Title: Nols du Plessis
Nols du Plessis National Treasury 13 September
2Overview of Presentation
- The Constitution and oversight
- PFMA requirements for tabling of annual reports
- Structuring of the oversight process
- Roles of Portfolio Committees and SCOPA
- Other role-players in evaluation process
- Proposed phases during evaluation process
- Conclusion
3The Constitution and Oversight
4The Constitution and Oversight
- Section 55(2) says the National Assembly
- must provide for mechanisms to ensure that all
executive organs of state in the national sphere
of government are accountable to it and to
maintain oversight of the exercise of national
executive authority, including the implementation
of legislation and any organ of state. - Section 92(3)(b) requires that
- Members of Cabinet must provide Parliament with
full and regular reports concerning matters under
their control.
5PFMA requirements for tabling of Annual Reports
6PFMA requirements for tabling
- Section 40(1)(d) 55(1)(d)
- The Accounting Officer/Authority must submit
within five months of the end of the financial
year to the Minister responsible for that
Department/Public Entity an Annual Report on the
activities of the Department/Public Entity - Section 65(1) of PFMA
- the Minister responsible for a department or
public entity must table in the relevant
legislature within one month after the Accounting
Officer/Authority received the audit report the
annual report, financial statements and audit
report - Section 65(2)(a) of PFMA
- a Minister who fails to table an annual report
for an entity by 30 September (6 months
after year end) must table a written explanation
in the legislature setting out the reasons why
the report was not tabled and indicating when the
report will be tabled
7Structuring of the Oversight Process
8Structuring the Oversight Process
- Legislatures establish committees to facilitate
their work - Division of labour allows for specialisation and
more time to be spent on research and actual
oversight work - Division of labour between the portfolio
committees works very well in relation to the
oversight of the Budget - Each portfolio committee is responsible for a
Vote and related public entities - The division of labour works less well when it
comes to end-year oversight of Annual Reports - the public accounts committee oversees all
department and public entity annual financial
statements and audit reports - although annual reports are referred to portfolio
committees there is no structured system of
oversight - Portfolio committees are well place to play a
greater, more structured role in the oversight of
annual reports given their involvement in policy
development, the budget and in-year oversight - Need to develop a systematic oversight process to
complement the budget approval process
9Defining roles in the House Rules
- House Rules should define the roles of the
different players in the oversight of Annual
Reports - The Speakers responsibilities in managing the
tabling processes - The procedure for referring the annual reports to
the relevant portfolio committee and the public
accounts committee - The respective roles of the portfolio committees
and public accounts committee in exercising
oversight of annual reports - The processes of oversight that the portfolio
committees and public accounts committee may
follow - The expected outputs of the oversight process
- The time periods within which the different
oversight processes should take place and when
the different oversight outputs must be tabled in
the House - Note that the absence of such House Rules is not
an obstacle to the implementation of the proposed
oversight process
10Proposed Oversight Process
11Roles of Portfolio Committees and SCOPA
12Role of the Public Accounts Committee
- Specialised role of protector of the public
purse - Focus on the following
- (i) The General Report of the Auditor General
- (ii) Financial probity (e.g. fraud)
- (iii) Compliance with the PFMA and associated
Treasury Regulations - (iv) The interrogation of over-expenditure
(relative to appropriations), and other instances
of unauthorised expenditure - (v) The interrogation of fruitless and wasteful
expenditure - (vi) The functioning of internal control and risk
management systems - (vii) Supply chain management and procurement,
particularly large tenders, large capital
projects and Public Private Partnership deals - (viii) The disposal of significant state assets,
and any major financial or related losses
suffered by government - (ix) Corporate governance of departments and
public entities
13Role of Portfolio Committees
- Close accountability loop by exercising oversight
of service delivery - Focus on the following
- (i) The technical quality of the annual reports
- (ii) Whether reports cover all performance
targets set out in strategic/corporate plans - (iii) The quality of the performance information
- The economy, efficiency and effectiveness of
service delivery as measured by the performance
indicators or by the AG in a performance audit,
or by way of other information - The implementation of the entitys service
delivery improvement plan - Evaluating managements explanations why service
delivery was not in line with targets set in the
strategic plans and budgets - Investigating under or over expenditure, the
impact on service delivery and the measures taken
to comply with the Budget
14Links between Committees
- Committees need to share information to improve
the overall effectiveness of oversight - Portfolio committees in the various clusters
should consider holding joint hearings - The public accounts committee should provide
information on key issues raised in the AGs
General Report to the other committees - Portfolio committees may consider appointing
rapporteurs to brief the public accounts
committee on important issues it has identified
in its oversight process
15Other role-players in Evaluation Process
16Input by other role-players (1)
- Auditor-General
- Auditing of annual financial statements
- Auditing of performance information
- Performance audits of selected entities
- National Treasury
- Annually prepare a Guide to the technical
requirements for annual reports - In process to develop a framework for non
financial information - Treasury do prepare a consolidated report for
Cabinet on Audit Outcomes - Constitutional institutions
- Provide inputs to the oversight hearings dealing
with issues within their mandate
17Input by other role-players (2)
- Departments with public entities
- Produce an overview of the performance of the
various public entities within the Ministers
portfolio - Committee researchers
- Be familiar with the challenges, policies and
other developments - Review strategic plans, budgets, in-year reports
and previous annual reports - Monitor developments in their area of focus on an
ongoing basis - Talk to the relevant treasury, auditors and other
stakeholders - Stakeholders and the public
- Request subject experts to evaluate entities
performances - Accounting Officers
- Written explanation to Minister on poor audit
outcomes - Corrective steps
- Preparation of annual reports should be part of
annual performance evaluation process - Executive Authorities
- Minister should approve corrective steps
- Annual report must be used to assess performance
of accounting officers
18Proposed phases during Evaluation Process
19Oversight preparation phase
- Start preparations well before 30 September
- Committee staff must ensure
- members have access to all relevant documents
- identify and contact subject experts for hearings
- Members preparations
- read all relevant documents
- review current years performance compared to
outcome of previous oversight process - consult with subject experts and other
stakeholders - prioritise issues and questions
- Committee should meet prior to hearing to
- identify key issues
- identify what they want to get out of the hearing
- prioritise certain key questions
20Oversight hearings phase
- Options for structuring the oversight hearings
- 1. A presentation by the Minister and/or the
accounting officer and then a page-by-page review
of the annual report - 2. A presentation by the Minister and/or the
accounting officer followed by a presentation by
a designated member of the committee dealing with
key issues as identified by the Committee,
followed by a question and answer session - 3. A presentation by the Minister and/or the
accounting officer followed by inputs by invited
experts or stakeholder organisations, followed by
a question and answer session. - 4. A presentation by the Minister and/or the
accounting officer followed by a full-scale
public hearing, followed by a question and answer
21Oversight report-writing phase
- Each portfolio committee should prepare an
Oversight Report for each - entity they oversee
- Oversight Reports should deal with
- Compliance with the tabling deadlines
- Compliance with the technical requirements for
annual reports - The usefulness of the General Information section
- Comments on the entitys reported performance
- Comments on the entitys human resource situation
and policies - Key issues that the committee would like to draw
to the entitys attention as regards its
performance - Recommendations in relation to any of the issues
noted above
22Tabling of Oversight Reports
- Oversight Reports should be tabled in the House
- In certain circumstances the House may consider
debating certain issues contained in the Reports - Once accepted, Reports should be sent to the
relevant Minister for response to resolutions
23Follow-up phase
- Legislatures need to put in place systems to
manage and track resolutions - Aim of such systems
- to bring resolutions regularly to the attention
of Ministers - to ensure that Ministers respond to resolutions
- to ensure issues raised in resolutions get
25Aim of overseeing performance
- To test whether the annual report is an accurate
record of the entitys performance - To evaluate whether the reported performance is
in line with the entitys strategic plans and
budgets - To evaluate whether performance is acceptable
given the operating environment - To assess how the entity might improve on its
performance in future - Focus is on
- How can the entity deliver services better in
26Accountability Instruments
- Strategic / Corporate plans
- Estimates of National Expenditure
- Guide for the preparation of Annual Reports
- Guide to understand oversight reports of
Departments - Audit Report issued by external Auditor
- General Report of the Auditor-General on Audit