Title: Basic principles of ultrafast lasers
1 Basic principles of ultrafast lasers
Components of ultrafast laser system
Cavity modes
D f c/2 L
2Concepts of Mode Locking
Mode locking is a method to obtain ultrafast
pulses from lasers, which are then called
mode-locked lasers mode
3 Basic principles of ultrafast lasers
Bandwidth vs Pulsewidth
broader spectrum
broadest spectrum
narrow spectrum
continuous wave (CW)
pulses (mode-locked)
shortest pulses
4Mode-locking Mechanisms
- Active mode-locking
- Acousto-optic modulator
- Synchronous pump mode-locking
- Passive mode-locking
- Saturable absorber (dye, solid state)
- Optical Kerr effect
5Types of Laser Output
cw ML
Kerr medium (n n0 n2I)
Low-intensity beam
7Optical Kerr Effect
8Optical Kerr Effect
- Refractive index depends on light intensity n
(I) n n2 I
self phase modulation dueto temporal intensity
self-focusing due totransversal mode profile
9Group Velocity Dispersion (GVD)
Optical pulse in a transparent medium stretches
because of GVD
- v c / n speed of light ina medium
- n depends on wavelength, dn/dl lt 0 normal
- High-intensity modes have smaller cross-section
and are less lossy. Thus, Kerr-lens is - similar to saturating absorber!
- Some lasing materials (e.g. TiSapphire) can act
as Kerr-media - Kerrs effect is much faster than saturating
absorber allowing one generatevery - short pulses (5 fs).
10GVD Compensation
GVD can be compensated if optical pathlength is
different for blue and red components of the
Red component of the pulse propagates in glass
where group velocity is smaller than for the
blue component
11Components of an Ultrafast Laser
- Pulse shortening mechanism
- Self phase modulation and group velocity
dispersion - Dispersion Compensation
- Starting Mechanism
- Regenerative initiation
- Cavity perturbation
- Saturable Absorber (SESAM)
12Cavity configuration of TiSapphire laser
Tuning range 700-1000 nm Pulse duration lt 20 fs
Pulse energy lt 10 nJ Repetition rate 80 1000
MHz Pump power 2-15 W
- Typical applications
- time-resolved emission
- studies
- multi-photon absorption
- spectroscopy
- imaging
13Amplification of fs Pulses
- Stretch femtosecond oscillator pulse by 103 to
104 times - Amplify
- Recompress amplified pulse
14Chirped pulse amplification
- Femtosecond pulses can be amplified to petawatt
powers - Pulses so intense that electrons stripped
rapidly from atoms