering
45Economic growth and electricity growth with
direct correlation
46Inverted Pendulum
47Mathematical model
48Fuzzy Control Rules
- Ek?ECj ?
- If Enb and ECnb then unb
- If Enb and ECnm then unb
- If Enb and ECns then unm
- If Enb and ECzr then unm
- If Enb and ECps then uns
- If Enb and ECpm then uns
- If Enb and ECpb then uzr
- Nb negative big
- ns negative small
- Zr zero
49The trend of methodology
System engineering
Intelligent engineering
Brief model
50Intelligent Engineering
- Artificial Intelligence
- Fuzzy Systems
- Neural Networks
- 'Intelligent Engineering-Its Application'
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference
on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, v 1, 1995, p
51Intelligent Space
- DEFINITION 1. Intelligent path P is a set of
(fuzzy) relations, (fuzzy) mappings,
transformations and all the ways between the
start state set S0 and destination state set D.
It can be in the form as - P S0 ? D (1)
52Intelligent Space
- DEFINATION 2. Let d ? D and s ?S0, P is a set of
intelligent path between S0 and D. Then, it is in
the form as -
- d IP(s) (2)
- The formula (2) is called as intelligent
equation. -
53Intelligent Space
- DEFINITION 3. Intelligent space is defined as
- I lt P, S gt (3)
- where S is the set of states and P is the set
of intelligent path between S0 and D, S0 and D
are subset of S.
54Intelligent Space
- DEFINITION 4. A problem B is defined as
- B lt S0, D, PB gt (4)
- where S0 is a set of start states, D is a set
of destination states and PB is a set of the
intelligent path between S0 and D, it is a subset
of P in intelligent space I. - PB C P (5)
55Intelligent Space
- DEFINITION 5. A a-smart solution for the problem
B is defined as SL(a) if there is a fuzzy set fP
in PB - fp PB---gt0,1 (6)
- and
- SL(a)x l ufP(x)gta, x ?PB (7)
- where a ? 0,1
56Generalized Model
- It is defined as all the ways between set X and
set Y. It can be in the form as - f X? Y
- It is a intelligent path in intelligent space.
57Generalized Model
- Mathematical model
- f(X,Y)0
58Generalized Model
- Rule based model the rules to express the
knowledge in a logical form as - IF A THEN B
- It is a map
- f X ? Y A in X and B in Y
59Generalized Model
- Neural Network model
- X N N Y
- It is a map
- f X ? Y
60Generalized Model
- fuzzy model
- A fuzzy inference B
- It is a fuzzy map
- f X ? Y A in X and B in Y
61Simulating Laboratory
- Data Base
- Knowledge Base
- Model Base
- Methodology Base
62Structure of the Laboratory
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64Methodology Base
- Fuzzy inference
- Neural Networks
- Genetic algorithm
- Grey method
- Agent
65 Model Base
- Economic model
- Economic-Energy model
- Economic-Electricity model
- Environment model
- Grey model
- Energy demand forecasting model
66(No Transcript)
67Peak Load Shifting by Policy
- Tariff amplify of TOU
- Tariff area customers in TOU
- Interrupted load customers accepted IL
- Result
- Demand peak load reduced
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70Economic model
- Computable General Equilibrium CGE
- Input-output model(I/O table revised with RAS and
71Intelligent Simulation of State Economy
72The Power of Policies on Economic Growth
73Growth of Electricity demand
74Electricity demand intensity for second and
75Electricity demand intensity for heavy and light
76Global Economy leads to Energy Globalization
77Chinas Import Export 100MUSD
78Energy in the Import/Export Products Million toe
79Net Energy Export in Products Million toe
80Net Energy Export Million toe
81Electricity International Trade
- Transmitting electricity from circumjacent
countries to replace the import oil. - 620TWh will replace 100Million toe by
electrification in transport sector.
82- International power
- transmission from Russia by DC 800 kv
83- International power
- transmission from Kazakstan
84- International power
- transmission from Mongolia
85Power Transmission in 2020
Power Transmite250GW
86Ultra-High Voltage Grids
- Pilot project of AC transmission line with 1000kv
from Shanxi to Hubei 653.8km to transmit power
6GW has been constructed. - It will be over 4200km in 2010
- DC transmission lines with 800kv are planning to
transmit hydro-power from south-west to east
87Ultra-High Voltage Grids
88Open Problem
- Mathematic proving on
- G a cycle group
- D a sub-cycle group of G
- Open problem for proving
- There are group G as economic system and D as
power economic system, are they isomorphic? - If yeas, the state economic system can be studied
from power economic system. - EuroScience Open Forum 2004 Stockholm in August
89 90- Dr. Zhaoguang Hu, Professor, vice president and
chief economist at State Power Economic Research
Institute of China, is working on energy
economics such as power system planning, power
demand forecasting, energy conservation and
Demand Side Management(DSM), and power sector
reform. As a consultant, he has cooperated with
international organizations in the above areas.
He has own a special award from the Central
Government of China as an expert with great
contribution to China's Science development. He
has published more than 100 papers. He is an
Honorary professor at North China Electric Power
University and Beijing Jiaotong University. - He got his BS at Huadong Petroleum University in
1982. He got his MS and Ph.D at Electric Power
Research Institute(EPRI) of China in 1984 and
1989 respectively. He used to work at EPRI during
1984-1987, 1989-1993 and 1996-1999. He worked at
Mara Institute of Technology for teaching and
researching in Malaysia from 1993 to 1996.