Title: Measurement of Vub with B pln
1Measurement of Vubwith B ? pln
- Masahiro Morii
- Harvard University
- Laboratory for Particle Physics and Cosmology
- Vub determines the left side of the UT
- Precise Vub and sin2b ? strong constraint on
the UT - Uncertainty on Vub is dominated by theory
errors - Measurements with different methods important
- Inclusive B ? Xuln
- Use difference in kinematics
to separate uln from cln - Theory (OPE, SCET) must predict signal spectra
- Current theory error 5 of Vub
- Exclusive B ? pln, rln, wln,
- Better S/B, esp. if weve tagged one B
- Theory (LCSR, LQCD, etc.) must predict form
factors - Theory error hard to quantify
3B ? pln Form Factors
- Two (among many) types of calculations
- Light-Cone Sum Rules
- Latest Ball/Zwicky (PRD71014015) quote 10-13
error at q2 0 - Not valid above q2 14 GeV2
- Lattice QCD
- Older calculations were quenched ? extra 15
error - Unquenched calculations from HPQCD (PRD73074502)
and Fermilab (hep-lat/0409116) quote 11
systematic error at high q2 - Not valid below q2 15 GeV2
- Theory errors on Vub comparable to the
inclusive approach - We must measure partial rates in q2 bins
4Previous Measurements
- Untagged measurements have better statistics
- Background and cross-feed (from rln) higher
- Tagged-B measurements have better S/B
- Statistics limited ? Binning in q2 requires large
statistics - Semileptonic recoil ? Balance between efficiency
and purity
5Analysis Flow
a.k.a. Y
Data sample contains232 M BB events
Event preselection
Find D()lv tag(s)
Reconstruct D and DCombine with lepton
Find plv candidate(s)
Recoil of the tag containsp l and little else
tag B
Pick the best candidate
signal B
Allow one candidate/event
Extract signal yield
Fit cos2fB distirubtion
Divide by efficiency
Double-tag sample determines edata/eMC
Branching fraction
6D() Reconstrction
- Reconstruct D mesons
- Reconstruct D mesons
We use mD sidebands to subtract combinatoric
background, assuming linear distribution
Twice as wide as the other channels
Little statistics in this channel
7B ? D()ln Tag
- Combine a D() candidate with a lepton candidate
with p gt 0.8 GeV in the CMS - Calculate
- For correct tags, qBY anglebetween B and D()l
momenta - Signal should peak in-1 lt cosqBY lt 1
- Background is broad
on-peak datab ? ulv MCB0B0 MCBB- MCoff-peak
8B ? pln Signal
- Look for a lepton and a pion in the recoil side
- Lepton p gt 0.8 GeV
- Pion with opposite charge
- Nothing else left in the event
- No tracks in the drift chamber
- No cluster in the calorimeter
- Calculate
- Signal between 1
on-peak datasignal MCb ? ulv MCB0B0 MCBB-
MCoff-peak data
9Signal Kinematics
- Tag B and recoil B are back-to-back
- Combine kinematical information into a single
variable - cos2fB lt 1 for correctly-reconstructed signal
Angle between the B momentum and the plane
defined by the D()l and pl momenta
- Use cos2fB distribution to distinguish signal
from background - Background distributions are nearly flat
- Tested using sideband control samples
- Perform unbinned maximum likelihood fitto
extract signal yields in 3 bins of q2
q2 lt 8 GeV2
8 lt q2 lt 16 GeV2
q2 gt 16 GeV2
11Double-Tag Sample
- Events with two non-overlapping tags
- Number of double-tags ? (Tag efficiency)2
- Selection of double-tag events reproducethe
signal selection as closely as possible - Not perfect e.g., the number of
remainingneutral clusters depend on both sides - Compare data and MC
- Error includes statistics, backgroundnormalizatio
n, Ncluster cut dependence, etc.
on-peak datasignalincorrect tagsbackground
12B(B0 ? pln)
- We measure the partial and total BFs (in 10-4)
13Systematic Errors
- Main systematics are
- Tagging efficiency
- cos2fB distribution of BB background
- ?? ? rln and other Xuln background in high-q2 bin
- Monte Carlo statistics
- Still small comparedwith the stat. error
- Some of the errors are intentionally conservative
14Combining Analyses
- We combine results of the analyses by 3 groups
B0 semileptonic tag B semileptonic tag B0
hadronic tag B hadronic tag
15How We Compare
- Competitive and statistics-limited result
- Paper has been submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett.
- Next steps
- Update with 211 ? 400 fb-1 data
- Include other light hadrons (??????????')
16Extraction of Vub
- We use four calculations of the FF and find
- c.f. HFAG average of inclusive measurements is
- Vub is a critical piece of the CKM puzzle
- Harvard group makes strong contribution in this
area - We pursue two analyses based on complementary
theoretical approaches - We measured B(B0 ? pln) in the recoil of B0 ?
D()ln and extracted Vub - Result (hep-ex/0607089) has been presented at
ICHEP 2006 and submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett.
using FF from a LQCD calculation