Title: Daniel Peterson
1Daniel Peterson 22-October-2007
TPC Development at Cornell
a model of the endplate and detector modules
The Cornell group is working with LC-TPC
collaborators to develop the Large Prototype
TPC for studies of gas-amplification devices,
and alignment, calibration and track
finding/fitting procedures. This prototype
will be operated at the EUDET facility at
DESY. Cornell is developing and constructing
the endplate as well as the detector module
support. Providing the required panel locating
precision has required studies of the
manufacturing process including the machining
and stress relief steps.
Purdue-3M Micromegas
Bulk Micromegas
Collaborating with Purdue University, the
Cornell group is performing tests of
gas-amplification devices in a prototype TPC.
The TPC has a 64cm drift and accepts various
gas-amplification devices up to 10cm square.
Recent measurements have been made with a Bulk
Micromegas developed by the Orsay group, a
Micromegas developed by Purdue and the 3M
corporation, and a triple-GEM (CERN). Spatial
resolutions for the Bulk Micromegas and
triple-GEM are compared (right).
a model of a detector module including the
mechanical frame
details of the TPC assembly, including GEM
modules and the field cage
measurements during studies of the
manufacturing process