Title: Steven Blusk, Syracuse UniversityRecontres de Moriond, March 2005
1Measurements of Hadronic, Semileptonic and
Leptonic Decays of D Mesons at Ecm3.77 GeV in
Steven Blusk Syracuse University
- Outline
- Introduction
- Hadronic Branching Fractions
- Semileptonic Decays
- D?m nm
- Conclusion
- The CLEO program has migrated from running on the
? resonances to the region around the y(3770)?
Charm factory to study D, Ds mesons -- Broad
program of charm physics (3 fb-1 goal) - Additional running at J/y (search for exotics in
radiative decay) in year 3
- Tracking (93 of 4p)
- 16 axial, 31 stereo layers
- sp/p 0.6
- CsI (93 of 4p)
- 6144 crystals (barrel only)
- sE/E 5 at 100 MeV 2.2 at 1
GeV - Particle ID
- RICH (80 of 4p) dE/dx
- eKgt90 for p fakelt5
Inner DriftChamber
Accelerator changes - installation of SC
wigglersto improve damping ? higher L
- CLEO-c detector largely same as CLEO-III,
- Silicon replaced with drift inner chamber
- B field reduced from 1.5T?1.0T
3Some highlights of the CLEO-c Charm Program
- Precision measurements of D branching fractions
- Precise measurements of fD and fDs, the D decay
constants. - When combined with LQCD will enable 5
determinations of Vtd and Vts - Pave the road for a more accurate extraction of
Vub - Measurements of D?pln and D?rln form factors
will provide testedlattice QCD predictions on
heavy-to-light FFs. - Extraction of Vcd, Vcs
- Unitarity Triangle
- Once Vub Vtd are measured to O(5) ?
Allows for a stringent test of CKM angles (ie.,
sin2b) vs sides
4CLEO D Tagging
- Pure DD final state, no additional particles (ED
Ebeam). - Low particle multiplicity 5-6 charged
particles/event - Good coverage to reconstruct n in semileptonic
decays - Pure JPC 1- - initial state
- Tag one D meson in a selected tag mode.
- Dictates whether final state is DD- or D0D0
- Study decays of other D, (signal D)
ED? Ebeam improves mass resolution by 10X
Analysis Preview
- Hadronic BF Use double-tagged and single-tagged
yields - Semileptonic decays Dtag (Dsig ?Xene),
reconstruct ne using Pmiss - Leptonic Decays Dtag (Dsig ?mnm)
Analyses shown today based on 57 pb-1
5Absolute D Hadronic Branching Fractions
Single Tags Reconstructed one D meson Double
Tags Reconstruct both D mesons
D0 ? K-p D0 ? K-pp0 D0 ? K-ppp-
D ? K-pp D ? K-p pp0 D ? Ksp D ?
Kspp0 D ? Ksppp- D ? K-Kp
D- ? Kp-p- D- ? Kp- p-p0 D- ? Ksp- D- ?
Ksp-p0 D- ? Ksp-p-p D- ? K-Kp-
6Fits to Data
D Modes
D0 Modes
- Signal shape includes
- y(3770) line shape, ISR, beam energy spread
momentum resolution
Efficiency includes FSR losses
7Systematic Uncertainties
Tracking, p0 and Ks all use similar missing
mass technique.
- For pion
- Look at mass recoiling against J/yp in
y?J/ypp- events ? Peak at Mp2 for
J/ypp-. - Count the number of times the track is found
versus not found.
p track found
p track not found
Uncertainty ? 0.7 / (p/K)
8Preliminary Results
to be submitted to PRL
D Modes
D0 Modes
Normalized to PDG
As many of the systematics are evaluated using
data, they will shrink as ?L
9Semileptonic Decays
Vcs , Vcd
- Test LQCD on shape of f(q2) ?Use tested
Lattice for norm. - ?From B(D?Xen) extract Vcd
- D?p FF related to B?p FF by HQS ? Precise
D?p FFs can lead to reduced stheory
in Vub at B factories - Similar for D?Vln, except 3 FFs enter
- Can also form ratios, where theory should be
more precise
LQCD, PRL 94, 011601 (2005)
10Basic Technique
D0 Tag Modes
11Pseudoscalar Modes D ? Pene
c?s Cabibbo Favored
c?d Cabibbo Suppressed
(110 events)
(1400 events)
Events / ( 10 MeV )
Events / ( 10 MeV )
U Emiss Pmiss (GeV)
U Emiss Pmiss (GeV)
(60 events)
(500 events)
Events / ( 10 MeV )
Events / ( 10 MeV )
U Emiss Pmiss (GeV)
U Emiss Pmiss (GeV)
12Vector Modes D ? Vene
57 pb-1 Data
c?s Cabibbo Favored
c?d Cabibbo Suppressed
First Observation
First Observations
(30 events)
(90 events)
U Emiss Pmiss (GeV)
(8 events)
(30 events)
(400 events)
U Emiss Pmiss (GeV)
13Preliminary Results
to be submitted to PRL
14Inclusive SemileptonicElectron Spectra
CLEO-c Preliminary
D0 D
15Leptonic Decay
G(B?tn) 10-4 10-5 difficult
Goal Extract fD, and eventually fDs (with
precision) ? Test LQCD, if it passes then trust
it in predicting fB, fBs ? Critical to
measuring Vtd/Vts, one of the sides of the UT
16The Technique
CLEO-c Yellow Book 1 fb-1
8 events
- CLEO-c is off to a great start.
- With only 57 pb-1 on y(3770) (3 fb-1 proposed),
measurements are already comparable or better
than world average. - Many more analyses are in the pipeline which I
havent had timeto discuss. - Many more exclusive BRs being investigated
- Several variants of inclusive and exclusive SL
analyses - Techniques for estimating systematics
established using data. - With more data, they will be reduced.
- Look forward to many precision results in charm
physics comingfrom CLEO.
19Backup Slides
20Particle ID
- Use modes where the particle content is
unambiguous. -
- For p D?K-pp, D0 ?Kspp, D0 ?Kpp0
- For K D?K-pp, D0 ?Kpp0
- Then apply tagging requirements
- If both p K hypotheses analyzed,
- 3s dE/dx consistency, and
- D ( s(dE/dx)p2 - s(dE/dx)K2 LogLik(p)-
LogLik(K)lt 0 (Nggt2) - Drop RICH if
- RICHDONE is false, or, p(p)lt0.55 GeV/c, or
Correction applied (0.30.3) for p and
(1.31.3) for K
21D Hadronic Systematics
- DE requirement compare yields with without DE
cut (1.5) - FSR Validated using J/y?mm, conservatively 0.5
for ST, 1 for DT - G3770 Lowe from 30.6 MeV ?23 MeV and take shift
in data as systematic (0.6) - Resonant substructure affects efficiencies,
depending on mode 0.4 1.5 - Trigger efficiency trigger simulation ?
0.1(Ksp) 0.2 (K-pp0) - Multiple candidates
- Multiple candidates can result in choosing the
wrong combination resultingin a loss in
efficiency. - MC does not model the number of multiple
candidates/event well. - Affects modes with p0s
- 1.30 for Kspp0, 0.44 for K-p pp0, 0.32
for K-pp0 - Double DCSD Unknown relative phase between DCSD
CAD amplitudes (0.8) - Fit functions 0.5
- Data processing 0.3
- Quantum (CP) correlations Negligible
22Yield Extraction in D Hadronic
CBX 05-06, A. Ryd.
- Signals are fit using
- y(3770) line shape, ISR, beam energy spread,
momentum resolution(G3770 set to 30.6 MeV, as
determined from data reduced to WA for
systematics) - Fit double tags first, using D?X / D?X, then fit
single tags with sig pars fixed - Disentangle momentum resolution from beam energy
- Signal Resolution (Signal MC) (5
parameters per D) - 3 Gaussian widths (s1,s2,s3) 1.5s1lt s2lt 4s1
1.5s2lt s3lt 4s2 - Two fractions f2, f3, (1-f2-f3)
- Fixes resolution for double single tag fits in
MC data
Beam Energy, inc. ISR
All candidates
- Background
- 1 correct D 1 incorrect D (fsig
ARGUS) - Mispartitioning of daughters
ARGUS(ltMgt)GAUSS(DM) - Both Ds are background ARGUS(MD1)ARGUS(MD2)
Double TagFit to Signal MC
23Branching Fraction Fitting
CBX 04-36 (W. Sun)
Corrected yields are given by
- n Raw yields of single double tags
- b estimated backgrounds from other D modes
- N Fitted yields of single double tags
NDDBi - E Efficiency matrix
- diagonal elements are efficiencies
- off-diagonal are cross-feed probabilities
- F background probability matrix
Test using Toy MC- 3 neutral 2 charged modes
- no biases- proper error estimation
V is the variance matrix, and contains both
statistical systematic uncertainties
Since eij ? ei ej, correlated systematics cancel
in NDD
To first order, Bi is independent of tag modes
Single Tags
External Not simulated in MC
Double Tags assume only 1 fake contributes,
since P(2 fakes) very small
Backgrounds that are dependent on fit
parameters, ie., NDD, are updated after each
25Backgrounds - II
MBC distributions for generic MC after signal
modes and backgrounds considered are removed
MBC distributions for non-DD MC
26Fit to Generic MC(50X Data!)
Worst difference is 2.1s, for Kpp But this is for
50X data ? Scale by ?50 for data ?
0.3sstat. Deemed acceptable by committee, and
noted in PRL.
27Form Factor Shapes
No efficiency corrections, resolution 0.025 GeV2
Future goal slopes 4, form factors over all q2