Title: Developing Expeditionary Leaders
1Developing Expeditionary Leaders
- AMMOS and ALROC Overviews, Integration, and
Briefers Lt Col Larry Hooker Stephenson,
Commandant, AMMOS and Maj David Durbs Durbin,
Course Director, ALROC
2Evolution The Past
- No centralized training focused on contingency
logistics - Lessons learned from Balkan conflicts confirmed
experience/training void - Need for a logistics integrator at the tactical
level to improve wing capability - CORONA South 2000 Tasker AEFLS under WS
3Evolution More of the Past
- Paradigm shift in logistics training
- Combat support process vs. functional AFSC skill
set - Focus--logistics integration
- Original target audience was maintainers and LROs
- Develop logisticians who can
- Balance long-term fleet health and sortie
generation - Mobilize, beddown, and generate combat capability
4Evolution Blue Ribbon Panel
- First AMMOS class had mix
- In 2003, senior leaders directed ALROC stand up
-- Fit Dix, NJ, Air Mobility Warfare Center - Refocused each school to concentrate on core
capabilities of maintainers and LROs - Allowed each specialty to focus on the effects
their skills directly contribute to combat
5ALROC Stand Up Success
- Accelerated process
- Used AMMOS as baseline
- Cadre 3 Mil and 7 Contractors
- Adaptations made thru first 2 classes
- Word is spreading to the LG community
- We are meeting the mark
- ISD Nov 04
6Current Class Status
- ALROC currently teaching 2nd class, O4B
- Class 05A selects known and starts Jan 05
- AMMOS is currently teaching 5th class, 04C
- Class 05A selects known and starts Jan 05
7AMMOS Student Criteria
- Captain
- Maximum 8 years TAFCSD
- Minimum 3 years in primary AFSC at operational
(flying) Wing - Aircraft Maintenance/Munitions
- SOS completed
- World-wide qualified
- Waivers are considered
8ALROC Student Criteria
- Captains and Majors
- 8 12 TAFCSD
- Fully qualified LROs
- Log Plans, Supply, Transportation
- Deployed Experience desired
- SOS completed
- World-wide qualified
- Waivers are considered
9AMMOS Target Skill Set
- Operational art of maintenance and logistics
- Within AF and Joint doctrinal context
- Fleet readiness
- Sortie generation
- Flying hour program
- Leadership and management of MX workforce
- Munitions operations combat munitions
production - Unit readiness for expeditionary operations
- Logistics C2
10ALROC Target Skill Set
- Operational art of logistics
- Within AF and Joint doctrinal context
- Logistics C2
- Expeditionary Site Planning
- Base Operating Support
- Leadership and management of LG workforce
11AMMOS Target Experience
- Tactical experience
- Deployments
- Awards
- Related training
Board selects those with highest potential for
12ALROC Target Experience
- Tactical and Operational experience
- Deployments
- Awards
- Related training
Board selects those with highest potential for
13AMMOS Graduates Role
- Producer, Instructor, Advisor
- Graduates return to operational wings, assigned
to D prefix positions - AMU/OIC
14ALROC Graduates Role
- Producer, Instructor, Advisor
- Graduates return to command and control nodes,
assigned to D prefix positions - Wings, MAJCOM, NAF, CAF
- Unified or Joint Commands
- Each outlined along ACS master processes
- Both share similar lessons
- Candidates meet tough selection process
- Graduates receive D prefix and are targeted to
fill D-coded billets - Graduates expected to fulfill producer,
instructor, and advisor roles
Bottomline goal is to expand combat capabililty
- Selection process
- Target student population
- Target assignments for graduates
- AMMOS Tactical level
- ALROC Operational and tactical level
- Parent organizational alignment
17Course Integration
- Directed by Blue Ribbon Panel
- Class schedules synchronized in Jan 05
- Course development process and subject matter
already integrated - Exploring opportunities
- Joint site surveys
- Joint AFCOMAC training
- Shared instruction arrangements
- Synchronized MEX play via SIPRNet, VTCs
18Future Initiatives and Opportunities
- AMMOS leading development of aircraft and
munitions maintenance Tactics, Techniques, and
Procedures (TTP) - Provides graduates core instructional material
- ALROC supporting TTP development in AMWC
- Constructive MXG/CC, A4 and MSG/CC feedback
critical for graduate utility and course longevity
Send us your best! Your Air Force needs them!
22AMMOS Course Outline
1. Read-Ahead - Doctrinal context -
Weapon systems capabilities - Paper subject
2. Introduction (7 days) - Admin, fitness
- Instructor training
23AMMOS Course Outline
3. Readying the Force (15 days) - Historical
context - Joint/AF logistics organization
- Unit readiness - Work force management
- Fleet management
4. Preparing the Battlespace (8 days) -
Expeditionary site planning - Unit mobility
and deployment - Aircraft generation
24AMMOS Course Outline
5. Positioning the Force (8 days) - Global
Mobility and Asset Visibility - Beddown and
Agile Combat Support - Aircraft reception and
6. Employing and Sustaining the Force (11 days)
- Logistics C2 - Combat sortie generation -
Munitions operations - IRON FLAG/AFCOMAC
25AMMOS Course Outline
7. Recovering the Force (5 days) -
Redeployment and reconstitution - Relief in
place operations
8. Capstone Evaluation (9 days) - Mission
Employment Exercise - Student paper
presentations - Graduation
26Selection RateClass 03-A
27Selection RateClass 03-B
28Selection RateClass 04-A
29Selection RateClass 05A
30(No Transcript)