Title: NuPECC Meeting
1NuPECC Meeting
- October 10 - 11, 2009
- Darmstadt
Directors Report
Achim Richter, ECT and TUD
2Scientific activities at ECT
Workshops since the last NuPECC meeting
Linking Nuclei, Molecules, and Condensed Matter
Computational Quantum Many-Body
Approaches Organizers R. Roth / TU Darmstadt,
Germany J. Schnack / University of Bielefeld,
Germany J. Richter / University of Magdeburg,
Germany of participants 38
Recent Advances in Perturbative QCD and
Hadronic Physics Organizers A. Belitsky
/ Arizona St. University, USA K. Goeke
/ Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
D. Mueller / Ruhr University Bochum,
Germany A. Radyushkin / Jefferson Lab.,
USA O. Teryaev / Joint Inst. For Nucl.
Research, Russia of participants 31
3Scientific activities at ECT
Workshops in 2009
Confrontation and Convergence in Nuclear
Theory Organizers A. Brown / Michigan State
University, USA M. Hjorth-Jensen / University of
Oslo, Norway R. Janssens / ANL, USA J.
Tostevin / University of Surrey, UK T.
Papenbrock / University of Tennessee, USA of
participants 34
The Lead Radius Experiment and Neutron Rich
Matter in Astrophysiscs and in the
Laboratory Organizers C. Horowitz / Indiana
University, USA P.G. Reinhard / University of
Erlangen, Germany K. De Jager
/ Jefferson Lab., USA of participants 39
4Scientific activities at ECT
Workshops in 2009
QCD Greens functions, Confinement, and
Phenomenology Organizers D. Binosi / ECT,
Italy J. Papavassiliou / Universidad de
Valencia, Spain A. C. Aguilar / Universidad de
Valencia, Spain J. M. Cornwall / University of
California at Los Angeles, USA of participants
Flow and Dissipation in Ultrarelativistic
Heavy Ion Collisions Organizers M.
Bleicher / University of Frankfurt, Germany
C. Greiner / University of Frankfurt,
Germany P. Huovinen
/ University of Frankfurt, Germany R.
Snellings / NIKHEF, Netherlands P.
Petreczky, Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA
of participants 41
5Scientific activities at ECT
Workshops in 2009
Strong, Weak and Electromagnetic Interactions to
Probe Spin-Isospin Excitations Organizers B.
Rubio, CSIC, Spain Y. Fujita, Osaka University,
Japan W. Gelletly, University of Surrey, UK
of participants 34
Summary (as of October 10, 2009) of Workshops
so far 13 of participants 484 of Workshops
forthcoming 4
6(No Transcript)
7ECT Doctoral Training Programme 2010April 12
June 11
Nuclear Structure and Nuclear Astrophysics with
Radioactive Ion Beams
Programme coordinatorsHans Feldmeier (GSI
Darmstadt), Hendrik Schatz (Michigan State
University), Jeff Tostevin (University of Surrey)
Student coordinator and adviser Georges Ripka
(Saclay and ECT)
(Selection of lectures and topics of lectures is
presently underway and will be announced on the
ECT website by the end of October 09)
8Outgoing and New ECT Board Members
Hans-Ã…ke Gustafsson (Lund University)
Jens-Jorgen Gaardhøje (University of
Wick Haxton (University of Washington/Berkely)
Baha Balantekin (University of
NB Database of the ECT Associates has been
updated and e-mail reminders were sent out to
remind the Associates on the necessary renewal of
their registration every three years.
9Postdocs in 2009
May 31 Dec 31 Dec 31 Dec 31 Dec 31 Oct 15
J.L. Albacete D. Binosi (Qurope / ECT) T.
Calarco (Consultant) L. Scorzato (BEN AURORA
/ ECT) Bingwei Long V. Lenski
D. Triantafyllopoulos L. Fortunato C. Ramirez
Senior Res. Ass. in Hadron Physics, from Oct 15,
2009 Junior Res. Ass. from Sep 1, 2009 Junior
Res. Ass. from Oct 1, 2009
10Postdocs remaining in 2010(Present status)
Dec 31 Dec 31 Sep 30
D. Binosi (Qurope / ECT) L. Scorzato (AURORA /
ECT) Bingwei Long
D. Triantafyllopoulos L. Fortunato C. Ramirez
Senior Res. Ass. in Hadron Physics, from Oct 15,
2009 Junior Res. Ass. from Sep 1, 2009 Junior
Res. Ass. from Oct 1, 2009
11Visitors in 2009
Alberto Accardi Andrea Beraudo Jean-Paul
Blaizot Eugene Bogomolny Ignacio Cirac
Lorenzo Fortunato Johannes Kirscher Andreas
Ipp Marco Panero Claudia Ratti Dionysis
Short term (lt1 month)
Paul Hoyer 11 Oct - 6 Dec Georges
Ripka 15 Mar - 30 Jun Victor
Flambaum 24 Jul - 18 Aug
Long term
12Status of the AURORA project
- AURORA is a Petascale computing project for
science and engineering administered
scientifically by ECT - Joint effort between PAT / INFN / FBK-ECT / U of
Trento / FEM / ATreP / DEI PADUA and industrial
partners EUROTECH and INTEL - Recent collaboration with the Russian
supercomputing project SKIF AURORA and with
QPACE / Regensburg and PETAQCD / Orsay - Project is embedded into a large collaboration
- Furthermore, the collaboration involves people
with experience from the HPC/APE line developed
13Status of the AURORA project
- First phase (18 months) is now approved and
funded. On July 31 the agreement between PAT and
FBK has been signed. The approval of the second
phase (also 18 months) will be based on
milestones to be reached before Summer 2010. - The agreement between FBK and INFN is ready and
only waiting to be signed formally. - The agreement between FBK and other partners
(UNITN / FEM / ATreP / DEI PADUA) are also
almost ready (intellectual properties are an
issue). - Procedure for hiring FBK / ECT personnel within
the projects has been discussed. - The name AuroraScience has been coined to denote
the scientific project (PAT / INFN) and
distinguish it from the industrial AURORA project.
14Status of the AURORA project
- FBK and UNITN offered to host AURORA and the
groups of AuroraScience in a modern building on
the FBK premisses adjacent to the UNITN campus in
Povo. By this it is intended to form a
Laboratorio Interdisciplinare per le Scienze
Computazionali (LISC) managed by Dapor / FBK,
Pederiva / UNITN and Scorzato / ECT-AURORA. - Obvious advantage strong involvement and
interaction of the FBK and the Faculty of Science
of the UNITN (construction, installation, system
administration, high-level training, students,
research position, ) - EUROTECH confirmed that for next spring new INTEL
processors should be available (more computing
power for less energy consumption), and the 2010
prototype can be based on them. With a budget of
740 k the first prototype is now targeted to
become a 20TFlops machine with an expected power
consumption in the range of about 50 kW. - First applications on the 2010 prototype are in
LQCD (ETMC code) and others to be still
determined. The results of this HPC are a
prerequisite for the funding of the 2nd phase!
15Budget and Status of Funding
Fourteen payment requests have been sent on April
22, 2009. So far, eleven countries have paid
their contribution Belgium (both Flemish and
French speaking part), Czech Republic, Denmark,
Finland, France CEA, France CNRS, Germany,
Hungary, The Netherlands, Poland, Romania and the
UK. Payments from Italy and Spain are still
expected. Six countries still have not signed the
MoU Austria, Greece, Norway, Portugal, Spain and
Funding agencies
16Budget and Status of Funding
Collaboration Committee Meeting in Frascati, Sep
04, 2009
- Since I was unable to attend, Vice director
Marco Traini presented the WP10 Transnational
Access activities (Workshops) to ECT. - First part (237 k) for 2009 and 2010 has
already been provided. The second part (218 k)
will be distributed ONLY at the end of the
financial period (June 2011) and the
beneficiaries will receive the full amount of
money if they will be able to document all the
expenses, otherwise the contribution will be
reduced accordingly. A rather important
consequence is that the FBK will be asked to
pre-finance the second part of the project
contribution. -
FP7 Hadron Physics 2
17Relations between ECT and UNITN
- Joint Workshop BEC/ECT planned on the exciting
physics of Graphene - Agreement between FBK library and UNITN library
for accessing journals on the web has been
reached (no paper version anymore from Jan 01,
2010 on)
18Annual Report available on the ECT web site