Title: Semileptonic and EW Penguin Decay Results from BaBar
1Semileptonic and EW Penguin Decay Results from
- I) Exclusive charmless SL decays
- Tagged analysis B0?p-ln and B?p0ln
- Untagged analysis B0?p-(r-)ln
- Motivations
- extract Vub (CKM)
- Form Factor calculations (QCD)
- II) B?Xsg decays
- Fully inclusive analysis
- Sum of exclusive states analysis
- Motivations
- search for New Physics (NP)
- photon spectrum in b?sg decays is used to
determine Heavy Quark parameters mb and mp2 (QCD)
- John J. Walsh
- INFN-Pisa
- BaBar Collaboration
All results presented here are preliminary!
XXXXth Rencontres de Moriond QCD and Hadronic
Interactions La Thuile, Italy March 12-March 19,
2 Exclusive B?p(r)ln decays
- Vub determines one side of the Unitarity
Triangle - Precise measurments of Vub and sin2b constrain
the U.T. - Error on Vub dominated by theory
- Inclusive analyses prediction of spectra
theory error 10-15 of Vub, need Shape
Function from B?Xsg - Exclusive decays theory must predict form
factors uncertainty hard to quantify
- This talk ? focus on new results from BaBar on
exclusive decays B?p(r)ln 2 types of analyses - Tagged analysis, using B?D()ln of other B to
tag event ? reduced BG levels - Untagged analysis, emphasis on neutrino
reconstruction ? higher statistics
3Form Factors B?pln
- Calculations
- Light-Cone Sum Rules
- Ball/Zwicky (hep-ph/0406232) quote 10-13
uncertainty at q20 - Range of validity q2 lt 14 GeV2
- Lattice QCD
- Unquenched calculations from HPQCD
(hep-lat/0408019) and FNAL (hep-lat/0409116)
quote 11 uncertainty at high q2 - Valid above 15 GeV2
- quark model
4Exclusive B?pln decays tagged analysis
- Use B?D()ln decays of opposite B to tag event
- consider only products of recoil ? reduce
combinatorial background - Use doubly-tagged B?D()ln events to check
tagging efficiency - Measure DB(B0?p-ln) in bins of q2
- BF for B?p0ln
- Discriminating Variables
- B0?p-ln angle between the B momentum and the
plane defined by the D()l and pl momenta cos2fB
- lt 1 for signal events
- flat distribution for BG
- B?p0ln angle between B and p0l system cos
?B-pl - Signal region -1.1 lt cos ?B-pl lt 1.0
- BG much broader
5Results Tagged Analyses
232 million BB pairs
on-peak datasignal MCB ?rlv MCb ? ulv MCB0B0
MCBB- MCoff-peak data
88 million BB pairs
Branching Fraction Results
in 3 bins of q2
6B?p(r)ln untagged analysis
- Reconstruct neutrino from full event ensure
good reconstruction quality - Fit signal and background in DE,
- mES, and q2
q2 resolution
neutrino momentum scaled so DE0 ? improved q2
7B?p(r)ln Signal Extraction
BABAR preliminary
Branching Fraction Results
83 million BB pairs
8Form Factor Fits Vub
- The pln untagged sample begins to distinguish
among FF calculations ISGW II is disfavored
Prob(c2) 3 - Other calculations tested are compatible with
Extraction of Vub
(stat ? syst ? FFshape?FFnorm)
BABAR preliminary
uses LQCD-FNAL FF calculation
9B?Xsg Measurements
b motion
- Sensitive to New Physics
- New heavy particles (Higgs, Susy) can
- participate in loop process
- Hadronic Effects
- Photon Spectrum can be used to measure Heavy
Quark parameters - measure BR and moments as function of min Eg cut
- largest uncertainty in Vub from inclusive b?uln
decays due to b quark motion can measure it with
b?sg - Two main experimental techniques
- fully inclusive
- sum of exclusive modes
10b?sg Experimental Issues
- Sum of Exclusive Modes
- Sum of 38 modes Knp, n1-4, plus modes with h
and 3 kaon modes - Kinematic constraints of fully-reconstructed B
meson effectively reduces background - Photon energy measured directly in B rest frame ?
superior resolution - Primary systematic from missing modes
- Fully Inclusive
- Reconstruct high-energy photon (1.8-2.8 GeV)
- Suppress huge background with lepton tagging
- Main systematic from subtraction of BB background
- Subtract b?dg (4)
11Fully Inclusive b?sg
89 million BB pairs
Background-subtracted Event Yield
- Continuum Background -
- Lepton tagging
- Event-shape cuts
- Remaining removed using off-peak data subtraction
- BB Background
- 80 from p0, h decays
- explicit p0/h vetoes
- Remaining subtracted using MC simulation with
corrections based on p0, h control sample
- Event yield in range 2.0 2.7 GeV
- Signal 992 ? 79stat ? 53BBsyst
- BB BG 675 ? 53statsyst
- Cont. BG 442 ? 59
12Inclusive b?sg Partial BFs, 1st Moments
Photon Energy Spectrum efficiency corrected
( stat syst model )
- First step towards determination of HQ
parameters, Shape Function - Coming soon 2nd moment measurement
- Further interaction with theory community to
extract HQ parameters
BABAR preliminary
13b?sg Sum of Exclusive States
BABAR preliminary
- Reconstruct 38 exclusive states containing Ks,
ps, hs, etc.?missing fraction is fcn of MXs - Usual B decay kinematic variables to extract
signal DE and mES - Very good photon energy resolution note the Kg
Energy-substituted Mass
89 million BB pairs
Photon Energy Spectrum
14b?sg (Semi-inclusive) BF and Spectrum Moments
- Total BF for Eggt1.6 GeV, use average of Kinetic
and Shape Fcn scheme results
Good agreement with inclusive analysis
Values of moments ? (For reference, do not try to
15b?sg (Semi-inclusive) Results on Heavy Quark
BABAR preliminary
- Heavy Quark parameters related to b-quark mass
and its Fermi momentum inside - the B-hadron
- Results derived for two different theoretical
schemes - Kinetic Scheme (Benson, Bigi, Uraltsev
hep-ph/0410080) - Shape Fcn Scheme (Neubert hep-ph/0412241)
OPE theory errors not included
( stat syst model )
- Preliminary results from BaBar on semileptonic
and EW penguin decays - Exclusive analyses of B?p(r)ln using tagged and
untagged samples - Determination of Vub
- BF measurements as function of q2
- Begin to test Form Factor calculations
- The process b?sg studied with 2 experimental
techniques - fully inclusive partial branching fractions and
first moment as a function of Emin ? towards HQ
parameters - semi-inclusive BF and moments (1-3)?determination
of mb and mp2 - Will give significant improvement in
determination of Vub from inclusive SL
17Backup slides