Title: Revisions to Chapter 2C
1Revisions to Chapter 2C Warning Signs and
Object Markers
2Some word message signs are deleted
3Fluorescent yellow-green color
Required for school and school bus signs
Optional for pedestrian, bike, and playground
436 x 36 minimum size formulti-lane
conventional roads
5Guidelines for advance placement of warning signs
Table 2C-4
- Change to 20/40 visual acuity
- Assumption of legibility distance of 180 feet
for Condition A (speed reduction and lane
change) - Assumption of minimum legend size of 6
lettering if less, add 100 feet - Assumption of legibility distance of 250 feet
for Condition B (stop and deceleration)
6Application of horizontal alignment signs based
uponcurve differential speed
7New criteria for the determination of advisory
Support Among the established engineering
practices that are appropriate for the
determination of the recommended advisory speed
for a horizontal curve are the following
- An accelerometer that provides a direct
determination of side friction factors - A design speed equation
- A traditional ball-bank indicator using the
following criteria
16 degrees of ball-bank for speeds of 20 mph or
less 14 degrees of ball-bank for speeds of 25 to
30 mph 12 degrees of ball-bank for speeds of 35
mph and higher
8New variations of combination horizontal
alignment-intersection warning signs
9Chevron signs may be mounted at 4-foot height
10New table for recommended spacing of Chevron signs
11New table for spacing of Chevron signs
12Advisory Curve Speed sign is deleted
13New combination horizontal alignment/advisory
exit or ramp speed signs
14New Freeway Ends and Expressway Ends signs
15New sign for use where a freeway or expressway
ends and drivers must leave the facility on an
exit ramp
16New shoulder signs and plaques
17New Surface Condition signs
18New signs and plaque to warn of conditions that
primarily affect motorcyclists
19No Center Line sign
20New warning signs for adverse weather conditions
21New warning signs for road flooding
22New warning signs for ramp metering
23Speed limit reductions of more than
10 mph
- Reduced Speed Limit Ahead (W3-5) sign recommended
24New Drawbridge sign
25No Merge Area plaque
26Freeway lane drop advance warning
27New Roundabout plaque for circular intersection
28Offset side roads and double side roads
29New sign and plaque for combined
pedestrian/bicycle crossing
30New symbol signs to warn of possible presence
oflarge animals
31New sign to warn of a traffic pattern revision
32Order of names and use of arrows when two street
names appear on an advance street name plaque
33Plaques for use when STOP signs control all but
one approach to the intersection
34Share the Road plaque cannot be used alone can
ONLY be used to supplement another sign
35New plaque for mounting above a regulatory or
advance warning sign to warn road users about a
new regulation or condition
36Object markers have been relocated from Part 3
37Object Markers for Approach Ends of Guardrails
- Where Type 3 object markers are applied to the
approach ends of guardrail and other roadside
appurtenances, sheeting without a substrate shall
be directly affixed to the approach end of the
guardrail in a rectangular shape conforming to
the size of the approach end of the guardrail,
with alternating black and retroreflective yellow
stripes sloping downward at a angle of 45 degrees
toward the side of the obstruction on which
traffic is to pass.