Title: PowerPoint-presentasjon
1SAFEFOODERA The Nordic Model for Cooperation of
National Food Safety Research Programs Coordinat
ed by The Nordic InnovationCentre
(NICe) Stakeholder meeting with the food
service sector Ljubljana 8 February 2007 Oddur
Már Gunnarsson Coordinator
2 The Nordic region Iceland Norway Sweden Finla
nd Denmark _
The Nordic InnovationCentre (NICe)
- The challenge
- The Nordic countries, NCM and NICe are all
running research and innovation programmes on
food. The food safety aspect of these research
program-mes are however fragmented and the
funding is both insufficient and sub optimal. -
- The suggested solution
- 1) A coordinated response towards this challenge
by improving co-ordination - of the national/regional programmes through
networking. - 2) However, Food Safety is a global challenge,
too large to be met by the - Nordic countries acting alone.
3The Background of the Staircase
2002 NRA-NET Processing for food safety
1993 NRA-NET NordFood
4Global Marked
5- 35 million cases of food poisoning within the
EU each - year, unknown number of deaths (population
480 million) - 76 million illnesses and 5000 deaths in US each
year - (population 268 million)
- One-third of the populations of developed
countries may - be effected by food borne illness each year
- Only a fraction of outbreaks is reported
Ref Ilsi
6The SAFEFOODERA primary objective is to
establish a European platform for protecting
consumers against health from the consumption of
food through a co-ordination action ERA-NET of
15 Member States, 3 Associated Countries and 3
regional organisations representing in total
450 million European citizens
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8Active in topic total 35 answers
9Pathogens 490 projects
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11Scientific disciplines 2.359 projects
12Task force Management aplication face
P i l o t p r o g r m e
Emerging risk
European Steering Committee
Project Management Group
Task force Management running program
Patogen Free Production
Project Management Group
Task force Financial models
European Steering Committee
Task force Pilot call topics
13Pilot programme food safety Pilot programme food safety Topics Topics Topics
Pilot programme food safety Pilot programme food safety Emerging risks (Common pot) Pat. free production (Common pot) Zoonosis (Virtual pot)
Country Baque-country  x x
Country Cyprus  x x
Country Denmark x x x
Country Germany x  x
Country Finland x x x
Country Netherlands x  x
Country Norway x x x
Country Portugal x  x
Country Iceland x x x
Country Sweden x x x
Country UK Â x X
Through NICe Through NCM
14Pilot programme food safety
- Total budget
- 2 400 000 euro in funding
- Common pot
- Emerging Risk
- Pathogen Free Production Systems
- Distributed pot
- Zoonosis
- Duration
- 1 Year
- Funding members
- management ownership
- initiators and overview
1. Open the call September 2006 2. Deadline for
the applications 15th December 2006 3. Evaluation
December February 2007 4. Funding decisions
Marts 2007 5. Kick Off 1st May 2007 6. Finish of
the projects April 2008
16The evaluation criteria
- Relevance according to the call
- The chances for achieving the objectives
- Scientific quality
- Value for money
- Enhancing International collaborative work
17Dialogue with stakeholders Facilitating
pan-European dissemination and exploitation of
research results. Time schedule SAFEFOODERA
Stakeholder meetings
18Building on the lessons learned
Call 2
19The SAFEFOODERA primary objective is to
establish a European platform for protecting
consumers against health risks from the
consumption of food !!!
Where to go?
- Expanding the network
- New Call
- Era-Net
- Infrastructure of pan-
- European interest
- Or ???
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21ERA-NET This could take the form of a Community
top-up for joint calls of proposals (to the tune
of 30 of total costs, provided a number of
conditions are satisfied), where participating
entities create a common fund for the purpose of
the action. As such, the ERA-NET mechanism,
which will remain a simple and flexible
coordination mechanism between national or
regional research programmes, could become a more
effective bridge toward..
22www.safefoodera.net www.nordicinnovation.net