Title: Basic Principles
1Light Takes Shape Advanced micromanipulation
for colloidal and biological scienceKishan
DholakiaSUPA, School of Physics and
AstronomyUniversity of St Andrews,
SFM 2008
2This talk
- Optical trapping
- Basic considerations
- Advanced Studies
- Multiple beams,
- Optical binding
- Vortices
- non-diffracting beams
- White light studies
- Biophotonics with trapping
- Cell sorting
- Raman studies
- Cell Transfection
Industrial Physicist 1999
SPIE 2003
Recent review Dholakia et al., Chem Soc Rev vol
37, 42 (2008) available on our wesbite
3Johannes Kepler Comet Tails
4Size Scale
Human Hair 60mm (0.06mm)
Red Blood Cell 10 microns (0.01mm)
Light may interrogate, trap and separate objects
at this scale 1 micron 1 millionth of a metre!
5From Thinking like a physicist, N Thompson
6- Knock the block over?
- The rubber bullet maximum momentum
- transfer
- Damage the block?
- The aluminium bullet maximum energy transfer
7Optical force on a mirror
Very small!! But for a microscopic sphere use
Newtons laws..
Independent of wavelength
8At what scale are we working?
9Optical levitation (suspending drops of water)
Expt of K Volke-Sepulveda and V Garces-Chavez
10Two counter-propagating beams
- A basic optical trap
Ashkin, Phys Rev. Lett. 24, 156 (1970)
Cell dimensions 3?3?20 mm
2 Gaussian beams
Long working distance
Works well in fiber traps
Also allows guiding
11Fibre optic trap
NO HIGH-N.A. OPTICS Compatible with
Potentially self-aligning -- some versions
interesting for integrated systems. Also
interesting for studies in microfluidics, Raman
12A true 3D traphow do we get it?
The same applies for light
As light is bent by a particle it exerts a force
allowing us to use light to trap
microscopic particles. REFRACTION
13A Ashkin et al, Opt Lett 11, 288 (1986)
Quake group Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 265506 (2003)
Nature Protocols, 2, 322 (2007) and references
14? Objective Lens Choice
At the heart of a basic trap
? Laser Choice
Pick frequency to minimize absorption
(no optocution). Power depends entirely
upon application Beam Quality M2 lt 1.1,
TEM00 typical Pointing stability critical
for high-res. work
Magnification doesnt
matter, aberrations do A numerical
aperture (N.A.) gt 1.2 is desired
if 3D traps are required
15High N.A. lens required
to produce strong axial gradients needed for 3D
trapping with a single beam
Moreover, the laser should fill the back aperture
of the objective
Optic Axis
Optic Axis
Optic Axis
Focal Plane
Focal Plane
Focal Plane
16(No Transcript)
17Electrostatic Energy
Argument 2
is reduced by the presence of a polarizable
particle Rayleigh regime
_ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _
Conclusion System minimizes energy by having the
polarizable particle wherever the field is highest
? Potential wells are created by local maxima in
the fields
18Analagous to dielectrophoresisGRADIENTS ARE THE
Argument 3
If one creates local minima in the potential
energy, there will be restoring forces
Uniform Field
Non-uniform Field
_ _ _ _ _
No Net Force
Net Force!
193D trap
So, whether you like to think in terms of
momentum, energy, or forces,
When an optical physicist says everything goes
right to my waistthey arent talking about
fitting into their blue jeans
Focused Light creates a
20Three of the Earliest Geometries
Weve just shown
for Optical Trapping
There are many possible trapping geometries
only the one on the left is called an optical
Arthur Ashkin, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 94, 4853
21Scattering and gradient forces
Small objects - the interaction forces between an
irradiated object and a light wave incident upon
it can be formally divided into two classes
Scattering force
Gradient force
Slide courtesy of P Zemanek
22Geometric optics
- object is spherical and much larger than the
wavelength (agt10 l)
Ashkin BiophysJ 1992
Slide courtesy of P Zemanek
23Forces in the Rayleigh regime
(particle much smaller than the illuminating
wavelength, technically R lt l/20, but good
agreement can be found up until R w0)
nrel is the ratio of the refractive index of the
particle to that of the medium
Harada Asakura, Opt. Comm. 124, 529 (1996),
Eqns 16 , 10, 11
Tightly focused light beams require higher-order
The gradient force must compete with radiation
However, whats found in real experiments depends
upon many factors!
24Force-measuring system
Key point If we have calibrated the trap
stiffness, measurements of displacement within
the trap yields sensitive force measurements at
the pico-Newton level. Careful versions extend
this down to 25 fN.
1 picoNewton (pN, 10-12 N) is roughly equal
to the gravitational attraction between you
and a book at arms length the radiation
pressure on a penny from a flashlight 1 yard
away 1 millionth the weight of a grain of salt
Alex Rohrbach (EMBL)
Unexplored Opportunities
Optical Tweezers
Atomic Force Microscope
Extended from http//yakko.bme.virginia.edu/lab/l
25A Parabolic Potential Energy Well
For a given laser power and particle size,
trapped matter experiences
(for small displacements)
Eric Dufresne, Ph.D. thesis, 2000
26A Classical Oscillator
A parabolic well implies a linear relationship
between force and displacement, as with a mass on
a spring.
-- where ? is the elastic constant or stiffness
of the optical trap and ? is the damping
With no damping (e.g., in vacuum) the result
would be a resonant frequency as follows
Mass of object 5 x 10-16 kg
Typical trap stiffness
27Trap Stiffness
is typically a linear function of laser power
k 1000 kBT/nm2
Eric Dufresne, Ph.D. thesis, 2000
28In typical biological applications, the stiffness
of the optical tweezers is around 0.05 pN/Nm and
the trapped objects are around diameter 1
micron, corresponding to a mass of 10-16kg..
Hence, the resonant frequency would be around
50kHz. Biological experiments must be
performed in an aqueous medium, so significant
damping force arises. For a particle of radius r
, moving in a fluid of viscosity, the Stokes
drag constant We find that the roll-off
frequency well below 1 kHz. Since this is much
lower than the resonant frequency, the motion is
very over-damped. In
fact, it means that inertial and gravitational
forces can be ignored altogether
29Tethering or Clamping of Single Molecules
Single-Molecule Biology study of molecular
motors (rowers and porters) requires
From S. Block lab www.stanford.edu/group/blocklab
30- Living cells use molecular motors that take
chemical energy and convert this to work. -
- Functions that are essential to life from DNA
replication, RNA transcription and protein
synthesis to cell division, vesicle trafficking,
cell locomotion, endocytosis. - There are two types of motor
- Rotary motors are embedded in membranes and are
driven by the flow of ions across transmembrane
electrochemical gradients eg the bacterial
flagellar motor. - Linear motors work in an isotropic chemical
environment energy from chemical reactions,
usually the hydrolysis of the chemical, adenosine
triphosphate (ATP) to adenosine diphosphate (ADP)
and phosphate.
31- What can we measure?
- Force
- required to rupture a covalent bond 1000pN
- convert DNA from a double helix to a ladder
50pN - break most protein-protein interactions 20pN
- force produced by most motor proteins 5pN.
- Length diameter of a bacterium and optimal size
for beads held in optical tweezers 1 micron
resolution of light microscope 300nm diameter
of eukaryotic cell organelles 100nm large
protein assemblies and virus particles 30nm
work stroke produced by motor protein 5nm
Adapted from Molloy and Padgett, Contemp. Phys
32Optical Tweezers act as Anchors
for studying biological objects..
Quad Photodiode Detector
From review in optical tweezers, Padgett and
Molloy, Contemp. Phys. 43, 241 (2002)
33Force is proportional to Displacement
Project a magnified image of the trapped sphere
onto a quadrant photodiode.
The position of the sphere is defined by
differential signals from the quadrants.
Use of a quadrant photodiode provides higher
capture rate than CCDs while retaining
nanometer-scale position detection (centre of
? Use dark field, phase contrast or
interferometric methods.
Christoph Schmidt group www.nat.vu.nl/compl/resea
34Force measurements in OT
From sphere displacements and trap stiffness,
infer macromolecule forces/dynamics
From Molloy and Padgett, Contemp. Phys (2002)
see also Berg-Sorenson and Flyvbjerg Rev Sci
Instrum (2004) Dholakia et al. Chem Soc Rev
35Recent work has achieved angstrom resolution
Abbondanzieri et al. Nature 438, 460-465 (2005)
36Abbondanzieri et al. Direct observation of
base-pair stepping by RNA polymerase. Nature 438,
460-465 (2005)
37- Virtually all traps use CW lasers.
- Light in 700-1100nm popular
- Eg Yb Fibre lasers have great beam quality
- Near IR diodes/Ti-Sapphire laser
- Beam pointing/amplitude fluctuations
- M2
- what about white light? Ultrashort pulse lasers?
- The wavelength dependence of photodamage in E.
coli compared to Chinese hamster ovary (CHO)
cells. (Solid circles and solid line, left axis,
half lethal dose time for E. coli cells sLD50d
open circles and dashed line, right axis, cloning
efficiency in CHO cells determined by Liang et
al. Lines represent cubic spline fits to the
data). The cloning efficiency in CHO cells was
determined after 5 min of trapping at 88 mW in
the specimen plane. Optical damage is minimized
at 830 and 970 nm for both E. coli and CHO cells,
whereas it is most severe in he region between
870 and 930 nm (reprinted from Ref. 95).
From Neuman and Block Rev Sci Instrum 2004
38- Why create multiple traps/structured fields?
- Gaussian beam limiting depth of focus, selective
excitation (STED) - Novel beam shapes useful eg trapping low index
particles, spectroscopy, mixing droplets - Rotation studies of angular momentum and
microrheology - Multiplexed studies in biology enhacned depth of
focus - Cell organisation in 2D/3D
- Studies of colloid in 2D/3D
- Multi-particle interactions
- Creation of optical potential energy landscapes
- Chemical reactions single droplet control
39Multiple traps creating optical landscapes
Fallman, E. Axner, O. Design for fully
steerable dual-trap optical tweezers. Applied
Optics 36, 2107-2113 (1997)
Holographic Image
Liquid Crystal Spatial Light Modulator (SLM)
Acousto-Optic Deflectors (AODs) can be scanned at
hundreds of kHz
40Time sharing the light field can create multiple
traps positions. (This video in collaboration
with I Poberaj group).
41For a typical biological application, a 1 micron
diameter object has a diffusion coefficient,
given by Einsteins relation and a diffusion
distance, , over time, , given by For
example, for this object suspended in water, the
diffusion coefficient is. If the optical
tweezers are absent for 25 microsecs, the
diffusion distance is about 5nm. This represents
a maximum limit to the accuracy to which the
spheres can be positioned or their position
42Steering with a Phase-Only Optic
is equivalent to
Beam steering
a phase retardation
43The phase modulating optic (a Diffracting
Optical Element) is effectively positioned at
the entrance of the objective lens, by making the
DOE/SLM conjugate to the back aperture. See next
talk for GPC method
D. G. Grier and Y. Roichman, Holographic optical
trapping, Applied Optics 45, 880-887 (2006).
44eg. Holographic trapping of droplets
Burnham and McGloin Opt Express 14, 4175 (2006)
Droplet new studies in mixing, atmospheric
chemistry, micro-reactions ..\..\Desktop\whiteligh
45Vortices are ubiquitous in Nature..
Credit G Swartzlander, Tucson, Arizona
46Credit NASA Langley Research Center (NASA-LaRC).
Wake vortex study at Wallops Island
47Laguerre-Gaussian modes an optical vortex
- circularly symmetric modes, characterised by
- radial mode index p
- azimuthal mode index l (determines helicity)
this leads to helical wavefronts and orbital
angular momentum
L. Allen et al., PRA 45, 8185 (1992)
p 0, l 0
p 0, l 1
p 0, l 4
48Generating LG beams
- They can be produced using computer generated
49Laguerre-Gaussian Light beams
- Helical phase front (compare a plane wave)
Orbital angular momentum
- Poynting vector S follows a helical path
Rotation using OAM He et al, PRL 1995
(absorption) Rotation with spin AM Friese et
al. Nature 1998 (birefringent)
50Visualising the helical wavefront
- May be used for rotation Science 292, 912
(2001) and 3D structures Science 296, 1101 (2002)
51Ability to apply quantifiable torques is
- Fundamental studies of optical angular momentum.
- Micromachines optically actuated micro-gears,
pumps and motors. - Explore deviations, at the microscale, from
oft-assumed no-slip hydrodynamic boundary
conditions. - Study uncoiling DNA, twisting fragments of known
length. - Study shear thinning at the microscale in
membranes or polymeric fluids. - Lab-on-a-Chip clinical application examining
mechanical properties of liquids that
characterize the onset of arthritis, where there
is a desire to limit the amount of fluid that
must be extracted for diagnosis. Perhaps such
studies could help in the study of arthritis
treatments (which typically only offer pain
treatment at present).
52The angular momentum of light
L. Allen et al PRA, 45, 8185 (1992)
Spin due to polarisation state (rotating E-field)
Orbital due to inclined wavefronts
Spin transfer birefringence, absorption Orbital
transfer astigmatism, absorption, scattering
53Rotation using birefringence
LH circularly polarised
RH circularly polarised
Trapped birefringent microsphere
Per photon transferred
Plus points no need for complex beam shapes,
fast rotation rates USEFUL FOR MICRORHEOLOGY
54Simultaneous transfer of spin and orbital AM to
an optically trapped particle.
Spin rotation around particle axis (INTRINSIC)
Orbital rotation around beam axis (EXTRINSIC or
V. Garcés-Chávez et al., Phys Rev Lett 91, 2803
(2003) Intrinsic/extrinsic AM A.T. ONeil et
al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 053601 (2002). OAM,
absorption He et al. PRL (1995)
Conclusive demonstration of intrinsic/extrinsic
AM. Particle may probe of local AM of the light
55White Light Studies Supercontinuum source
Knight et al. Anomalous dispersion in photonic
crystal fibre. IEEE Phot. Tech. Lett. 12, 7
56Double slit experiment (Thomas Young)
Cosinusoidal fringes
Incident light
Light diffracted from slits
Interference fringes show wave nature of
light. Relationship to vortices H. I. Sztul,
and R. R. Alfano, "Double-slit interference with
Laguerre-Gaussian beams," Opt. Lett. 31, 999-1001
57Determining the azimuthal index of a white light
(a) l3 (b) l6 (c) l7 (d) l10
Interference patterns after young slits of Laguerre Gaussian beams with higher azimuthal indices (a) l3, (b) l6, (c) l7 and (d) l10. The lower images show the modeled interference patterns using 550nm radiation. Interference patterns after young slits of Laguerre Gaussian beams with higher azimuthal indices (a) l3, (b) l6, (c) l7 and (d) l10. The lower images show the modeled interference patterns using 550nm radiation. Interference patterns after young slits of Laguerre Gaussian beams with higher azimuthal indices (a) l3, (b) l6, (c) l7 and (d) l10. The lower images show the modeled interference patterns using 550nm radiation. Interference patterns after young slits of Laguerre Gaussian beams with higher azimuthal indices (a) l3, (b) l6, (c) l7 and (d) l10. The lower images show the modeled interference patterns using 550nm radiation.
58Supercontinuum source
- Simultaneous trapping and spectroscopy of a
- Trapping and spectroscopy of aerosols to
determine droplet size
- Investigations into longitudinal optical binding
without interference effects
P. Li et al, Manipulation and spectroscopy of a
single particle by use of white light optical
tweezers. Optics Letters, 30, 2 (2005)
M. Guillon et al. Optical trapping and spectral
analysis of aerosols with a supercontinuum laser
source. Opt. Express, 16, 11 (2008)
D.M Gherardi et al. A dual beam photonic crystal
fiber trap for microscopic particles.Applied
Physics Letters, 93 (2008)
59Generation of white light vortices
60White light trapping vortices and multiple traps
All spectral components may accrue the azimuthal
phase OAM transfer from a broadband light field.
In general white light trapping offers prospect
of trap spectroscopy (eg droplet analysis see
Guillon et al. Opt Express (2008)
Opt Express 16, 10117 (2008)
61Bessel light beams
Bessel beams have an intensity cross-section that
does not change as they propagate termed
propagation-invariant. THE CENTRE DOES NOT
Durnin et al, JOSA A and PRL 1986/1987
With and being the radial and
longitudinal components of the wavevector
Radial intensity profile
Zeroth order Bessel beam
The zeroth order Bessel beam showing the narrow
central maximum
62Bessel beams an optical rod of light
White light Bessel modes P. Fischer et al. Opt
Express 13, 6657 (2005)
Reformation or self-healing
63CW guiding
femtosecond guiding visualise the beam using
fluorescent dye
H. Little et al., Opt Express 12, 2560 (2004) K.
Dholakia et al. New J. Phys. 6, 136 (2004)
Create optical conveyor belts eg Cizmar et al.
APL (2005) Applied Physics B-Lasers and Optics
84 197-203 and for cold atoms , see S Schmid et
al. NJP (2007)
64The Bessel beam may self heal around obstacles
Vertical Bessel beam self-heals around
obstacles See V Garces-Chavez et al., Nature
419, 145 (2002)
65(No Transcript)
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Nature Biotechnology  23, 83 - 87 (2004)
Published online 19 December 2004
doi10.1038/nbt1050 Microfluidic sorting of
mammalian cells by optical force switching Mark M
Wang, Eugene Tu, Daniel E Raymond, Joon Mo Yang,
Haichuan Zhang, Norbert Hagen, Bob Dees, Elinore
M Mercer, Anita H Forster, Ilona Kariv, Philippe
J Marchand  William F Butler
74Cell sorting
75Particle Activation Fluid Flow
In a single trap the particle
escapes in line with the
drag force
gradient force
Where a second trap is
present the trajectory of
the particle is affected
viscous drag
If the traps are linked then
F 6
there is a preferred route
of escape
In the extreme case we can
consider what happens in
a line trap
76Potential Landscape Plus Driving Force
The landscape can also comprise of a set of
parallel ridges like this roof
77Sorting in a Potential Landscape
But it is more interesting when the ridges go
across the fall-line
78Passive optical sorting for small cell samples
Nature 426, 421 (2003) Optics Letters 32, 1144
(2007) Appl Phys Lett (2005) See work too of
Zemanek et al (Brno, CZ), Grier et al (USA),
Volke-Sepulveda et al (UNAM, Mexico)
79Raman spectroscopy
- Light is incident upon a sample. It is scattered
and is on unit of vibrational energy different
from the incoming light. - No matching of energy states is required
- Input beam interacts with the e- cloud and
polarises the molecule creating a short live
virtual state- quickly re-radiates
80Raman Spectroscopy
Raman shift in wave numbers
81The scattered light carries information on the
molecular constituents of the cell identify cell
82Trapped cell remove raman signal from the
83P. Jess et al., Opt. Express 14, 5779-5791 (2006)
84A single human keratinocyte cell held in an
optical trap
85S, McGreehin, R Marchington, P Reece, T Krauss .
86Shunting of a micron sized particle between two
Integrated optical micromanipulation S.
Cran-McGreehin et al., Lab-on-a-chip 6, 1122 (Aug
2006) S. Cran-McGreehin at al., Optics Express
14, 7723-7729 (2006)
87Raman studies for cervical cancer
88Cell transfection
Transfection The transfer of exogenous DNA into
a cell. www.nature.com
89Femtosecond nanosurgery
Related to optical breakdown in liquid (gen. free
e-) multiphoton ionisation quantum
tunneling impact ionisation thermionic
emission For fs nanosurgery we can tune the
free e- (low density plasma). These create
subtle photochemical damage of membrane
reactive ion species fs beamslow disruptive
mechanical effects Femtosecond laser
nanosurgery Vogel et al, Appl. Phys B vol81,
1015 (2005) Phys Rev Lett (2008) Quinto-Su and
Venugopalan ch4 Methods in Cell Biology vol 82
90CW vs pulsed lasers
Continuous wave (CW)
- More thermal damage
- Larger area affected
- Mechanical damage (melting, etc)
- Less thermal damage
- Smaller area affected
- Less mechanical damage
- Most material is vaporized
- Less power needed
Images Chichkov et al, Applied Physics A (1996)
91(No Transcript)
92fs - Transfection Efficency
Study based on 4000 cells
D. Stevenson et al, Optics Express 14, p7125
93Tweeze and porate with the same laser
94A different approach?
- Multiphoton process requires exact placement of
cell membrane. - Error of a few µm can prevent transfection.
95Bessel Photoporation(The Optical Syringe)
- Non-gaussian light beams behave differently.
- The bessel beam preserves a non-diffracting
central core over long distances. - Can perform fs-poration over a much greater
depth of focus. - Beam also self-heals - is this a further
96Beam shaping in biophotonics
X. Tsampoula et al. Appl. Phys Lett 91, 053902
(2007) T Cizmar et al.Opt Express 16, 14024(2008)
97Opt. Express 16, 14024-14035 (2008)
98A cuvette of fluorescent dye excited by single
photon excitation (right line) and multiphoton
excitation (localized spot of fluorescence at
left) illustrating that two photon excitation is
confined to the focus of the excitation beam
(courtesy of Brad Amos MRC, Cambridge).Â
99Single and two photonexcitation revisited
Picture courtesy of C McDougall and CTA Brown
100Acknowledgements Sorting G Milne, L Paterson, M
MacDonald, A Riches, E Papagiakoumou,
Photoporation X Tsampoula, V Garces-Chavez, D
Stevenson, B Agate, CTA Brown, W Sibbett K
Taguchi, S and K Mohanty Theory M Mazilu Bessel
beam (SLM) T Cizmar White light J Morris, A
Carruthers, M Mazilu, WM Lee, Integrated Trap S
McGreehin, T Krauss Raman P Jess, M Mazilu P
Zemanek group ISI, Brno, Czech
Republic Biology/Medicine co-Investigators F
Gunn-Moore (neuroscience) A Riches (cancer
biology) CS Herrington (pathology) Visit us at