Pays de la Loire - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Pays de la Loire


Huwa mibni fuq ix-xmara Cher li tirrifletti l-arkitettura tieghu, u jigbor fih ... to lay out the right bank of the river Le Cher and to the architect Philibert ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Pays de la Loire

Pays de la Loire
  • French lesson 6

Virtual discovery of a region
  • http// http//www.chenonceau
  • Dan huwa regjun li jinsab fil- punent tal-
    pajjiz. Huwa jigbor fih hames dipartimenti u
    jinsab vicin ir-regjuni ta Bretagne u Normandie.
    Il- kapitali ta dan ir-regjun hija l- belt
    taNantes. Ix-xmara Loire taqsam lil dan
    ir-regjun min-nofs u l-wied ta din ix-xmara huwa
    mportanti mmens ghall-ekonomija, l-kultura u
    l-attivitajiet edukattivi ta dan ir-regjun. Dan
    ir-regjun tant huwa sinjur fdak li ghandu
    xjaqsam ma patrimonju u pajzaggi kulturali li
    fis-sena 2002, l- Unesco ddikjaratu bhala World
    Heritage for Humanity Site,  
  • FPays de la Loire insibu ammont kbir ta rziezet
    specjalment fejn irabbu l-baqar ghall-
    produzzjoni ta prodotti tal- halib u hniezer.
    Matul il- kosta tal-Atlantiku nsibu bosta
    portijiet li jintuzaw kemm ghas-sajd kif ukoll
    ghall-merkanzija. Insibu wkoll rziezet
    ghat-trobbija tal papri. Fost l- industriji
    ewlenin insibu dawk tessili, tal- karozzi u tal
  • Pero dan ir-regjun huwa maghruf ghall- kastelli
    kbar  u sbieh li nsibu tul ix-xmara Loire. U fil-
    fatt il- website li ser nzuru llum
    http// tiffoka proprju fuq
    dawn il- kastelli.. Nidhlu ghalhekk fil- parti
    carte des chateaux fejn insibu mappa tal-aktar
    kastelli imporanti fdan ir-regjun. Fil- fatt
    fdan ir-regjun insibu l-fuq minn 300 kastell li
    l- bini taghhom ikopri z-zmien bejn is-seklu
    ghaxra u s-seklu sittax. Ghaliex dan l-ammont
    kollu? Meta r-rejiet bdew jibnu dawn il- kastelli
    hdejn ix-xmara Loire, in- nobbli ma kinux iridu
    jkunu l-boghod mill-aktar bniedem bsahhtu fil
    pajjiz appuntu r-re, ghalhekk bdew jibnu
    l-kastelli taghhom biex ikunu fejn jaqblilhom
    jigifieri vicin tieghu. Aktar il- quddiem ir-re
    Francois l-ewwel iddecieda li c-centru tal-poter
    ghandu jkun  f Parigi.  Aktar  tard ir- re Luigi
    14 bena l-palazz ta Versailles ftit il- barra
    minn  Parigi. Madanakollu, ir-rejiet xorta wahda
    kienu jippreferu jqattghu l- bicca l- kbira
    tal-hin taghhom fil kastelli tal- Loire. 
  • Ejja naghtu daqqa tghajn lil uhud min dawn il-
    kastelli. Nikklikkjaw fuq Selection des Chateaux
    u hawnhekk insibu lista ta kastelli britratti u
    links ma sites specifici. L-akbar kastell huwa
    dak ta Chambord pero wiehed mill-isbah huwa bla
    dubju ta xejn le chateau de Chenonceau. U fil-
    fatt ser nikklikkja fuq ir-ritratt biex immur
    fis-sit ufficjali ta dan il- kastell. Dan il-
    kastell huwa maghruf bhala il- kastell tan- nisa
    / tad- dami kif kienu jsejhulhom dak iz-zmien
    ghax ghadda minn idejn nisa mportanti. Huwa mibni
    fuq ix-xmara Cher li tirrifletti l-arkitettura
    tieghu, u jigbor fih gonna ta sbuhija liema
    bhala. Izda ejja naghtuh daqqa tghajn minn gewwa
    u nikklikkjaw fuq Visite. 

  • Tamin jghati daqqa tghajn lejn il-gonna ta dan
    il- kastell. Hemm zewg gonna principali fdan
    il-kastell-dak ta Diane de Poitiers u dak ta
    Catherine de Medicis li kienu rivali . Iz-zewg
    gonna huma mibnija fuq stili differenti. Nistghu
    naraw hom mill- vicin  billi nikklikkjaw fuq
    Jardins. Xi haga ntressanti dwar dan il- kastell
    huma l- arrangamenti tal- fjuri li nsibu fkull
    kamra. Hemm team ta haddiema li xogholhom huwa
    li jbdlu dawn l- arrangementi tal- fjuri darbtejn
    fgimgha biex il- kastell jinghata dehra bhal li
    kieku ghadhom jghixu fih in- nies. Il- fjuri li
    jintuzaw jitkabbru fi gnien apposta gnien
    enormi  ta10,000metru kwardu. Jintuzaw ukoll
    weraq u zkuk ta pjanti tal- akwati biex jaghtu
    dehra ta kastell fil- kampanja. 
  • Nistghu niehdu idea tal- hwejjeg li kienu
    jintlibsu fdak iz-zmien billi nzuru La galerie
    des Dames.  
  • Dan huwa wiehed biss mill-kastelli li intom
    tistghu izzuru fPays de la loire. Bhas-soltu
    ahna nistednukom issibu l- hin u tidhlu fdawn
    is-sites biex issiru tafu izjed dwar dawn il-

To go further ...
  • The Châteaux de la Loire were for most of them
    built during the French Renaissance, at a time
    when the royal power was mainly located along the
    rivers. Many castles were built, among them we
    can name le château dAmboise, le château de
    Blois, le château de Chenonceau.. It is a main
    attraction popular among tourists since these
    castles represent part of the French history and
    some of them have particularities very
    interesting such as the stairs of the château de
  • Diane de Poitiers was the favorite of Henri II
    who offered her the Château de Chenonceau. She
    asked Pacello da Mercoliano to lay out the right
    bank of the river Le Cher and to the architect
    Philibert de lOrme to build a bridge linking the
    castle to the left bank of the river in order to
    create new gardens. The garden was called Diane
    de Poitiers. At the death of Henri II, Diane de
    Poitiers was ordered by Catherine de Medicis,
    mother of the king, to give back the castle to
    the Crown and to accept in exchange to go and
    live in another castle le château de Chaumont
    sur Loire. This castle is also known as Le
    château des dames (the Ladies castle) because of
    all the women who owned it and participated to
    its construction.

Weekly Song Clip
  • Renaud Séchan, known as Renaud was born in Paris
    on May 11, 1952. He is a popular French singer.
    His early work is characterized by a volatile
    temperament, innovative use of French, and edgy,
    dark, left-wing social and political themes. His
    music focuses on the disparity between classes,
    the abuse of political power, overbearing
    authority and disgust for the military, with rare
    glimpses of tenderness for his fellow humans, the
    planet earth, and art. After a dry spell marked
    by an addiction to alcohol, he made a comeback
    hit with his album "Boucan d'enfer" in 2002.
    Several of his songs can be classified as
    long-lasting hits in France, including the sea
    tale "Dès que le vent soufflera", the irreverent
    "Laisse béton", the ballad "Morgane de toi" and
    the nostalgic "Mistral gagnant". In 2006 Renaud
    married Romane Serda, the mother of his son
    Malone. Its with her thqt he recorded the
    following song Anais Nin which tells about the
    life of a real american writter, Anais Nin.
  • Renaud Anais Nin

RomaneParis, 14 avrilMa vie est un
exilJ'envie tes jours tranquillesA
ClichyHenri, volcan veloursBandit au souffle
courtJ'écris la nuit, le jourTout mon amourMon
amourLà dans mon journalRenaudRefrainAn
aïs Nin a le diable au coeurLa douleur
assassineAnaïs Nin, AnaïsInfiniment
féminineAnaïs Nin a le diable au coeurLa
douleur assassineAnaïs Nin,Anaïs
RomaneMillerRenaudJ'ai fuit le bruit
des villesLa pluie est un exilElle coule des
jours tranquillesA ClichyRomaneHenri j'ai
le coeur lourdDu gris qui nous entoureJe crie
depuis toujoursTout mon amourMon amourLà dans
mon journal Renaudau RefrainRomaneMil
J'ai froidLe temps d'un taxiEt me voilàContre
toi, HenryAttend-moi, je te suisPeu m'importe
siParfois la nuit nous trahitEnfer ou
paradisApprends-moi l'interditRenaudL'inter
dit (L'interdit...)RenaudRomaneAnaïs Nin
a le diable au coeurLa douleur assassineAnaïs
Nin,AnaïsInfiniment féminineAnaïs Nin a le
diable au coeurLa douleur assassineAnaïs Nin
Intercultural Differences Maltese and French as
  • French and Maltese languages have some words in
    common, even if for most of them, they were given
    a maltses accent and spelling ( like Bongu
    Bonjour , Bonswa Bonsoir ).
  • Nowadays, these ways to greet someone tend to
    disappear in Malta since people use a lot the
    English forms like hello or good evening. This is
    a result of the language evolution in a
    bilingual country.
  • In France, many words also belong to other
    languages from English, Arabic etc. But the
    French remains the main language and French
    people are proud of it.
  • Maltese was recognized as on of the official
    languages of the European union but still people
    like to use English for the official meetings and
    conferences on international scale.
  • French is not only spoken in France. There are
    many countries where it is spoken in the world ,
    and as a result, the French language is the
    official language of 29 states or countries which
    represents 110 million real francophone people
    all over the world.
  • For sure, the French spoken all over the world is
    not exactly the same, some words are different
    and the accents are different too. A French
    person can recognize a Quebecker just by hearing
    that person talking.
  • The accents are also presents within France and
    depending on the region, the way of speaking will
    slightly change. Some words will also be
    different from one region to another.
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