Principles of Lasers - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Principles of Lasers


University of San Francisco, Spring ... ' ... This is the familiar Airy function we encountered earlier. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Principles of Lasers

Principles of Lasers
The Nobel prize in physics 1964
Nicolay G. Basov (1922 - 2001)
Aleksandr M. Prokhorov (1916 2002)
Charles H. Townes (b. 1915)
For fundamental work in the field of quantum
electronics, which has led to the construction of
oscillators and amplifiers based on the
maser-laser principle."
Schawlow and Townes
  • Arthur L. Schawlow and Charles H. Townes invent
    the laser, then publish "Infrared and Optical
    Masers" in the American Physical Society's
    Physical Review. The paper describes the basic
    principles of the LASER (Light Amplification by
    Stimulated Emission of Radiation), initiating
    this new scientific field.

1960 The first laser
In 1960, the race to build the first laser was
red hot. Bell Lab's Arthur L. Schawlow and
Charles H. Townes had, two years previously,
published their theoretical paper, "Infrared and
optical masers," but no one had yet built a
working model. Theodore Ted Maimans laserthe
worlds first working laserrepresented a major
breakthrough in the field of applied physics.
Today, the amplification of light resulting from
a laser is used for a variety of activities
ranging from surgery to weaponry.
Historical horizon
  • 1917 stimulated emission has been postulated
  • 1928 stimulated emission has been experimentally
  • 1950's work on light generation and amplification
  • 1954 first Maser (C. H. Townes, J. P. Gordon, and
    H. J. Zeiger) based on NH3 (ammonia molecule)
  • 1958 Ideas have been applied to the optical
    spectral region
  • 1960 first laser (Ruby)
  • 1961 first gas laser (Helium Neon laser)
  • Why maser before laser?
  • microwave technology was well developed (II. WW)
  • investigated optical systems had only small

Basic picture of a laser
  • A laser is an optical oscillator. It consists
    essentially of an amplifying medium placed inside
    a suitable optical resonator or cavity that
    provides positive feedback.
  • The laser oscillation can be described as a
    standing wave in a cavity. The output consists of
    an intense beam of highly monochromatic radiation.

Amplifying medium
Small signal gain G0
from last time
  • For a gain medium of length l this equation

need population inversion
stimulated emission cross section
Population inversion
  • Can be achieved using
  • Optical pumping or photon excitation
  • Ruby laser (3 level system)
  • dye laser
  • Inelastic atom-atom collisions
  • A B ? A B
  • HeNe laser (4 level system)

Population inversion
  • Direct electron excitation
  • Argon ion laser
  • Injection of carriers in pn junction
  • diode laser
  • Chemical reactions
  • Excimer laser

Threshold requirements for a laser
  • To increase the gain, it is not practical to make
    long lasers but rather use a pair of mirrors
    located at the ends of the gain medium
  • At threshold, the pump power is sufficiently high
    that a population inversion is achieved and the
    net round trip gain is equal to the net round
    trip loss

pumping process
Laser gain medium
R ? 100
R lt 100
Example Ruby laser
Population inversion through optical pumping 3
level system
Laser operation
When the pumping is increased, a population
inversion occurs The first spontaneously emitted
photons stimulate a chain reaction One photon
triggers the rapid, in phase emission of another,
dumping energy from the metastable state into the
evolving lightwave The wave grows as it goes back
and forth across the active medium Light is
coupled out through the partial mirror
Optical output of a laser as a function of
pumping power
Further increase in pump power provides
proportionally more atoms in upper laser level to
participate in stimulated emission and output
power increases linearly with pump power
Erbium doped fiber amplifier (EDFA)
  • Amplifier material traditional silicon fiber
    doped with Er3 rare earth ions to make an
    active medium for laser pumped gain
  • Quasi three level system
  • Pump energy provided by 980nm or 1480nm radiation

If we provide positive feedback, we can build a
laser using the EDFA as the gain medium!
A ring laser
Losses due to transmission through output
coupler, absorption, scattering and reflection in
In steady state, the total loss associated with
one round trip is exactly compensated by the
single pass gain
A ring laser
Mathematical treatment
straight line!
Laser output power vs. pump power
straight line!
slope (SE)
The Erbium fiber ring laser
use T0 20, 40, 60, 80 coupling ratios
go in steps of 3, 6, 9, 12 dB excess loss
1. Small signal gain of gain medium
from this plot you can read off the small signal
gain for a certain pump power
You did this in the EDFA experiment, if not you
need to redo it, use -30dBm for signal laser
2. Laser output vs. pump power
this is what you dial in with the attenuator
40 coupling ratio
determine slope efficiency SE
threshold, read off pump power 12mW and find
small signal gain from previous measurement
do this for T0 20, 40, 60, 80 output
coupling ratios
3. Threshold gain vs. excess loss
read off y-intersect to give you the total round
trip intra cavity losses including Li and (1-T0),
use this to find Li
pump threshold increases with excess loss, such
that the small signal gain coefficient at
threshold exactly offsets that loss
Li intrinsic intra cavity loss T0 output
coupling ratio
4. Slope efficiency vs. excess loss
5. Laser output power vs. pump power
intra cavity loss 10dB
Mirror cavity and resonant modes
  • In most lasers, a mirror cavity is used to
    provide feedback. For low gain lasers, this
    feedback is critical to achieving the threshold
    pumping condition.
  • The cavity resonates at discrete wavelengths.
    Standing waves are set up when an integral number
    of half-wavelengths occur between the mirrors
    (you need a node at each mirror)

Mirror cavity and resonant modes
It is possible for light waves at these
frequencies to become strong enough to give
stimulated emission.
Longitudinal laser cavity modes
Fabry-Perot supports large number of discrete
wavelengths called longitudinal or axial modes.
Longitudinal laser cavity modes
This is the familiar Airy function we encountered
Laser operation above threshold
  • The gain makes available a broad range of
    frequencies out of which the cavity selects and
    amplifies only certain narrow bands (modes)
  • Only modes which experience a small signal gain
    greater than the threshold gain can lase

multimode operation
Laser output and gain
In continuous wave (cw) operation, the gain for
these laser modes will saturate to equal the
threshold gain. Because this happens only at the
wavelength of the laser modes, we can observe
spectral hole burning. This phenomenon is not
observable in homogeneously broadened gain media.
Single mode operation
Transverse laser modes
Laser spatial modes
Laser spatial modes
  • Also referred to as Transverse Electro-magnetic
    (TEM) modes, labeling according to the number of
    nodal lines in the x and y directions across the
    emerging beam.

Electric field
The 00 mode is the Gaussian beam no phase
shifts in E across the beam, spatially coherent,
angular divergence is smallest, can be focused to
the smallest spot size. Higher-order modes
involve multiplication of a Gaussian by a
Hermite polynomial.
Mode patterns
Mode patterns
(No Transcript)
Suppression of transverse modes
Introduce an aperture into the cavity, to cut off
higher order transverse modes
Properties of laser light
  • Highly directional
  • Light quanta that leave the active region are
    getting absorbed, whereas light quanta along the
    resonator axis are getting amplified
  • Monochromatic
  • Due to the mirror cavity resonance and the
    quantum condition on photon energy, the light is
    composed of only a very narrow range of
  • We can easily achieve Dllt10-1nm-10-6nm, stable
    lasers are specified in Hz, world record is
    0.16Hz (Jim Berquists group - NIST-Boulder)
  • Coherent
  • Due to the stimulated emission process, the light
    waves are all emitted in phase or in step rather
    than being emitted randomly
  • Interferometric distance measurements over 50km
    and more are possible

Spatial characteristics and focusing
  • As a result of the high directionality (they are
    so called diffraction limited), they can be
    focused to a spot of dimension l ? ?
  • ? incredible power densities can be reached
  • By comparison, conventional sources, even when
    focused cannot yield a higher effective
    temperature that that of the source one cannot
    achieve a temperature higher than 6000K in
    focused sunlight regardless of the means of
  • For a 1MW laser, it is possible to obtain a power
    density of 1012W/cm2 for visible wavelengths
  • Much higher densities have been achieved in
    projects to trigger nuclear reactions (NOVA
    laser, LLNL)
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