Title: Empires of the Ancient World
1Empires of the Ancient World
- World History A
- Seminar 3
Warm Up Define the following 1.
civilization 2. democracy 3. republic 4.
rule of law
2Warm Up Definitions
- Civilization complex, highly organized
social order. - Democracy government in which the people hold
ruling power. - Republic system of government in which
representatives are chosen by the people. It is a
form of democracy - Rule of law - government by law. The rule of law
implies that government authority may only be
exercised in accordance with written laws, which
were adopted through an established procedure.
3Greek Civilization1750 BC 133 BC
- Early Minoan civilization the forerunner for
Greece - began on the island of Crete, around
1700 BC. Evidence shows extensive trade and a
very advanced culture, which was exported to
mainland Greece at Mycenaea.
See textbook map on page 106. Locate Crete.
Then, answer question 2 under the map.
Click here for online information about Mycenaean
4Greek Civilization1750 BC 133 BC
- Early Minoan civilization the forerunner for
Greece - began on the island of Crete, around
1700 BC. Evidence shows extensive trade and a
very advanced culture, which was exported to
mainland Greece at Mycenaea.
How did the geography of Greece present obstacles
to a unified Greek country?
5Minoan Civilization
- Minoan Civilization was one of the earliest
examples of what has come to be called Greek
civilization. - Minoans were trading at the same time as the
Phoenicians, Egyptians and Babylonians.
The Minoan Civilization may have been the
foundation for the story of Atlantis.
The Palace at Knossos. Click here for more
pictures of the palace.
Click here for more about the Minoans.
6Mycenaeans1600 BC 1200 BC
- Sea traders beyond Aegean to Sicily, Italy,
Egypt and Mesopotamia. - Warriors, living in several city states.
- The Mycenaean city state became the mainland
Greek civilization. - Best known for Trojan War. (textbook, page 103)
Click here and on the pictures for more
information about Mycenaeans and the Trojan War.
7Athens and Sparta(Click above for a web chart
comparison of Athens and Sparta.)1200 0
BCTextbook pages 106-107
- Greece itself was made up of separate
- city-states, which were constantly at war.
- Define city-state
- City-state definition Political unit made up of
a city and the surrounding lands. - Two major city-states Athens and Sparta.
- Create a chart on your own paper like the one
which follows. -
8- Athens
- Government
- Limited democracy (only male citizens could
participate), Council of 500 which made the laws,
voting Assembly. - Soldiers
- Citizen soldiers only during wartime
- Slaves
- No political rights or freedoms. Owned by
individuals - Women
- Cared for the home, limited political rights.
- Education
- Upper class boys only. Military training and
preparation for government involvement.
Knowledge was important for a democratic
- Sparta
- Government
- Two kings (military generals) and a council of
elders. Citizens were male, native born, over
30. - Soldiers
- Military society, all males prepared to be
soldiers from birth. Soldiers from age 7 30. - Slaves
- Owned by the State
- Women
- Prepared physically for fighting, right to
inherit property, must obey men. - Education
- Boys only. Military based training from age 7.
Taught to fight. Prohibition against trade,
travel and mixing with other city-states.
9Persian Wars490 479 BC
- The Greek city-states did not unite until faced
with a common enemy
10Delian League
- By 479 BC, the Greeks had defeated the Persians
on land in Asia Minor and stopped their advance. - Athens emerged from the war as the most powerful
city-state in Greece. - To continue the struggle against Persia, it
organized the Delian League, an alliance with the
other Greek city states. - Athens dominated the Delian League and used its
wealth to create an Athenian empire.
11Athens The City Pericles Built
- Direct Democracy Citizen assembly voted
directly on laws - Huge construction projects Acropolis and
Parthenon rebuilt - Emphasis on arts, architecture, philosophy and
12Athens Conquered by Sparta
- In 404 BC, Sparta attacked and conquered the
fading Athenian empire in what came to be know as
the Peloponnesian War. For the next century,
fighting continued to dominate the Greek
city-states. By 359 BC, the Macedonians from the
north, under the leadership of Philip II invaded
and conquered all of Greece.
13The World of Alexander the Great (Text page
120)359 BC 323 BC
- Philip conquered Greece in 359 BC
- His next conquest was to be the
Persian empire. - The Macedonian army was the most superbly
trained in the world. It made use of the phalanx
configuration. - Philip was assassinated before he could attack
and conquer Persia. - His son, Alexander (20) took the throne.
Philip of Macedonia
14- Over the course of the next eleven years,
Alexander proceeded to conquer the entire Persian
empire. When Xerxes surrendered, Alexander took
over all of his realm and his possessions.
Alexander even married Xerxes daughter!
Write a short paragraph in which you compare and
contrast the extent of Alexanders Empire as
opposed to the Persian Empire
15The Legacy of Alexander
Upon the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC,
his empire began to divide and dissolve.
However, Alexander left behind a legacy of Greek
thought, language and custom that survives in
part today.
- Local cultures assimilated Greek ideas and
language. They became Hellenic or Greek like
The Hellenistic Age is the age of world wide
Greek culture after Alexander. - Left behind the idea that all people are morally
equal. Aided in the spread of Christianity. - Encouraged the work of scholars. Built libraries
all over the empire especially at Alexandria,
Egypt. Emphasized mathematics, medicine, science
and philosophy.
16The Roman World
The earliest of the Roman civilizations were the
Etruscans. (Textbook to page 129.) With the fall
of Hellenic influence, the Etruscans conquered
all of the Italian peninsula. Their competition
for control of the Mediterranean Sea were the
Carthaginians in Africa.
After three wars with the Carthaginians called
the Punic wars the Romans emerged as the
supreme rulers of the Mediterranean area.
17The REAL HannibalTextbook , page 134.
- In 218 BC the Carthaginian general Hannibal
led his army, including dozens of war elephants,
from Spain across the Pyrenees, through Gaul to
Rome. Hannibal surprised the Romans and began 15
years of fighting. In the end, the Romans
attacked Carthage and ended Hannibals attacks
against Rome. Rome now ruled the Mediterranean.
18The REAL HannibalTextbook , page 134.
- The Carthaginians fought for their own
preservation and the sovereignty of Africa. The
Romans for supremacy and world domination. ( a
Greek witness to the destruction of Carthage.) - The Romans were committed to a policy of
imperialism. - Define imperialism
- Domination by one country of the political,
economic or cultural life of another country or
19The Republic of Rome
- Define Republic
- Republic System of government in which officials
are elected by the people. - Senate Most powerful governing body. 300
members all patricians. Made the laws. - First laws codified into the
- Twelve Tables
- Two Consuls elected by Senate. Ran the
government and the army. - Tribunes elected by the people (plebeians)
- Judges Oversaw courts cases
- Wide spread use of slave labor from conquered
territories - Slave labor forced small farmers out of business.
Led to mass unemployment and poverty. - Mob riots and corruption in the government.
- Attempts at reform failed.
- Civil wars began.
- Julius Caesar emerged as dictator of Rome
20Julius Caesar and the Empire of Rome
- Caesar conquers Gaul What is Gaul called today?
- France
- First Triumvirate Julius Caesar, Pompey, and
Crassus - Caesar defeats Pompey in a civil war after
Crassus dies in battle. - Caesar pursues Pompey to Egypt where he meets
Cleopatra and has a child with her. - Caesar becomes dictator of Rome
- Caesar is assassinated by the Senate he tried to
displace. - Rome plunges into Civil War.
- Marc Anthony and Cleopatra are defeated by Caesar
Augustus. - Caesar Augustus ends all hope for a further Roman
21Julius Caesar
- Below the chart, write a short paragraph in which
you defend ONE of the following statements - Julius Caesar was a man of the people.
- Julius Caesar was a vicious dictator.
- On your own paper, create a chart like the one
below. Then read the primary sources you are
given about Julius Caesar and write down excerpts
that best fit the categories.
22Rome at its Height60 400 AD
On your own paper, describe the extent of the
Roman Empire at its height. Be sure to name
oceans, rivers and seas in your description. Use
page 127 in your textbook for further details.
23Pax Romana
- Pax Romana, Latin for "the Roman peace", is the
long period of peace experienced by states within
the Roman Empire. The term stems from the fact
that Roman rule and its legal system pacified
regions which had suffered from the quarrels
between rival leaders, sometimes forcefully.
During this time Rome still fought a number of
wars against neighboring states and tribes, most
notably the Germanic tribes and Parthia. It was
an era of relative tranquility, in which Rome
endured neither major civil wars, such as the
perpetual bloodshed of the first century BC, nor
serious invasions. Characterized by rule by
emperors and a lack of democracy. Strong military
24The Roman Achievement
- Turn in your textbook to page 137.
- Roman Roads - As early as the 4th century BC, a
good road system was recognized as vital for
military deployment, communication and increasing
commerce. By having an option to traveling around
the peninsula or along the coast line of Italy,
travelers and merchants could avoid some threat
of storms, pirates and navigational problems. - Well trained and extensive military. Because the
military presence on Roman roads was so
extensive, travel and trade were safer and much
faster. - Roman rule of law - An accused person is innocent
until proven guilty.
25The Roman Achievement
26The Roman Achievement
- Aqueducts Roman water systems often carried
water to cities from mountain streams hundreds of
miles away. Only a highly organized civilization
with advanced technology could create such a
27The Roman Achievement
- Highly sophisticated public buildings and baths.
28The Rise of ChristianityTextbook - page 144
- Despite Roman persecution of the early
Church, the Pax Romana and the extensive Roman
transportation system allowed Christianity to
spread throughout the Roman empire. The huge
slave population made Christianity attractive to
a wide section of the population. By 312 AD,
Emperor Constantine had decreed Christianity the
official religion of Rome.
Jesus healing the blind man.