Title: Ser to be
1Ser (to be) Subject PronounsDos mundos p. 16
1st person 2nd person 3rd person
informal you singular
you plural informal (Spain)
formal you singular
you plural Both formal informal
Ojo! There is no subject pronoun for it!
- Luckily for English speakers, Spanish plurals are
formed like English plurals, by adding s or es - BUT in Spanish, you also have to make the
articles and adjectives plural! - Singular Plural
- el hombre alto los hombres altos
- la mujer alta las mujeres altas
- un gato feo dos gatos feos
- una casa blanca dos casas blancas
Nouns and adjectives must agree in number and
3Quién tiene ___? / Quiénes tienen ___?
pelo rubio
Matt tiene pelo rubio largo.
pelo lacio
Matt tiene pelo lacio y rubio.
pelo gris
Jack tiene pelo gris corto.
pelo rizado
Sammy tiene pelo rizado.
ojos azules
Matt tiene ojos azules.
ojos castaños
Jack y Sammy tienen ojos castaños.
Jack tiene lentes oscuros.
Sammy tiene un sombrero azul y rojo.
Jack tiene barba.
Sammy y Jack tienen bigotes.
Actividad 6
4Tú vs. Usted
- In English you is both singular and plural.
(you vs. you all or you guys) - In English, theres no formal you, so I call
whoever Im talking to you whether its my best
friend or the Queen of England. - Unlike English, Spanish has several words that
all mean you.
5- singular plural
- familiar tú (vosotros/as)
- formal usted ustedes
Which pronoun you use depends on the formality of
the relationship between you and the other
person. Regardless, they all mean you.
(Tú) Eres alto/a. You are tall. (Usted) Es
alto/a. You are tall. (Vostros/as) Sois
altos/altas. You are tall. (Ustedes) Son
altos/altas. You are tall.
6Qué tiene?
Quién es?
Es Oprah Winfrey.
Oprah tiene pelo rizado negro. Tiene ojos
Qué lleva?
Lleva un vestido rojo y aretes bonitos.
Cómo es?
Es muy simpática, rica, generosa y famosa. No es
perezosa ni tacaña.
7Cómo es?
Este hombre se llama Joe. Es
materialista, conservador, pesimista, y tacaño.
No es impulsivo.
Este guitarista se llama Rick. Es
artístico, cómico, entusiasta, y talentoso. No
es nervioso.
Esta mujer se llama Lilly. Es simpática,
idealista, filosófica, sincera e inteligente.
No es mentirosa.
Esta mujer se llama Helga. Es
antipática, agresiva, egoísta y tempermental. No
es tímida.
8- Accents Dont stress about stress.
- There is a tendency for English speakers to write
accents on all the vowels - when they start learning Spanish, but most words
wont have a written accent - Words ending in vowels, -n, or -s are stressed on
the second-to-last syllable - with no written accent
- gato casa zapatos origen
generalmente esta corazones - ga-to ca-sa za-pa-tos o-ri-gen
ge-ner-al-men-te esta co-ra-zo-nes - Words ending in consonants other than -n or -s
are stressed on the last syllable - with no written accent
- doctor ciudad comer papel arroz
- doc-tor ci-u-dad co-mer pa-pel a-rroz
- If rule 1 or 2 above is broken (for whatever
reason), a written accent is used - lapiz corazón miércoles habló
está día - lá-piz cor-a-zón mi-ér-co-les hab-ló
es-tá dí-a - Written accents are also used to differentiate
between words