Title: Astronomical Citizenship
1Astronomical Citizenship
2The European Astronomical Society
Styliani Kafka IU Spring 2002
- Introduction
- EAS Council
- Members of the society
- Affiliated Societies
- Individual Memberships
- Observing facilities
- Newsletter
- Activities
- Meetings
- Young People Outreach Program
- Future
- Europe is not uniform
- Western Europe
- Eastern Europe
- Astronomy is not an attractive profession
- Low salaries no funding
- Limited opportunities
- Individual Astronomical societies can not help
any more
5The European Astronomical Society
- Founded under the Swiss Civil Code in 1990
- Purpose to contribute to and promote the
- advancement of astronomy in Europe, by all
suitable means -
- Constitution defining the general rules,
complemented - by bylaws specifying various detailed procedures
6The EAS Council
- Manages, directs, and controls the affairs and
property of the Society within the limits of the
bylaws. - Consists of the five officers of the Society and
of five other members. - Secretariat responsible for the administrative
and financial matters of the Society
- Affiliated Societies
- Â
- Societies of professional astronomers in
Europe, with aims closely related to the aims of
the European Astronomical Society - Privileges
- Special membership fees for their members
- Publication privileges to papers presented at
meetings - May sent representatives to council meetings
- May nominate candidates for election to council
8 Current Members
- Armenian Astronomical Society
- Croatian Astronomical Society
- Czech Astronomical Society
- Dutch Astronomical Society
- Euroasian Astronomical Society
- Estonian Astronomical Society
- Hellenic Astronomical Society
- French Astronomical Society
- Astronomische Gesellschaft
- Italian Astronomical Society
- Latvian Astronomical Society
- Lithuanian Astronomical Society
- Polish Astronomical Society
- Portuguese Astronomical Society
- Romanian Astronomical Society
- Royal Astronomical Society (UK)
- Society of Astronomers of Serbia
- Slovak Astronomical Society
- Spanish Astronomical Society
- Swiss Society of Astrophysics and Astronomy
- Ukrainian Astronomical Society
9- Individual Memberships
- Â
- Ordinary, Junior, Associate and Honorary
Members. - Reduced fees for meetings
- Newsletter
- Special prices for books
- Included in the Membership Directory
- Application form
- Published twice a year
- Free for the Members/Affiliated Societies
- Contents
- Info on recent developments in Astronomy
- Announcements of upcoming Events
- Meeting reports
- Presentation of Affiliated Societies
- Opinions - letters
- Announcements of opportunity
11 Observing Facilities http//www.iap.fr/eas/fa
- Optical and IR observatories
- Isaac Newton Group (ING) of telescopes, LaPalma
- Canada France Hawaii telescope, Hawaii
- Calar Alto observatory,Spain
- Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG), LaPalma
- United Kingdom IR telescope (UKIRT), Hawaii
- Nordic Optical Telescope (NOT), LaPalma
- Observatoire de Haute-Provence (OHP), France
- Asiago Observatory,Italy
- Observatoire du Pic du Midi, France
- Carlos Sanchez telescope, Tenerife
- Russian 6m (SAO)
- European Southern Observatory
- Anglo Australian Observatory (AAO)
- Radioastronomy observatories
- IRAM 30m telescope, Pico Veleta, Spain
- IRAM interferometer, Plateau de Bures, France
- Westerborck Observatory,Holland
- Nancay radioastronomy station, France
- James Clerk Maxwell (JCMT) telescope, Hawaii
- Jodrell Bank Observatory, UK
- Â
- Solar telescopes
- Themis telescope, Tenerife
- German solar telescopes, Tenerife
- Swedish Solar telescope, LaPalma
- Â
- Atmospheric studies
- Eiscat
- Â
- Meetings
- Joint European and National Astronomical Meeting
- Invited review talks
- Special sessions
- Poster sessions
- Cultural events
13The EAS Publication Series
Vol. 1, 2001 Active Galactic Nuclei in their
Cosmic environment JENAM 1999, Toulouse,
France, Sept. 1999 Editors B. Rocca-Volmerange
and H. Sol
14Jenam 2002 "The Unsolved Universe Challenges
for the Future Porto (Portugal), September
3 - 8, 2002 First announcement
- Young People Outreach Program
- We must show that Astronomy has a FUTURE!
- 1)Young People Forum
- Part I 15-19 Dec. 1997
- Part II 12-16 Jan. 1998
- Main purpose to discuss concerns of young
astronomers on various issues - Â
- Participants ?panel of senior astronomers from
all over the world - ?graduate students, post-docs
16- Issues addressed
- Â
- How do young astronomers see mobility within
Europe both at the postgraduate training level
and at the postdoctoral level? - How do they see the existing observational
facilities in Europe, their accessibility, etc? - Is there interest in business meetings of the
Astronomical Community? How much time one can
spare on such matters under the pressure of the
modern competitive atmosphere?
17 Goal  To prepare a Proposal for creating a
LARGE EUROPEAN BASE of information (jobs, grants,
telescope time proposals, projects, all useful
links) for young astronomers. Â Â Â
18 2) Schools NEON (Network of
European Observatories in the North) Euro
Summer/Winter School  Participating
observatories  Asiago Observatory
(Italy) Calar Alto Observatory (Germany-Spain)
Haute-Provence Observatory (France) Â Purpose
opportunity to gain practical observational
experience at the telescope, in observatories
with state of the art instrumentation.
19EuroWinter School 2002 "Observing with the Very
Large Telescope Interferometer" 3-8 February
2002 LES HOUCHES (Chamonix), France
20 EuroWinter School 2002 - schedule
21- Â
- 3)THESIS Opportunities in Europe
- Â European Association for Research in Astronomy
- Fellowships shared between the five EARA
institutes  - Institute of Astronomy in Cambridge
- Sterrewacht Leiden (Leiden University)
- Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris
- Max Planck Institut fur Astrophysik in Garching
- Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias.
22- 4) Job opportunities
- http//www.iap.fr/eas/jobs.html
- European opportunities (2002)
- One (or more) post-doctoral position on "Solar
and Heliospheric plasmas - Institute of
Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Oslo - One postdoctoral position in extragalactic IR
astronomy at Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale
(IAS) in Orsay (cosmological surveys with SIRTF) - One post-doctoral position in Zurich at the
Institut of Theoretical Physics (Gravitational
microlensing, or Clusters of Galaxies (Dark
matter, SZ, ...) ) - Jobs at the European Southern Observatory
- Employment opportunities in the United Kingdom
- etc.
232000 10 year anniversary
- Time for reflection!
- Astronomy has its own voice in Europe!
- Communication / exchange of scientific personnel
- European programs (TEMPUS, ERASMUS/SOCRATES)
big projects on their way (VLT, VLTI, ALMA,OWL) - Virtual Observatory
- Job Centers, Reduced Student Fees,
Scientific/Social Events, Education and Public
Outreach Programs - The EAS at 10 a Promising Youngster
EAS needs to ? Become a motive force for
Astronomy in Europe ? Get support from the EU
? Recruit Astronomers ? Expand
25For more information EAS web
page  http//www.iap.fr/eas/