Classes - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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... world, there are many dogs, e.g. Lassie, Benji, Rin Tin Tin, but they all ... object-oriented terminology, we refer to Lassie as an object (or instance) of ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Classes

  • Donna Pompei

  • Composite Data Structures
  • Abstract Data Types and Object-Oriented Design
  • Classes
  • Client Program
  • Object-Oriented Design Using Nouns and Verbs
  • Improvements to the Time Class
  • UML Diagram of the Time Class

Composite Data Structures
  • Two common aggregate (or composite) data
    structures in the Java language are arrays and
  • An array is designed to contain a collection of
    items that all have the same type.
  • A class can contain elements that all have the
    same type but typically will contain elements of
    dissimilar types.

  • When might we use a class?
  • Consider a Time object.
  • A Time object may consist of the hour, minute and
  • In conversation, we speak of the current time but
    in reality we are referring to the current hour,
    minute and second.

  • public class Time
  • private int hour
  • private int minute
  • private int second
  • //
  • // end class Time

  • The keyword class indicates the data type is a
  • Time is the new type name that we are creating
    (similar to an int or float except that Time is a
    user-defined type).
  • The elements or data members of type Time are
    contained within the braces.
  • Each data member within the class Time is
    preceded by its own type in this case all have
    type int.
  • The keyword private means that only member
    methods of the class (not yet shown) can change
    the data members.

  • A data member type could be an array, e.g. an
    array of int, or another class.
  • public class myClass
  • private int i
  • private myClass mc
  • private anotherClass ac // Legal as long as
  • // anotherClass has
  • // been defined
  • // elsewhere

  • Classes do not reserve any space in memory.
  • They are nothing more than a user-defined data
  • Memory is reserved when a program declares an
    object of the user-defined data type.

  • To declare an instance (or object) of type Time
    you would code
  • public class Time
  • private int hour
  • private int minute
  • private int second
  • //
  • public class TimeTest
  • public static void main(String args)
  • Time time new Time() // Declare an
  • // time of type Time
  • // end main
  • // end class TimeTest

  • The declaration of instance time causes enough
    contiguous memory to be reserved to store the
    address of the time object and the three integer
    values hour, minute and second.
  • time
  • hour minute second
  • FFOO

Abstract Data Types and Object-Oriented Design
  • Object-orientation is a natural way of looking at
    our world.
  • It also allows for an easy transition to
    facilitate writing programs.

  • As you drive through your city, you see objects
    all around you--cars, buildings, traffic lights,
    people, babies, etc.
  • You categorize and identify them by their
    attributes and behaviors.
  • If I asked you, "What has four legs, fur, a tail
    and barks?" you would most likely answer, "A
  • Attributes four legs, fur, a tail
  • Behavior barks

  • Objects may also communicate between each other.
  • A person object may communicate to a dog object
    by giving it a command such as "Fetch."
  • A car responds to the changing colors of a
    traffic light.
  • In object-oriented terminology, this is referred
    to as messaging.

  • In this world, there are many dogs, e.g. Lassie,
    Benji, Rin Tin Tin, but they all exhibit the same
    attributes and behaviors that put them into the
    category of dog.
  • However, each of those dogs is a unique instance
    of the category of dog.
  • In object-oriented terminology, we refer to
    Lassie as an object (or instance) of the class
    dog, Benji as an object (or instance) of the
    class dog, etc.

  • A primary goal of object-oriented design (OOD) is
    to identify classes using attributes and
  • A class, also known as an abstract data type
    (ADT), is an abstract description of a
    user-defined data type.
  • It is a description of the attributes (data
    members) of the data type and the operations
    (member methods) that can be performed on those
    data members.

  • After the classes are identified and defined, the
    next step is to look for class relationships
    where classes may be related to each other
    through composition or inheritance.

  • Composition is referred to as the "has-a"
  • Given two classes, car and radio.
  • Each class has its own respective attributes and
  • Using the "has-a" test, a "car has a radio".
  • Cannot say that "radio has a car" because that
    doesn't make sense.
  • But "car has a radio" implies that radio is an
    attribute of the class car.

  • Inheritance is referred to as the "is-a"
  • A convertible is-a car.
  • Convertible inherits all the attributes
    (manufacturer name, model, etc.) and behaviors
    (stop, start, turn left, turn right, etc.).
  • Convertible also has additional attributes and/or
    behaviors that a car does not have (for example,
    a convertible has a top that goes up and down).
  • The is-a test also tells us the parent (car) and
    the child (convertible) in the inheritance

  • OOD encapsulates data (attributes) and methods
    (behaviors) into objects the data and the
    objects are closely tied together.
  • A complex number has two attributes the real
    value and the imaginary value.
  • Behaviors involving complex numbers might be
    addition (adding real to real and imaginary to
    imaginary), subtraction, multiplication,
    comparison (equal, less than, greater than),
    display and setting the values of the real and
    imaginary parts.

  • In contrast, a fraction has two attributes the
    numerator and the denominator.
  • Similar to a complex number, we can also add
    fractions but fraction addition involves
    converting two fractions so they have a common
    denominator, adding the numerators and then
    reducing the fraction.

  • Given two complex numbers, c1 and c2, perform
    addition by coding c1.add(c2).
  • Addition for two fractions, f1 and f2, would be
    coded the same way, i.e. f1.add(f2), but the
    addition process would be different than that for
    complex numbers.
  • For display purposes, a complex number might be
    printed in the format 3 4i whereas a fraction
    would be displayed as 3/4.
  • The data (attributes) and methods (behaviors) are
    encapsulated within the object. The behavior (or
    method) that is invoked depends on what the
    object is.

  • Classes provide the capability of information
    hiding to hide the unnecessary details of a class
    implementation from those who have no need or
    desire to see them.
  • The implementation details are hidden from the
    client programmer within the class.

  • "Methods" is an object-oriented term that is used
    in lieu of the word "functions."
  • A method header provides
  • The accessibility of the method (e.g. public or
  • The method's return type.
  • The name of the method.
  • Method parameters (if any)
  • Pre- and post-condition comments.
  • This is referred to as the method interface.

  • The information contained in the method interface
    should be all that is necessary for a client
    programmer or another class object to invoke the
    method contained within the class.
  • A good analogy for information hiding is that it
    is possible to drive a car as long as the driver
    is familiar with the car's interface (key or
    ignition system, steering wheel, automatic
    transmission lever, accelerator pedal and brake
  • The driver does not need to know the details of
    how the electrical, engine and transmission
    systems work in order to drive the car.

  • We will now create a class for the abstract data
    type Time.
  • Use public and private member access specifiers
    to guarantee that the data members hour, minute
    and second will never contain invalid values.
  • Our class declaration for Time will look like the
    following slide

  • // - maintains the time in 24-hour
  • public class Time
  • private int hour // 0 - 23
  • private int minute // 0 - 59
  • private int second // 0 - 59
  • public Time()
  • // Post-condition 0 will be stored in hour,
  • // and second
  • hour 0
  • minute 0
  • second 0
  • public void setHour(int h)
  • // Pre-condition h must be in the range 0 - 23

  • public void setMinute(int m)
  • // Pre-condition m must be in the range 0 - 59
  • // Post-condition m will be stored in minute if
  • // otherwise 0 will be stored in minute
  • if (m lt 0 m gt 59)
  • minute 0
  • System.out.println("Minute is not valid--will
    be set to 0")
  • else
  • minute m
  • public void setSecond(int s)
  • // Pre-condition s must be in the range 0 - 59
  • // Post-condition s will be stored in second if
  • // otherwise 0 will be stored in second
  • if (s lt 0 s gt 59)

  • public void setTime(int h, int m, int s)
  • // Pre-condition h must be in the range 0-23
    and m and s must be in the range 0 - 59
  • // Post-condition if valid, h, m and s will be
    stored in hour, minute and second, respectively
  • // otherwise 0 will be stored in the respective
    data member
  • setHour(h)
  • setMinute(m)
  • setSecond(s)
  • public String toUniversalString()
  • // Pre-condition None
  • // Post-condition converts to String in
    universal time format (HHMMSS)
  • return String.format("02d02d02d", hour,
    minute, second)
  • public String toString()
  • // Pre-condition None

  • A Time object has attributes (or data members)
    hour, minute and second.
  • From a behavior standpoint, we would also like to
    be able to store values into hour, minute and
    second (among other behaviors such as value
  • We encapsulate within the Time class the data
    members hour, minute and second along with the
    member functions to store legitimate values into
    those data members.

  • One of the primary objectives of object-oriented
    programming is to insure that all class data
    members are in a safe state at all times.
  • Accomplished by using the member access
    specifiers public and private.
  • Make the data members private by placing the word
    private immediately before them.
  • Once a data member (or member function) is
    declared private, the only items that can access
    it directly are member functions of that class.
  • Public members can be accessed by the client
    program, the class itself and other classes.

  • So then how can we store a value into Time's hour
    if it is declared to be private?
  • We call a public member function that must
    validate the value prior to storing it into the
    private data member.
  • It is the responsibility of all member functions
    of a class to guarantee that no invalid value
    will ever be stored in the class's data members.

  • Too many times, a programmer creates a class and
    then either
  • makes the data members public or
  • does not put error checking code into any of the
    methods that can store values in the data
  • One of the primary objectives of object-oriented
    programming is to guarantee that all data members
    are kept in a safe state at all times.
  • This fact cannot be emphasized enough.

  • A standard programming practice is to place all
    private date members first in the class
    definition, followed by the public and private
    member methods.
  • Another good programming practice is to make all
    data members private.
  • Most methods will be public but a few utility
    methods (methods used by the class but not by the
    client program) will be private.

  • Mutator methods change the values stored in the
    data members.
  • The public methods that store (or set values)
    into the private data members are mutator
  • It is the responsibility of those methods to
    guarantee that the data members will always
    remain in a safe state.

  • An accessor method accesses the values contained
    in the data members but does not change them.
  • The toString and toUniversalString methods are
    accessor methods.

  • The following function prototype is a very
    special one, known as a constructor .
  • Time()
  • It does not have a return type.
  • Its name is the same name of the class.
  • Its purpose is to initialize the values of the
    data members to a safe state.

  • As a programmer, you typically do not call the
    constructor explicitly it is invoked implicitly
    when an object of the class is declared.
  • public static void main(String args)
  • Time lunchTime new Time()
  • The statement, Time lunchTime new Time()
  • Invokes the constructor Time()
  • Reserves space in memory for the lunchTime

  • The constructor Time() is called the default
    constructor because it does not require any
  • If you do not code a default constructor
  • The compiler will automatically provide one
  • It will not guarantee proper initialization of
    the class's data members.
  • You should always code your own constructor to
    insure that the data members are initialized to a
    safe state.

  • It is also possible to code other constructors,
    either in lieu of the default constructor or in
    addition to the default constructor.
  • These constructors (which have arguments) are
    known as conversion constructors.
  • If a conversion constructor is coded but no
    default constructor is present, the compiler will
    not automatically provide a default constructor.

  • An example of a conversion constructor might be
  • public Time(int h, int m, int s)
  • // Pre-condition Arguments must be in the
  • // following range
  • // h (hour) 0-23
  • // m (minute) 0 - 59
  • // s (second) 0 - 59
  • // Post-condition If an argument is out of
  • // the respective data member will be set to 0
  • setTime(h, m, s)

Interface and Implementation Files
  • To make code easier to read, it is sometimes
    split between an interface file and an
    implementation file.
  • The interface file contains the method prototypes
    which are the only thing a client programmer
    needs to utilize the class.
  • The interface file does not contain the
    implementation code for the methods.
  • However, code must be provided for the method
    prototypes specified in the interface file and
    that is done within the implementation file.

  • If we split the code in the prior example into an
    interface file and an implementation file, the
    only change to would be to replace the
  • public class Time
  • with the statement
  • public class Time implements TimeInterface
  • The interface file would look like the following

  • // - Interface file for the
    Time class
  • public interface TimeInterface
  • public Time()
  • // Post-condition 0 will be stored in hour,
  • // and second
  • public void setHour(int h)
  • // Pre-condition h must be in the range 0 - 23
  • // Post-condition h will be stored in hour if
  • // otherwise 0 will be stored in hour
  • public void setMinute(int m)
  • // Pre-condition m must be in the range 0 - 59
  • // Post-condition m will be stored in minute if
  • // otherwise 0 will be stored in minute
  • public void setSecond(int s)

  • Though hour, minute and second are declared
    private within the class declaration, all member
    functions of the Time class have access to the
    data members and can store and retrieve values
    from them.
  • The private protection extends only to any code
    beyond the class itself.
  • A client program that uses the class would not be
    able to store values directly into the data
  • It would need to invoke the public member
    functions to store any values.

Client Program
  • Client programs are those programs that invoke
    the methods contained within the class(es).
  • Typically, client programs are the programs that
    contain the main() function.

  • An important item to note here is that when
    designing and writing the code for a class, the
    code should be written so that any client program
    can use the class.
  • A key to object-oriented programming is
  • Class code ideally should be able to be used by
    any number of client programs.
  • A sample client program that uses the Time class
    might look like the following slide

  • public class TimeTest
  • public static void main(String args)
  • Time lunchTime new Time() // Object
    lunchTime with hour,
  • // minute and second set to 0
  • Time dinnerTime new Time() // Object
    dinnerTime with hour,
  • // minute and second set to 0
  • System.out.print("Lunch time is ") // Display
    lunch time
  • System.out.println(lunchTime.toUniversalString()
  • System.out.print("Dinner time is ")// Display
    dinner time
  • System.out.println(dinnerTime.toUniveralString()
  • lunchTime.setHour(12) // Set lunchTime hour to
  • lunchTime.setMinute(15) // Set lunchTime
    minute to 15
  • lunchTime.setSecond(30) // Set lunchTime
    second to 30
  • System.out.print("Lunch time is ") // Display
    lunch time
  • System.out.println(lunchTime.toUniversalString()

  • The following would be displayed in the console
    window when the client program is executed
  • Lunch time is 00000
  • Dinner time is 00000
  • Lunch time is 121530
  • Second is not valid--will be set to 0
  • Dinner time is 182000
  • Dinner time in standard format is 62000 PM

  • When lunchTime is declared, sufficient contiguous
    space is reserved in memory to store three
    integer values hour, minute and second.
  • Similarly, when dinnerTime is declared, space is
    also reserved for dinnerTime's hour, minute and
  • At the time of declaration of lunchTime and
    dinnerTime, the constructor for each object is
    called to initialize the integer values contained
    in memory.

  • After lunchTime and dinnerTime are declared and
    initialized, the two objects are considered to be
    in a "safe state," i.e. they do not contain
    garbage or any illegitimate values.
  • After declaration, the objects stored in memory
    will look like the following slide
  • For the ease of diagramming, the labels lunchTime
    and dinnerTime are displayed belowthe hour,
    minute and second fields in the diagram.
  • Technically, lunchTime and dinnerTime contain the
    address of where lunchTime and dinnerTime are
    located in memory as was diagrammed in a prior

  • hour minute second
  • lunchTime
  • hour minute second
  • dinnerTime

  • When calling the function setHour, the statement
  • lunchTime.setHour(12)
  • Though it looks like the function setHour is only
    being called with one argument, the value 12, in
    reality the function is being called with two
    arguments lunchTime and the value 12.
  • The object that precedes the dot operator is
    called the implicit argument.
  • Any arguments that are between the parentheses
    are called the explicit argument(s).

  • hour minute second
  • lunchTime
  • hour minute second
  • dinnerTime

  • The program attempts to assign the value of 80 to
    dinnerTime's data member second.
  • The setSecond function displays an error message
    that the 80 is an invalid value for second and
    stores the value of 0 into the data member
  • It would be nice if the set function could
    reprompt the user for the correct value but many
    times, client programs do not directly interface
    to a user they may be working with file
    input/output for example.
  • An error message is displayed and a predetermined
    default value is assigned.

  • hour minute second
  • lunchTime
  • hour minute second
  • dinnerTime

  • Though hour, minute and second are declared
    private within the class declaration, all member
    functions of the Time class have access to the
    data members and can store and retrieve values
    from them.
  • The private protection extends only to any code
    beyond the class itself.
  • A client program that uses the class would not be
    able to store values directly into the data
  • It would need to invoke the public member
    functions to store any values.

Object-Oriented Design Using Nouns and Verbs
  • Suppose you were given the following problem
  • Military time consists of hour, minute and
    second based on a 24-hour clock. Your abstract
    data type time should be able to independently
    set the hour, minute and second as well as
    display the time in military format hhmmss.

  • Programmers use the noun-verb classification to
    help them identify class names, data members and
    member functions (or methods).
  • When reading the problem specification, circle
    the nouns and underline the verbs.

  • Using the above example, we have
  • Nouns Verbs
  • time consists (has-a)
  • clock set
  • hour display
  • minute
  • second

  • Nouns will either indicate your class names, data
    member names or be disregarded.
  • Verbs will indicate your functions.
  • As we look at the nouns, time appears to be more
    significant than the other nouns.
  • Consider it as a potential class name.
  • Hour, minute and second are not significant
    enough to warrant their own classes.
  • Because of the has-a relationship which
    indicates composition, we can say that the class
    Time has data members hour, minute and second.
  • Clock is also a noun but can be disregarded.

  • The verb consists translates into the has-a
  • The verb set is used in the context set hour, set
    minute and set second.
  • The verb (sometimes used in conjunction with a
    noun) provides a good name for our class
    functions, in this case setHour, setMinute and
  • Our final verb, display is sufficient enough for
    its own function name or could be combined with
    the word time to get displayTime.

Improvements to the Time Class
  • Our Time class has the ability to independently
    set the data members but a client program cannot
    retrieve the values contained in hour, minute and
  • Perhaps I wish to write a client program that
    will create two objects, lunch time and dinner
    time and also determine the time difference
    between the two times.
  • As the Time class exists now, I would be unable
    to do that.

  • Basic components of a class are
  • constructor(s)
  • set (mutator) functions
  • get (accessor) functions
  • any other functions the class might need.
  • By modifying the Time class to the following
    slides, we make our class more versatile.

  • // - Interface file for the
    Time class
  • public interface TimeInterface
  • public Time()
  • // Post-condition 0 will be stored in hour,
  • // and second
  • public void setHour(int h)
  • // Pre-condition h must be in the range 0 - 23
  • // Post-condition h will be stored in hour if
  • // otherwise 0 will be stored in hour
  • public void setMinute(int m)
  • // Pre-condition m must be in the range 0 - 59
  • // Post-condition m will be stored in minute if
  • // otherwise 0 will be stored in minute
  • public void setSecond(int s)

  • public int getMinute()
  • // Pre-condition None
  • // Post-condition minute will be returned
  • public int getSecond()
  • // Pre-condition None
  • // Post-condition second will be returned
  • public String toUniversalString()
  • // Pre-condition None
  • // Post-condition converts to String in
    universal time format (HHMMSS)
  • public String toString()
  • // Pre-condition None
  • // Post-condition converts to String in
    Standard time format (HMMSS AM or PM)
  • // end interface TimeInterface

  • // - Implementation file for the Time
  • public class Time implements TimeInterface
  • private int hour // 0 - 23
  • private int minute // 0 - 59
  • private int second // 0 - 59
  • public Time()
  • // Post-condition 0 will be stored in hour,
  • // and second
  • hour 0
  • minute 0
  • second 0

  • public void setSecond(int s)
  • // Pre-condition s must be in the range 0 - 59
  • // Post-condition s will be stored in second if
  • // otherwise 0 will be stored in second
  • if (s lt 0 s gt 59)
  • second 0
  • System.out.println("Second is not valid--will
    be set to 0")
  • else
  • second s
  • public int getHour()
  • // Pre-condition None
  • // Post-condition hour will be returned
  • return hour

  • public String toUniversalString()
  • // Pre-condition None
  • // Post-condition converts to String in
    universal time format (HHMMSS)
  • return String.format("02d02d02d", hour,
    minute, second)
  • public String toString()
  • // Pre-condition None
  • // Post-condition converts to String in
    Standard time format (HMMSS AM or PM)
  • return String.format("d02d02d", ((hour
    0 hour 12) ? 12 hour 12),
  • minute, second, (hour lt 12 ? "AM" "PM"))
  • // end class Time

UML Diagram of the Time Class
  • A class, its data members and member functions
    can be diagrammed using the Unified Modeling
    Language (UML) notation.

  • The class diagram consists of three parts
  • The top section is the class name.
  • The middle section contains the class's data
  • The bottom section contains the member functions.
  • If a class member is preceded by the symbol , it
    means that the class member is public.
  • A minus symbol (-) indicates the class member is

- hour int - minute int - second int
ltltconstructorgtgt Time() setHour(int h)
void setMinute(int m) void setSecond(int s)
void getHour() int getMinute() int
getSecond() int toString() String
toUniversalString() String
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