Title: Nuclear Physics European Collaboration Committee
1 Nuclear Physics European Collaboration Committee
is an Associated Committee of
the European Science
26 members
HEENEN Paul-Henri Bruxelles (Belgium) Â Â Â
HENNING Walter Darmstadt (Germany) Â Â Â JULIN
Rauno Jyväskylä (Finland)    KRASZNAHORKAY
Attila Debrecen (Hungary) Â Â Â LEEB Helmut Wien
(Austria)    LØVHØIDEN Gunnar Oslo (Norway)
   POVES Alfredo Madrid (Spain)    RIISAGER
Karsten Aarhus (Denmark)    ROSNER Günther
Glasgow (United Kingdom)    STRÖHER Hans Jülich
(Germany) Â Â Â STYCZEN Jan Warsaw (Poland) Â Â Â
VAN DER STEENHOVEN Gerard Amsterdam (The
Netherlands) Â Â Â WAMBACH Jochen Darmstadt
(Germany) Â
AMSLER Claude Zürich (Switzerland)    BLAIZOT
Jean-Paul Trento (Italy) Â Â Â BRESSANI Tullio
Turin (Italy) Â Â Â DOBES Jan Rez (Czech Republic)
   EIRÓ Ana Maria Lisbon (Portugal)    FORTUNA
Graziano Legnaro (Italy) Â Â Â FULTON Brian York
(United Kingdom) Â Â Â GOUTTE Dominique Caen
(France) Â Â Â GUILLEMAUD-MUELLER Dominique Orsay
(France) Â Â Â GUSTAFSSON Hans-Ake Lund (Sweden)
   HAAS Bernard Gradignan (France)   Â
HARAKEH Muhsin Groningen (The Netherlands)
   HARISSOPULOS Sotirios Athens (Greece)   Â
since 1/03
until 12/05
Scientific Secretary, Gabriele-Elisabeth Körner,
TU Munich
2( Romania in 2005)
3Objective of NuPECC
Strengthen European Collaboration in nuclear
science through the promotion of nuclear physics
and its trans-disciplinary use and application
in collaborative ventures between research groups
within Europe and particularly those from
countries linked to the ESF.
- In pursuing this objective the Committee shall
- define a network of complementary facilities
within Europe and - encourage optimisation of their usage
- provide a forum for the discussion of the
provision of - future facilities and instrumentation
- provide advice and make recommendations to the
ESF and to other - bodies on the development, organisation, and
support of European - nuclear research and of particular projects.
- The ESF Executive Council shall periodically -
every five years - at the latest - initiate a review of the work of
the Committee and - its association with the ESF (last review in 2003)
4Members (1 -3/country) are elected by ESF on
recommendation of the funding agencies, terms 3
3 years (renewable)
Budget 2005 Programme Coordination 64000
(Honoraria, Secretariat) Meetings (3/yr) 8000
Science Meetings 25000 Publications 50000
(Nucl. Phys. News, PANS) Administration 12000
Total 159000 Contribution from CH-SNF
about 6000.- CHF/yr
Suppoted by member organisations of the ESF
involved in nuclear science and research or
research facilities
5Fields relevant to NuPECC
and relevance to CH
- Not always clear, look at long range plan 2004
- Contents (blue strong activities in CH), e.g.
- QCD ChPT (BE), lattice, structure of the
proton, hadron spectroscopy (ZH, BS) - Phases of nuclear matter
- Nuclear structure
- Nuclear astrophysics (BS), dark matter (ETHZ,
ZH) - Fundamental interactions n oscillations (NE,
GE, BE), 2b decay (NE) - rare decays (PSI), conservation laws, cold
neutrons (PSI) - applications of nuclear science (e.g. nuclear
medicine, atomic mass spectroscopy)
CH community (Summer 2005, PhDs only) mailing
list 12 BS 7 BE 8 ETHZ Total gt 62 6
GE 21 PSI 6 ZH 2 NE
6NuPECC Publications
- see http//www.nupecc.org
- Nuclear Physics News (4 issues a year)
- NuPECC Roadmap for Construction of Nuclear
Physics - Research Infrastructures in Europe (2005)
- NuPECC Handbook "International Access to Nuclear
- Physics Facilities in Europe" (5th Edition,
2004) - NuPECC Report "NuPECC Long Range Plan 2004
- Perspectives for Nuclear Physics Research in
Europe in the - Coming Decade and Beyond" (2004)
6 expert groups from Quantum Chromodynamics
(QCD), Phases of Nuclear Matter, Nuclear
Structure, Nuclei in the Universe,
Fundamental Interactions and Applications.
After consultation with the community during
workshops and in a general meeting at Darmstadt.
8- NuPECC recommends as the highest priority for a
new - construction project the building of
the international - Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research
(FAIR) at the GSI. - 950
M - nuclear structure physics and nuclear
astrophysics with radioactive - ion beams,
- ii) hadron physics with antiproton beams e.g.
PANDA(charmonium) - physics of hadronic matter at high density,
- iv) plasma physics at very high pressure, density
and - temperature and
- v) atomic physics and applied sciences e.g. FLAIR
9Panda Collaboration
Gluonic mesons e.g. hybrids Charm in
Nuclei Charmonium Hypernuclei D- and DS-Physics
- e.g. 30 GeV p
- up to 15 GeV/c antiprotons
- Panda pp, p A collisions on pellet target
- e.g. pp -gt cc (other than 1--)
SuperLEAR Programe 1992
10- Construction of EURISOL,
- a high-power (MW), high-intensity linear
accelerator - facility for the production of radioactive
beams - 600 M.
- Pursue SPIRAL2
- (Système de Production dIons Radioactifs
Accélérés en Ligne 2) - at GANIL, Caen, and the Italian project SPES
(Study and - Production of Exotic nuclear Species) at Legnaro,
as well - as the further upgrade of REX-ISOLDE (High
Intensity and - Energy ISOLDE HIE-ISOLDE) at CERN .
- Installation at the underground laboratory of
Gran Sasso of a - compact, high-current 5-MV accelerator for light
ions equipped - with a 4parray of Ge detectors. Support AGATA, a
4p array - of highly segmented Ge detectors for g-ray
- Completion of the ALICE detector at LHC.
11Report on last meeting (Debrecen June 05)
- Nuclear physics in Hungary (presentations, e.g.
Attila Mesko, Hungarian Academy - of Science)
- Reports from the Chairman, e.g. Spiral2 approval,
PANS, Romania application to join - Nuclear physics news, editorial board H. Ströher
(Jülich) - EURISOL design study (PSI involvement,
coordinated by GANIL) - Nuclear physics in FP7 (one application only)
- New chairman election (B. Fulton)
- Report on ECFA activities
- NSAC long range plan, report by telephone from
UCL (B), CEA (F), NIPNE (RO), JYU (FI), LMU (G),
Next meetings Groningen (Nov), Athens (03/06),
Krakow (06-06), Bordeaux (10/06)