Title: Neutrino-induced quasielastic scattering
1Neutrino-induced quasielastic scattering
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2Neutrino-induced quasielastic scattering from a
theoretical perspective
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3 Outline
- Motivation
- º scattering on the nucleon
- Quasielastic scattering models
- Experimental status and comparison to data
- Conclusions
- º Nucleus interactions (in the QE region) are
important for - Oscillation experiments
- º oscillations are well established )
- Goal Precise determination of oscillation
parameters m2ij, µij,
- º are massive
- flavors are mixed
- º Nucleus interactions (in the QE region) are
important for - Oscillation experiments
- Precision measurements of m232, µ23 in º¹
disappearance - Understanding Eº reconstruction is critical
- Kinematical determination of Eº in a CCQE event
- Rejecting CCQE-like events relies on accurate
knowledge of nuclear dynamics and FSI (¼, N
propagation, ¼ absorption)
- exact only for free nucleons
- wrong for CCQE-like events
- º Nucleus interactions (in the QE region) are
important for - Oscillation experiments
- Precision measurements of m232, µ23 in º¹
disappearance - Understanding Eº reconstruction is critical
- Kinematical determination of Eº in a CCQE event
- Rejecting CCQE-like events relies on accurate
knowledge of nuclear dynamics and FSI (¼, N
propagation, ¼ absorption)
- exact only for free nucleons
- wrong for CCQE-like events
- º Nucleus interactions (in the QE region) are
important for - Hadronic physics
- Nucleon axial form factors
- MINERvA first precision measurement of GA at
Q2gt1 GeV. Deviations from the dipole form? - Strangeness content of the nucleon spin
(isoscalar coupling GsA) - probed in NCQE reactions
- Best experimental sensitivity in ratios
NCQE(p)/NCQE(n) or NC(p)/CCQE - Experiments are performed with nuclear targets )
- nuclear effects are essential for the
interpretation of the data.
- º Nucleus interactions (in the QE region) are
important for - Nuclear physics
- Excellent testing ground for nuclear many-body
mechanisms, nuclear structure and reaction models - Relativistic effects
- Nuclear correlations
- Meson exchange currents (MEC)
- Nucleon and resonance spectral functions
- º-nucleus cross sections incorporate a richer
information on nuclear structure and interactions
than e-nucleus ones
9º scattering on the nucleon
- The (CC) elementary process
- where
- Vector form factors
- Extracted from e-p, e-d data
10º scattering on the nucleon
- At low Q2
- MV 0.71 GeV, GE/GM ¼ 1/¹p
- At high Q2
Bodek et al., EPJC 53 (2008)
11º scattering on the nucleon
- The (CC) elementary process
- where
- Axial form factors
- gA 1.267 Ã decay
- MA 1.016 0.026 GeV ( ) Bodek et
al., EPJC 53 (2008)
12QE scattering models
- Inclusive electron-nucleus scattering (crucial
test for any º-nucleus model) - Relativistic Global Fermi Gas Smith, Moniz, NPB
43 (1972) 605 - Impulse Approximation
- Fermi motion
- Pauli blocking
- Average binding energy
- Explains the main features of the inclusive cross
sections in the QE region
13QE scattering models
- Inclusive electron-nucleus scattering
- Relativistic Global Fermi Gas Smith, Moniz, NPB
43 (1972) 605 - However
- GFG overestimates the longitudinal response RL
- FG is certainly too simple to be right. Nuclear
dynamics must be - included in the picture Benhar_at_NuInt09
14QE scattering models
- Inclusive electron-nucleus scattering
- Spectral functions of nucleons in nuclei
- The nucleon propagator can be cast as
- Sh(p) Ã hole (particle) spectral functions
4-momentum (p) distributions of the struck
(outgoing) nucleons - Ã nucleon selfenergy
- Can be extended to the excitation of resonances
in nuclei
15QE scattering models
- Inclusive electron-nucleus scattering
- Spectral functions of nucleons in nuclei
- Hole spectral function
- 80-90 of nucleons occupy shell model states
- The rest take part in the NN interactions
(correlations) located at high momentum
Benhar et al., PRD 72 (2005) Ankwowski
Sobczyk, PRC 77 (2008)
16QE scattering models
- Inclusive electron-nucleus scattering
- Spectral functions of nucleons in nuclei
- Hole spectral function
- 80-90 of nucleons occupy shell model states
- The rest take part in the NN interactions
(correlations) located at high momentum - Particle spectral functions
- Optical potential U V i W
- V 25 MeV Ã fitted to p-A data
- W
Benhar et al., PRD 72 (2005) Ankwowski
Sobczyk, PRC 77 (2008)
- W¾ ½ v /2
- Correlated Glauber approximation
- (straight trajectories, frozen
spectators) - Benhar et al., PRC 44 (1991) 2328
17QE scattering models
- Inclusive electron-nucleus scattering
- Spectral functions of nucleons in nuclei Results
18QE scattering models
- Inclusive electron-nucleus scattering
- Spectral functions of nucleons in nuclei Results
19QE scattering models
- Inclusive electron-nucleus scattering
- Spectral functions in a Local Fermi Gas Leitner
et al., PRC 79 (2009) -
- Space-momentum correlations absent in the GFG
- OK for medium/heavy nuclei
- Microscopic many-body effects are tractable
- Can be extended to exclusive reactions (e,e N),
(e,e ¼), etc -
20QE scattering models
- Inclusive electron-nucleus scattering
- Spectral functions in a Local Fermi Gas Leitner
et al., PRC 79 (2009) -
- Space-momentum correlations absent in the GFG
- OK for medium/heavy nuclei
- Microscopic many-body effects are tractable
- Can be extended to exclusive reactions (e,e N),
(e,e ¼), etc -
21QE scattering models
- Inclusive electron-nucleus scattering
- Spectral functions in a Local Fermi Gas Leitner
et al., PRC 79 (2009) - Mean field potential
- Density and momentum dependent
- Parameters fixed in p-Nucleus scattering
- Nucleons acquire effective masses
22QE scattering models
- Inclusive electron-nucleus scattering
- Spectral functions in a Local Fermi Gas Leitner
et al., PRC 79 (2009) - Hole spectral function
- The correlated part of Sh is neglected
- Particle spectral function
- Re is obtained from Im with a dispersion
relation fixing the pole position at - I
Gil, Nieves, Oset, NPA627 Ciofi degli Atti et
à Collisional broadening
23QE scattering models
- Inclusive electron-nucleus scattering
- Spectral functions in a Local Fermi Gas
- Results Leitner et al., PRC 79 (2009)
24QE scattering models
- Good description of the dip region requires the
inclusions of 2p2h contributions from MEC Gil,
Nieves, Oset, NPA627 - Important for º source of CCQE-like events
25QE scattering models
- RPA long range correlations
- In nuclei, the strength of electroweak
couplings may change from their free nucleon
values due to the presence of strongly
interacting nucleons Singh, Oset, NPA 542 (1992)
587 - For the axial coupling gA
- The quenching of gA in Gamow-Teller decay is
well established
Â0 dipole susceptibility g Lorentz-Lorenz
factor 1/3
Ericson, Weise, Pions in Nuclei
Wilkinson, NPA 209 (1973) 470
26QE scattering models
- RPA long range correlations Nieves et. al. PRC 70
(2004) 055503 - In particular
- ¼ spectral function changes in the nuclear medium
) so does
27QE scattering models
- RPA long range correlations
- RPA approach built up with single-particle states
in a Fermi sea - Simplified vs. some theoretical models (e.g.
continuum RPA) - Applies to inclusive processes not suitable for
transitions to discrete states - But
- Incorporates explicitly ¼ and ½ exchange and
-hole states - Has been successfully applied to ¼, and
electro-nuclear reactions - Describes correctly ¹ capture on 12C and LSND
CCQE - Nieves et. al. PRC 70 (2004) 055503
- Important at low Q2 for CCQE at MiniBooNE
28QE scattering models
- RPA long range correlations
- Comparison to inclusive electron-nucleus data
29QE scattering models
- RPA long range correlations
- CCQE on 12C averaged over the MiniBooNE flux LAR
et al., arXiv0909.5123
30QE scattering models
- RPA long range correlations
- CCQE on 12C averaged over the MiniBooNE flux LAR
et al., arXiv0909.5123 - RPA correlations cause a reduction of ¾ at low Q2
and forward angles
31QE scattering models
- Relativistic mean field
- Impulse Approximation
- Initial nucleon in a bound state (shell)
- ªi Dirac eq. in a mean field potential (!-¾
model) - Final nucleon
- RDWIA ªf Dirac eq. for scattering state
- Glauber
- Has been used to study 1N knockout
- Problem nucleon absorption that reduces the c.s.
Complex optical potential
32QE scattering models
Giusti et al., arXiv0910.1045
33QE scattering models
- Relativistic mean field
- Impulse Approximation
- Initial nucleon in a bound state (shell) no
correlations - ªi Dirac eq. in a mean field potential (!-¾
model) - Final nucleon
- DWIA ªf Dirac eq. for scattering states
- Glauber
- Has been used to study 1N knockout
- Problem nucleon absorption that reduces the c.s.
Complex optical potential
34QE scattering models
- Green function approach Meucci et al., PRC 67
(2003) 054601 - QE
- The imaginary part of the optical potential is
responsible for the redistribution of the flux
among the different channels - Suitable for inclusive and exclusive scattering
35QE scattering models
- Green function approach Meucci et al., PRC 67
(2003) 054601
36QE scattering models
- (Super)scaling Barbaro et al., arXiv0909.2602
- First kind scaling
37QE scattering models
- (Super)scaling
- First kind scaling
- Second kind scaling
independent of A - First Second scaling Superscaling
à lt 0 scaling region à gt 0 scaling violation
38QE scattering models
- (Super)scaling
- Scaling violations reside mainly in the
transverse channel
39QE scattering models
- (Super)scaling
- The experimental superscaling function (fit using
RL data) - Constraint for nuclear models
- Relativistic Fermi Gas
- Exact superscaling
- Wrong shape of f(Ã)
40QE scattering models
- (Super)scaling
- The experimental superscaling function (fit using
RL data) - Constrain for nuclear models
- Relativistic mean field describes the asymmetric
shape of f(Ã)
41QE scattering models
- (Super)scaling
- Superscaling in the region
- Experimental superscaling function
- At à gt 0 other resonances, etc contribute
42QE scattering models
- (Super)scaling
- Superscaling Analysis SUSA
- Calculate with Relativistic Fermi Gas
- Replace fRFG ! fexp
43QE scattering models
- (Super)scaling
- Superscaling Analysis SUSA
- Calculate with Relativistic Fermi Gas
- Replace fRFG ! fexp
44QE scattering models
- (Super)scaling
- Superscaling Analysis SUSA for º-A Amaro et al.,
PRL 98 (2007) 242501 - Calculate with Relativistic Fermi Gas
- Replace fRFG ! fexp
- SUSA 15 reduction of ¾ with respect to RFG
- Scaling approach fails at !.40 MeV, q.400 MeV
collective effects
45Experimental status
- Data!
- CCQE, NCQE, º, anti-º
- MiniBooNE (12C), SciBooNE (16O), MINOS (Fe),
NOMAD (12C) - and puzzles
46Experimental status
- MiniBooNE
- Largest sample of low energy (lt Eº gt 750 MeV)
º¹ CCQE events to date.
Aguilar-Arevalo et. al., PRL 100 (2008) 032301 - The shape of hd¾/dcosµ¹dE¹i is accurately
described by the Relativistic Global Fermi Gas
Model with EB 34 MeV, pF 220 MeV - But
- ?1.007 0.007
- MA1.35 0.17 GeV
- Large ¾ compared to GFG
Katori, arXiv0909.1996
47Experimental status
- However
- The physical meaning of ? is obscure
- ?, MA values depend on the background from CC1¼
- Background subtraction depends on the ¼
propagation (absorption and charge exchange)
model - NUANCE constant suppression of ¼ production
- Model dependent Eº reconstruction (unfolding)
48Experimental status
- However
- The physical meaning of ? is obscure
- ?, MA values depend on the background from CC1¼
- Background subtraction depends on the ¼
propagation (absorption and charge exchange)
model - NUANCE constant suppression of ¼ production
- Model dependent Eº reconstruction (unfolding)
- Better compare to
Katori, arXiv0909.1996
49Experimental status
- NOMAD Lyubushkin et al., EPJ C 63 (2009) 355
- CCQE on 12C at high 3-100 GeV energies (DIS is
dominant) - No precise knowledge of the integrated º flux )
- Normalization of CCQE ¾ from processes with
better know ¾ (DIS, IMD) - CCQE ¾ measured from combined 2-track (¹,p) and
1-track (¹) samples - From measured CCQE ¾ MA 1.05 0.02(stat)
0.06(sys) GeV - Consistent with MA extracted from Q2 shape fit of
2-track sample
MiniBooNE vs NOMAD Katori, arXiv0909.1996
- MA gt 1 GeV?
- MA from ¼ electroproduction on p Bernard et al.,
J Phys. G - Using Current Algebra and PCAC
- Valid only at threshold and in the chiral limit
(m¼ 0) - Using models to connect with data )
- MAep 1.069 0.016 GeV Liesenfeld et al., PLB
468 (1999) 20 - A more careful evaluation in ChPT Bernard et
al., PRL 69 (1992) 1877 - MA MAep - MA , MA 0.055 GeV ) MA 1.014 GeV
- Can nuclear effects explain the shape of the
MiniBooNE Q2 distribution? - Spectral functions
Benhar Meloni, arXiv0903.2329
- Can nuclear effects explain the shape of the
MiniBooNE Q2 distribution? - Spectral functions
- Can nuclear effects explain the shape of the
MiniBooNE Q2 distribution? - RPA
- RPA brings the shape closer to experiment keeping
MA 1 GeV
- Can CCQE nuclear models explain the size of
MiniBooNE ¾? -
- Ex. at Eº 0.8 GeV ¾th 5 lt ¾MB 7 10-38 cm2
- CCQE models with MA1 GeV cannot reproduce
MiniBooNE ¾
Katori, arXiv0909.1996
- Can CCQE nuclear models explain the size of
MiniBooNE ¾? - Many body RPA calculation Martini et al.,
arXiv0910.2622 -
- Can CCQE nuclear models explain the size of
MiniBooNE ¾? - Many body RPA calculation Martini et al.,
arXiv0910.2622 - Lesson Many-body dynamics beyond 1p1h is
important - Open questions
- Is the Q2 distribution also well described by
CCQE2p2h? - Role of MEC
- Is the comparison proper ?
- Comparison to inclusive data is needed
- NOMAD results?
- º-A scattering in the CCQE region is relevant for
oscillation, hadron and nuclear physics - New data (K2K, MiniBooNE, SciBooNE, MINOS, NOMAD)
- MINERvA in the future
- A good understanding of (semi)inclusive ºA
(together with eA) cross section in the QE and
resonance regions is required for the (model
dependent) separation of mechanisms only then
more precise determinations of Eº background will
be possible - The physical meaning of ?, MA needs to be
clarified - The role nuclear effects should be established
- Theoretical progress has to be incorporated in
the MC