Title: Physiology of Aging Muscle and Connective Tissue
1Physiology of Aging Muscle and Connective Tissue
- Jessie VanSwearingen, PhD, PT
- Associate Professor
- Department of Physical Therapy
- University of Pittsburgh
- School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
2Muscle Physiology Force Production
Motor unit motor neuron, motor axon, and all of
the muscle fibers innervated by the motor
axon Motor Unit Recruitment - to Increase
Force - increase the number of active motor
units - increase the firing rate of active motor
units (Hennemans Size Principle recruit small
before large)
3Body Composition Changes and Muscle Mass
- 60 of body K highest ratio of nitrogen
by tracing these ions, determined the protein
loss in aging is largely skeletal muscle
protein loss (Cohn et al, 1980)
- evidence suggests decrease in muscle mass
- with aging accounts for
- decrease in BMR
- decrease in VO2 max
- (BLSA, Tzankoff and Norris, 1978)
4Muscle Function Force Producing Capacity
- decreased muscle force production
- begins about 45 years of age
- more rapid gt 70 years 25-30 decrease
- usually lower extremities gt upper extremities
- decrease muscle force gt decline in cross
sectional area(adductor pollicis, ankle plantar-
and dorsi- flexors)
- Frontera et al (1991), corrected for muscle
mass no difference in MVF / CSA for old - versus young (knee
5Muscle Function Force Producing Capacity
- cadaver studies cross sections of entire vastus
lateralis decrease of 10 in CSA, between 30-50
years 25-30 decrease in CSA between 50-80 years
(Lexall et al, 1988)
- maximal force / unit area remains constant
- suggests the quality of the muscle
intrinsically muscle fibers are able to produce
- force in old as in
6Muscle Function Endurance Capacity
- endurance capacity appears preserved
- recovery of contractile properties after
fatiguing work slower - (Davies et al, 1983, 1984 Larsson, 1979)
7Muscle Morphology Fiber Type Distribution
- (previous lit.) muscle biopsy studies (Gollnick
et al, 1972 Green, 1986, rev.) - 10-30 increase in slow twitch fiber number
- selective fast twitch fiber loss
- (recent lit.) cadaver whole muscle studies
(Lexall et al, 1988, 1989) surgical
resectionings (Sato, 1984 Grimby et al , 1982,
1984) - no preferential loss of
fiber type - number with ageing
8Muscle Fiber Type Distribution
- total muscle fiber number reduction of about 25
by 70 years (likely result of loss motor units) - Brooks and Faulkner (1994) suggest motor unit
loss leads to reinnervation, preferentially by
slow motor neurons, with an increase in the
proportion of slow versus fast muscle fibers
(biopsy studies)
9Muscle Fiber Size
(biopsy and whole muscle cross sectional studies
Lexall et al, 1988) slow twitch
fiber (Type I) area maintained fast
twitch fiber (Type II) area decreased 25
between 20-80 years greatest loss in fast
fatigueable (Type IIb)
CONCLUDE decrease CSA related to decrease in
fast twitch fiber type size - (atrophy, loss of
muscle protein,blood, enzymes)
10Muscle Blood Flow
- Capillarization - few studies
- appears little changed in active old
- decreased in sedentary old
- decrease effectiveness of vasodilation with
activity -- shunting of blood to active tissue - (??decrease sensitivity to circulating
norepinephrine and epinephrine) - (??decrease ability of muscle to exchange
metabolites across thickened basement membrane)
11Muscle Metabolic Activity
- little change in glycolytic enzymes (3-15 or
less) - little change in high energy phosphates (CP)
- oxidative enzymes
- little or no change in active older people
- 20-40 decrease in sedentary older people
- (Coggan et al, 1992
- Meredith et al,
12Microscopic Changes in Muscle
- sarcolemma leakage
- thickening of the sarcolemma
- disorganization of myofibrils
Little evidence for myopathic changes in aging
(except dehydration, K moves out, muscle
function declines recovery from damage DOMS)
13Neuromuscular Changes in with Aging
- decrease number of motor units (25-30 decrease
in spinal cord motoneurons) - prolonged contraction time
- lower threshold firing rate (for remaining units)
Increased EMG for a given
level of force production
14Review of Connective Tissue Physiology
Structure and Components cells -
fibroblast fibers - collagen elastin grou
nd substance - glycosaminoglycans, GAGs
(linked to protein proteoglycans) associated
proteins - fibronectin and laminin
15Aging Changes in Connective Tissues
in connective tissue cells few
16Aging Changes in Connective Tissues
in fibers collagen - decreased solubility,
reducible cross linkages stabilize, increased
rigidity elastin - decreased production,
increased fragmentation, rupture, loss of
17Aging Changes in Connective Tissues
in ground substance Aggrecan proteoglycan of
articular cartilage, binds a lot of water
changes in GAGS decreased
chondroitin-4-SO4 , changed to
chondroitin-6-SO4 increased
keratan SO4
18Aging Changes in Connective Tissues
Aggrecan - degradation of protein core
Hyalauron - smaller size, less link
protein Result more unbound GAGS - smaller
fragments, diffuse into joint fluid
19Aging Changes on Articular Cartilage Performance
loss of hydrostatic lubrication decrease
compressibility increase in subchondral
fractures inflammation - pain /
spasm infection ischemia
20Aging Changes on Articular Cartilage Performance
- loss of boundary lubrication
- cracking and fibrillation
- disrupts binding of fibronectin and laminin
- exposes cartilage to degredative enzymes
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