Title: ECAL0 for GPD Measurements at COMPASS:
1 ECAL0 for GPD Measurements at COMPASS current
status ECAL0 Team, JINR, DUBNA
2 MC studies on p0 background
The MC samples were prepared according to the
settings from COMPASS Notes 2006-11 and
2007-6 Set MC samples with DVCS photons only
(no cut on t ) Set MC samples with photons
from p0 decays SIDIS events only Ratio of
cross section between DVCS and SIDIS is taken to
be about 15
3 MC studies on p0 background
4 Tests of the ECAL0 modules
The modules from town Vladimir are under testing
now The distribution of photoelectrons for
cosmic muons is given below
5 Tests of the ECAL0 modules
The distribution of the light in scintillator
plate 12x12 cm2
6 Tests of the ECAL0 modules
LFS crystal 2x2 x12 mm3 Source 137CS 600
KeV PM and AMPD are compared
7Temperature Control System for ECAL0 (tests)
Interval 10 -18 deg. Stability
0.25 deg. Power Max 13 W
Max 2.0 A for 6 V
0.1 A for 12 V Tested volume 5x5x7 cm3 The
Temperature Control System is based on the TEC
(Thermoelectric Cooler) with size 4x4 cm2
8ECAL0 View
Possible view of ECAL0 sizes 360x360 cm2
with central hole 120x120 cm2 lenght
25-30 cm modules 800 with
size 12x12 cm2 (shashlyk) AMPDs 9300
for inner part 16 AMPDs per module for outer
part 9 AMPDs per module