Biosafety in Biomedical and Microbiological Laboratories - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Biosafety in Biomedical and Microbiological Laboratories


... An insect and rodent control program is in effect. Principles of ... clinical specimens with requests for a variety of diagnostic and clinical support services. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Biosafety in Biomedical and Microbiological Laboratories

Chapter 12
  • Biosafety in Biomedical and Microbiological

  • Microbiological laboratories are special, often
    unique work environments that may pose
    identifiable infectious disease risks to persons
    in or near them.
  • Infections have been contracted in the laboratory
    throughout the history of microbiology.
  • Published reports around the turn of the century
    described laboratory-associated cases of typhoid,
    cholera, brucellosis, and tetanus
  • In 1941, Meyer and Eddie(2) published a survey of
    74 laboratory-associated brucellosis infections
    that had occurred in the United States, and
    concluded that the "handling of cultures or
    specimens or the inhalation of dust containing
    Brucella organisms is eminently dangerous to
    laboratory workers.
  • A number of cases were attributed to
    carelessness or poor technique in the handling of
    infectious materials.

  • Although these reports suggest that laboratory
    personnel were at increased risk of being
    infected by the agents they handle, actual rates
    of infection are typically not available.
  • However, the studies of Harrington and Shannon
    and of Skinhoj indicate that laboratory personnel
    had higher rates of tuberculosis, shigellosis,
    and hepatitis B than does the general population.

  • In contrast to the documented occurrence of
    laboratory-acquired infections in laboratory
    personnel, laboratories working with infectious
    agents have not been shown to represent a threat
    to the community
  • There is growing concern about the re-emergence
    of M. tuberculosis and worker safety in
    laboratory and health care settings
  • In addition, recombinant DNA technologies are
    being applied routinely in the laboratory to
    modify the genetic composition of various
  • A thorough risk assessment must be conducted when
    addressing these activities and their inherent

Principles of Biosafety
  • The term "containment" is used in describing safe
    methods for managing infectious materials in the
    laboratory environment where they are being
    handled or maintained.
  • The purpose of containment is to reduce or
    eliminate exposure of laboratory workers, other
    persons, and the outside environment to
    potentially hazardous agents.

Principles of Biosafety
  • Primary containment
  • The protection of personnel and the immediate
    laboratory environment from exposure to
    infectious agents
  • Provided by both good microbiological technique
  • The use of appropriate safety equipment.
  • The use of vaccines may provide an increased
    level of personal protection.

Principles of Biosafety
  • Secondary containment
  • The protection of the environment external to the
    laboratory from exposure to infectious materials
  • Is provided by a combination of facility design
    and operational practices.
  • Therefore, the three elements of containment
  • Laboratory practice and technique
  • Safety equipment
  • Facility design.
  • The risk assessment of the work to be done with a
    specific agent will determine the appropriate
    combination of these elements.

Principles of Biosafety-Laboratory Practice and
  • The most important element of containment
  • Strict adherence to standard microbiological
    practices and techniques
  • Persons working with infectious agents or
    potentially infected materials must be aware of
    potential hazards
  • Must be trained and proficient in the practices
    and techniques required to handle such material
  • The director or person in charge of the
    laboratory is responsible for providing or
    arranging the appropriate training of personnel.

Principles of Biosafety-Laboratory Practice and
  • Each laboratory should develop or adopt a
    biosafety or operations manual
  • Identifies the hazards that will or may be
  • Specifies practices and procedures designed to
    minimize or eliminate exposures to these hazards.
  • Personnel should be advised of special hazards
    and should be required to read and follow the
    required practices and procedures.
  • A scientist trained and knowledgeable in
    appropriate laboratory techniques, safety
    procedures, and hazards associated with handling
    infectious agents must be responsible for the
    conduct of work with any infectious agents or
  • This individual should consult with biosafety or
    other health and safety professionals with regard
    to risk assessment

Principles of Biosafety-Laboratory Practice and
  • When standard laboratory practices are not
    sufficient to control the hazards associated with
    a particular agent or laboratory procedure,
    additional measures may be needed.
  • The laboratory director is responsible for
    selecting additional safety practices
  • Must be in keeping with the hazards associated
    with the agent or procedure.
  • Laboratory personnel, safety practices, and
    techniques must be supplemented by appropriate
    facility design and engineering features, safety
    equipment, and management practices

Principles of Biosafety-Safety Equipment (Primary
  • Safety equipment
  • Biological safety cabinets (BSCs)
  • Enclosed containers
  • Engineering controls designed to remove or
    minimize exposures to hazardous biological

Principles of Biosafety-Safety Equipment (Primary
  • The biological safety cabinet (BSC)
  • The principal device used to provide containment
    of infectious splashes or aerosols generated by
    many microbiological procedures.
  • Three types of biological safety cabinets (Class
    I, II, III) used in microbiological laboratories
  • Open-fronted Class I and Class II biological
    safety cabinets
  • Primary barriers which offer significant levels
    of protection to laboratory personnel and to the
    environment when used with good microbiological
  • The Class II biological safety cabinet also
    provides protection from external contamination
    of the materials (e.g., cell cultures,
    microbiological stocks) being manipulated inside
    the cabinet.
  • The gas-tight Class III biological safety cabinet
    provides the highest attainable level of
    protection to personnel and the environment.

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Principles of Biosafety-Safety Equipment (Primary
  • An example of another primary barrier is the
    safety centrifuge cup
  • Enclosed container designed to prevent aerosols
    from being released during centrifugation.
  • To minimize this hazard, containment controls
    such as BSCs or centrifuge cups must be used when
    handling infectious agents that can be
    transmitted through the aerosol route of exposure

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Principles of Biosafety-Safety Equipment (Primary
  • Safety equipment also include
  • Items for personal protection
  • Gloves, coats, gowns, shoe covers, boots,
    respirators, face shields, safety glasses, or
  • Personal protective equipment is often used in
    combination with biological safety cabinets and
    other devices that contain the agents, animals,
    or materials being handled.
  • In some situations in which it is impractical to
    work in biological safety cabinets, personal
    protective equipment may form the primary barrier
    between personnel and the infectious materials.
  • Examples include certain animal studies, animal
    necropsy, agent production activities, and
    activities relating to maintenance, service, or
    support of the laboratory facility.

Principles of Biosafety-Facility Design and
Construction (Secondary Barriers)
  • The design and construction of the facility
  • Contributes to the laboratory workers' protection
  • Provides a barrier to protect persons outside the
  • Protects persons or animals in the community from
    infectious agents which may be accidentally
    released from the laboratory.
  • Laboratory management is responsible for
    providing facilities commensurate with the
    laboratory's function and the recommended
    biosafety level for the agents being manipulated

Principles of Biosafety-Facility Design and
Construction (Secondary Barriers)
  • The recommended secondary barrier(s) will depend
    on the risk of transmission of specific agents.
  • The exposure risks for most laboratory work in
    Biosafety Level 1 and 2 facilities
  • Direct contact with the agents
  • Inadvertent contact exposures through
    contaminated work environments.
  • Secondary barriers in these laboratories
  • Separation of the laboratory work area from
    public access
  • Availability of a decontamination facility (e.g.,
  • Handwashing facilities

Principles of Biosafety-Facility Design and
Construction (Secondary Barriers)
  • When the risk of infection by exposure to an
    infectious aerosol is present
  • Higher levels of primary containment and multiple
    secondary barriers may become necessary
  • Prevent infectious agents from escaping into the
  • Such design features include
  • Specialized ventilation systems to ensure
    directional air flow
  • Air treatment systems to decontaminate or remove
    agents from exhaust air
  • Controlled access zones
  • Airlocks as laboratory entrances
  • Separate buildings or modules to isolate the

Principles of Biosafety-Biosafety Levels
  • Four biosafety levels (BSLs)
  • Consist of combinations of laboratory practices
    and techniques, safety equipment, and laboratory
  • Each combination is specifically appropriate for
    the operations performed, the documented or
    suspected routes of transmission of the
    infectious agents, and the laboratory function or

Principles of Biosafety-Biosafety Levels
  • The recommended biosafety represent those
    conditions under which the agent ordinarily can
    be safely handled.
  • The laboratory director is specifically and
    primarily responsible for assessing the risks and
    appropriately applying the recommended biosafety
  • Generally, work with known agents should be
    conducted at the biosafety level I
  • When specific information is available to suggest
    that virulence, pathogenicity, antibiotic
    resistance patterns, vaccine and treatment
    availability, or other factors are significantly
    altered, more (or less) stringent practices may
    be specified.

Principles of Biosafety-Biosafety Levels
  • Biosafety Level 1
  • Practices, safety equipment, and facility design
    and construction
  • Appropriate for undergraduate and secondary
    educational training and teaching laboratories
  • For other laboratories in which work is done with
    defined and characterized strains of viable
    microorganisms not known to consistently cause
    disease in healthy adult humans.
  • Bacillus subtilis, Naegleria gruberi, infectious
    canine hepatitis virus, and exempt organisms
    under the NIH Recombinant DNA Guidelines are
    representative of microorganisms meeting these
  • Many agents not ordinarily associated with
    disease processes in humans are opportunistic
  • May cause infection in the young, the aged, and
    immunodeficient or immunosuppressed individuals.
  • Vaccine strains that have undergone multiple in
    vivo passages should not be considered avirulent
    simply because they are vaccine strains.
  • Biosafety Level 1 represents
  • Basic level of containment
  • Relies on standard microbiological practices with
    no special primary or secondary barriers
    recommended, other than a sink for handwashing.

Principles of Biosafety-Biosafety Levels
  • The following standard and special practices,
    safety equipment and facilities apply to agents
    assigned to Biosafety Level 1
  • A. Standard Microbiological Practices
  • 1. Access to the laboratory is limited or
    restricted at the discretion of the laboratory
    director when experiments or work with cultures
    and specimens are in progress.
  • 2. Persons wash their hands after they handle
    viable materials, after removing gloves, and
    before leaving the laboratory.
  • 3. Eating, drinking, smoking, handling contact
    lenses, applying cosmetics, and storing food for
    human use are not permitted in the work areas.
    Persons who wear contact lenses in laboratories
    should also wear goggles or a face shield. Food
    is stored outside the work area in cabinets or
    refrigerators designated and used for this
    purpose only.
  • 4. Mouth pipetting is prohibited mechanical
    pipetting devices are used.
  • 5. Policies for the safe handling of sharps are

Principles of Biosafety-Biosafety Levels
  • The following standard and special practices,
    safety equipment and facilities apply to agents
    assigned to Biosafety Level 1
  • A. Standard Microbiological Practices
  • 6. All procedures are performed carefully to
    minimize the creation of splashes or aerosols.
  • 7. Work surfaces are decontaminated at least once
    a day and after any spill of viable material.
  • 8. All cultures, stocks, and other regulated
    wastes are decontaminated before disposal by an
    approved decontamination method such as
    autoclaving. Materials to be decontaminated
    outside of the immediate laboratory are to be
    placed in a durable, leak-proof container and
    closed for transport from the laboratory.
    Materials to be decontaminated outside of the
    immediate laboratory are packaged in accordance
    with applicable local, state, and federal
    regulations before removal from the facility.
  • 9. A biohazard sign must be posted at the
    entrance to the laboratory whenever infectious
    agents are present. The sign must include the
    name of the agent(s) in use and the name and
    phone number of the investigator.
  • 10. An insect and rodent control program is in

Principles of Biosafety-Biosafety Levels
  • B. Special Practices None
  • C. Safety Equipment (Primary Barriers)
  • 1. Special containment devices or equipment such
    as a biological safety cabinet are generally not
    required for manipulations of agents assigned to
    Biosafety Level 1.
  • 2. It is recommended that laboratory coats,
    gowns, or uniforms be worn to prevent
    contamination or soiling of street clothes.
  • 3. Gloves should be worn if the skin on the hands
    is broken or if a rash is present. Alternatives
    to powdered latex gloves should be available.
  • 4. Protective eyewear should be worn for conduct
    of procedures in which splashes of microorganisms
    or other hazardous materials is anticipated.

Principles of Biosafety-Biosafety Levels
  • D. Laboratory Facilities (Secondary Barriers)
  • 1. Laboratories should have doors for access
  • 2. Each laboratory contains a sink for
  • 3. The laboratory is designed so that it can be
    easily cleaned. Carpets and rugs in laboratories
    are not appropriate.
  • 4. Bench tops are impervious to water and are
    resistant to moderate heat and the organic
    solvents, acids, alkalis, and chemicals used to
    decontaminate the work surface and equipment.
  • 5. Laboratory furniture is capable of supporting
    anticipated loading and uses. Spaces between
    benches, cabinets, and equipment are accessible
    for cleaning.
  • 6. If the laboratory has windows that open to the
    exterior, they are fitted with fly screens.

Principles of Biosafety-Biosafety Levels
  • Biosafety Level 2
  • Practices, equipment, and facility design and
    construction are applicable to
  • Clinical, diagnostic, teaching, and other
  • Work is done with the broad spectrum of
    indigenous moderate-risk agents
  • Present in the community
  • Associated with human disease of varying
  • These agents can be used safely in activities
    conducted on the open bench, provided the
    potential for producing splashes or aerosols is
  • Hepatitis B virus, HIV, the salmonellae, and
    Toxoplasma spp. are representative of
    microorganisms assigned to this containment
  • Biosafety Level 2 is appropriate when work is
    done with any human-derived blood, body fluids,
    tissues, or primary human cell lines where the
    presence of an infectious agent may be unknown.

Principles of Biosafety-Biosafety Levels
  • Biosafety Level 2
  • Primary hazards to personnel working with these
    agents relate to
  • Accidental percutaneous or mucous membrane
  • Ingestion of infectious materials.
  • Extreme caution should be taken with contaminated
    needles or sharp instruments.
  • Even though organisms routinely manipulated at
    Biosafety Level 2 are not known to be
    transmissible by the aerosol route
  • Procedures with aerosol or high splash potential
  • May increase the risk of such personnel exposure
  • Must be conducted in primary containment
  • BSC or safety centrifuge cups.
  • Other primary barriers should be used as
  • Splash shields, face protection, gowns, and
  • Secondary barriers such as handwashing sinks and
    waste decontamination facilities must be
    available to reduce potential environmental

Principles of Biosafety-Biosafety Levels
  • A. Standard Microbiological Practices
  • 1. Access to the laboratory is limited or
    restricted at the discretion of the laboratory
    director when experiments are in progress.
  • 2. Persons wash their hands after they handle
    viable materials, after removing gloves, and
    before leaving the laboratory.
  • 3. Eating, drinking, smoking, handling contact
    lenses, and applying cosmetics are not permitted
    in the work areas. Food is stored outside the
    work area in cabinets or refrigerators designated
    for this purpose only.
  • 4. Mouth pipetting is prohibited mechanical
    pipetting devices are used.
  • 5. Policies for the safe handling of sharps are
  • 6. All procedures are performed carefully to
    minimize the creation of splashes or aerosols.
  • 7. Work surfaces are decontaminated on completion
    of work or at the end of the day and after any
    spill or splash of viable material with
    disinfectants that are effective against the
    agents of concern.
  • 8. All cultures, stocks, and other regulated
    wastes are decontaminated before disposal by an
    approved decontamination method such as
    autoclaving. Materials to be decontaminated
    outside of the immediate laboratory are placed in
    a durable, leak-proof container and closed for
    transport from the laboratory. Materials to be
    decontaminated off-site from the facility are
    packaged in accordance with applicable local,
    state, and federal regulations, before removal
    from the facility.
  • 9. An insect and rodent control program is in

Principles of Biosafety-Biosafety Levels
  • B. Special Practices
  • 1. Access to the laboratory is limited or
    restricted by the laboratory director when work
    with infectious agents is in progress. In
    general, persons who are at increased risk of
    acquiring infection, or for whom infection may
    have serious consequences, are not allowed in the
    laboratory or animal rooms.
  • For example, persons who are immunocompromised
    or immunosuppressed may be at increased risk of
    acquiring infections.
  • The laboratory director has the final
    responsibility for assessing each circumstance
    and determining who may enter or work in the
    laboratory or animal room.
  • 2. The laboratory director establishes policies
    and procedures whereby only persons who have been
    advised of the potential hazards and meet
    specific entry requirements (e.g., immunization)
    may enter the laboratory.
  • 3. A biohazard sign must be posted on the
    entrance to the laboratory when etiologic agents
    are in use. Appropriate information to be posted
    includes the agent(s) in use, the biosafety
    level, the required immunizations, the
    investigator's name and telephone number, any
    personal protective equipment that must be worn
    in the laboratory, and any procedures required
    for exiting the laboratory.
  • 4. Laboratory personnel receive appropriate
    immunizations or tests for the agents handled or
    potentially present in the laboratory (e.g.,
    hepatitis B vaccine or TB skin testing).

Principles of Biosafety-Biosafety Levels
  • B. Special Practices
  • 5. When appropriate, considering the agent(s)
    handled, baseline serum samples for laboratory
    and other at-risk personnel are collected and
    stored. Additional serum specimens may be
    collected periodically, depending on the agents
    handled or the function of the facility.
  • 6. Biosafety procedures are incorporated into
    standard operating procedures or in a biosafety
    manual adopted or prepared specifically for the
    laboratory by the laboratory director. Personnel
    are advised of special hazards and are required
    to read and follow instructions on practices and
  • 7. The laboratory director ensures that
    laboratory and support personnel receive
    appropriate training on the potential hazards
    associated with the work involved, the necessary
    precautions to prevent exposures, and the
    exposure evaluation procedures. Personnel receive
    annual updates or additional training as
    necessary for procedural or policy changes.

Principles of Biosafety-Biosafety Levels
  • B. Special Practices
  • 8. A high degree of precaution must always be
    taken with any contaminated sharp items,
    including needles and syringes, slides, pipettes,
    capillary tubes, and scalpels.
  • a. Needles and syringes or other sharp
    instruments should be restricted in the
    laboratory for use only when there is no
    alternative, such as parenteral injection,
    phlebotomy, or aspiration of fluids from
    laboratory animals and diaphragm bottles.
    Plasticware should be substituted for glassware
    whenever possible.
  • b. Only needle-locking syringes or disposable
    syringe-needle units (i.e., needle is integral to
    the syringe) are used for injection or aspiration
    of infectious materials. Used disposable needles
    must not be bent, sheared, broken, recapped,
    removed from disposable syringes, or otherwise
    manipulated by hand before disposal rather, they
    must be carefully placed in conveniently located
    puncture-resistant containers used for sharps
    disposal. Non-disposable sharps must be placed in
    a hard-walled container for transport to a
    processing area for decontamination, preferably
    by autoclaving.
  • c. Syringes which re-sheathe the needle,
    needleless systems, and other safety devices are
    used when appropriate.
  • d. Broken glassware must not be handled directly
    by hand, but must be removed by mechanical means
    such as a brush and dustpan, tongs, or forceps.
    Containers of contaminated needles, sharp
    equipment, and broken glass are decontaminated
    before disposal, according to any local, state,
    or federal regulations.

Principles of Biosafety-Biosafety Levels
  • B. Special Practices
  • 9. Cultures, tissues, specimens of body fluids,
    or potentially infectious wastes are placed in a
    container with a cover that prevents leakage
    during collection, handling, processing, storage,
    transport, or shipping.
  • 10. Laboratory equipment and work surfaces should
    be decontaminated with an effective disinfectant
    on a routine basis, after work with infectious
    materials is finished, and especially after overt
    spills, splashes, or other contamination by
    infectious materials. Contaminated equipment must
    be decontaminated according to any local, state,
    or federal regulations before it is sent for
    repair or maintenance or packaged for transport
    in accordance with applicable local, state, or
    federal regulations, before removal from the
  • 11. Spills and accidents that result in overt
    exposures to infectious materials are immediately
    reported to the laboratory director. Medical
    evaluation, surveillance, and treatment are
    provided as appropriate and written records are
  • 12. Animals not involved in the work being
    performed are not permitted in the lab

Principles of Biosafety-Biosafety Levels
  • C. Safety Equipment (Primary Barriers)
  • 1. Properly maintained biological safety
    cabinets, preferably Class II, or other
    appropriate personal protective equipment or
    physical containment devices are used whenever
  • a. Procedures with a potential for creating
    infectious aerosols or splashes are conducted.
    These may include centrifuging, grinding,
    blending, vigorous shaking or mixing, sonic
    disruption, opening containers of infectious
    materials whose internal pressures may be
    different from ambient pressures, inoculating
    animals intra-nasally, and harvesting infected
    tissues from animals or embryonate eggs.
  • b. High concentrations or large volumes of
    infectious agents are used. Such materials may be
    centrifuged in the open laboratory if sealed
    rotor heads or centrifuge safety cups are used,
    and if these rotors or safety cups are opened
    only in a biological safety cabinet.

Principles of Biosafety-Biosafety Levels
  • C. Safety Equipment (Primary Barriers)
  • 2. Face protection (goggles, mask, face shield or
    other splatter guard) is used for anticipated
    splashes or sprays of infectious or other
    hazardous materials to the face when the
    microorganisms must be manipulated outside the
  • 3. Protective laboratory coats, gowns, smocks, or
    uniforms designated for lab use are worn while in
    the laboratory. This protective clothing is
    removed and left in the laboratory before leaving
    for non-laboratory areas (e.g., cafeteria,
    library, administrative offices). All protective
    clothing is either disposed of in the laboratory
    or laundered by the institution it should never
    be taken home by personnel.
  • 4. Gloves are worn when hands may contact
    potentially infectious materials, contaminated
    surfaces or equipment. Wearing two pairs of
    gloves may be appropriate. Gloves are disposed of
    when overtly contaminated, and removed when work
    with infectious materials is completed or when
    the integrity of the glove is compromised.
    Disposable gloves are not washed, reused, or used
    for touching "clean" surfaces (keyboards,
    telephones, etc.), and they should not be worn
    outside the lab. Alternatives to powdered latex
    gloves should be available. Hands are washed
    following removal of gloves.

Principles of Biosafety-Biosafety Levels
  • D. Laboratory Facilities (Secondary Barriers)
  • 1. Provide lockable doors for facilities that
    house restricted agents (as defined in 42 CFR
  • 2. Consider locating new laboratories away from
    public areas.
  • 3. Each laboratory contains a sink for
    handwashing. Foot, knee, or automatically
    operated sinks are recommended.
  • 4. The laboratory is designed so that it can be
    easily cleaned. Carpets and rugs in laboratories
    are inappropriate.
  • 5. Bench tops are impervious to water and are
    resistant to moderate heat and the organic
    solvents, acids, alkalis, and chemicals used to
    decontaminate the work surfaces and equipment.

Principles of Biosafety-Biosafety Levels
  • D. Laboratory Facilities (Secondary Barriers)
  • 6. Laboratory furniture is capable of supporting
    anticipated loading and uses. Spaces between
    benches, cabinets, and equipment are accessible
    for cleaning. Chairs and other furniture used in
    laboratory work should be covered with a
    non-fabric material that can be easily
  • 7. Install biological safety cabinets in such a
    manner that fluctuations of the room supply and
    exhaust air do not cause the biological safety
    cabinets to operate outside their parameters for
    containment. Locate biological safety cabinets
    away from doors, from windows that can be opened,
    from heavily traveled laboratory areas, and from
    other potentially disruptive equipment so as to
    maintain the biological safety cabinets' air flow
    parameters for containment.
  • 8. An eyewash station is readily available.
  • 9. Illumination is adequate for all activities,
    avoiding reflections and glare that could impede
  • 10. There are no specific ventilation
    requirements. However, planning of new facilities
    should consider mechanical ventilation systems
    that provide an inward flow of air without
    recirculation to spaces outside of the
    laboratory. If the laboratory has windows that
    open to the exterior, they are fitted with fly

Principles of Biosafety-Biosafety Levels
  • Biosafety Level 3
  • Practices, safety equipment, and facility design
    and construction are applicable to
  • Clinical, diagnostic, teaching, research, or
    production facilities
  • Work is done with indigenous or exotic agents
    with a potential for respiratory transmission
  • May cause serious and potentially lethal
  • Mycobacterium tuberculosis, St. Louis
    encephalitis virus, and Coxiella burnetii are
    representative of the microorganisms assigned to
    this level.
  • Primary hazards to personnel working with these
    agents relate to autoinoculation, ingestion, and
    exposure to infectious aerosols.

Principles of Biosafety-Biosafety Levels
  • Biosafety Level 3
  • Emphasis is placed on
  • Primary and secondary barriers to protect
    personnel in contiguous areas
  • The community, and the environment from exposure
    to potentially infectious aerosols.
  • All laboratory manipulations should be performed
    in a BSC or other enclosed equipment
  • Gas-tight aerosol generation chamber.
  • Secondary barriers for this level include
  • Controlled access to the laboratory
  • Ventilation requirements that minimize the
    release of infectious aerosols from the

Principles of Biosafety-Biosafety Levels
  • Biosafety Level 4
  • Practices, safety equipment, and facility design
    and construction are applicable for
  • Work with dangerous and exotic agents
  • Pose a high individual risk of life-threatening
  • Which may be transmitted via the aerosol route
  • Which there is no available vaccine or therapy.
  • Agents with a close or identical antigenic
    relationship to Biosafety Level 4 agents also
    should be handled at this level.
  • When sufficient data are obtained, work with
    these agents may continue at this level or at a
    lower level.
  • Viruses such as Marburg or Congo-Crimean
    hemorrhagic fever are manipulated at Biosafety
    Level 4.

Principles of Biosafety-Biosafety Levels
  • Biosafety Level 4
  • The primary hazards to personnel working with
    Biosafety Level 4 agents are
  • Respiratory exposure to infectious aerosols
  • Mucous membrane or broken skin exposure to
    infectious droplets
  • Autoinoculation.
  • All manipulations of potentially infectious
    diagnostic materials, isolates, and naturally or
    experimentally infected animals
  • Pose a high risk of exposure and infection to
    laboratory personnel, the community, and the

Principles of Biosafety-Biosafety Levels
  • Biosafety Level 4
  • The laboratory worker's complete isolation from
    aerosolized infectious materials is accomplished
  • Primarily by working in a Class III BSC
  • Full-body, air-supplied positive-pressure
    personnel suit.
  • The Biosafety Level 4 facility itself is
  • Separate building or completely isolated zone
    with complex
  • Specialized ventilation requirements
  • Waste management systems to prevent release of
    viable agents to the environment.

Principles of Biosafety-Biosafety Levels
  • Biosafety Level 4
  • The laboratory director is specifically and
    primarily responsible for the safe operation of
    the laboratory.
  • His/her knowledge and judgment are critical in
    assessing risks and appropriately applying these
  • The recommended biosafety level represents those
    conditions under which the agent can ordinarily
    be safely handled.
  • Special characteristics of the agents used, the
    training and experience of personnel, and the
    nature or function of the laboratory may further
    influence the director in applying these

Principles of Biosafety-Biosafety Levels
  • Animal Facilities
  • Four biosafety levels are also described for
    activities involving infectious disease work with
    experimental animals.
  • These four combinations of practices, safety
    equipment, and facilities are designated Animal
    Biosafety Levels 1, 2, 3, and 4
  • Provide increasing levels of protection to
    personnel and the environment

Principles of Biosafety-Biosafety Levels
  • Clinical Laboratories
  • Clinical laboratories
  • Receive clinical specimens with requests for a
    variety of diagnostic and clinical support
  • The infectious nature of clinical material is
  • Specimens are often submitted with a broad
    request for microbiological examination for
    multiple agents (e.g., sputa submitted for
    "routine," acid-fast, and fungal cultures).
  • It is the responsibility of the laboratory
    director to establish standard procedures in the
    laboratory which realistically address the issue
    of the infective hazard of clinical specimens.

Principles of Biosafety-Biosafety Levels
  • Clinical Laboratories
  • Except in extraordinary circumstances (e.g.,
    suspected hemorrhagic fever)
  • The initial processing of clinical specimens and
    serological identification of isolates can be
    done safely at Biosafety Level 2
  • Recommended level for work with bloodborne
    pathogens such as hepatitis B virus and HIV.
  • This requires the use of specific precautions
    with all clinical specimens of blood or other
    potentially infectious material (Universal or
    Standard Precautions).
  • Additionally, other recommendations specific for
    clinical laboratories may be obtained from the
    National Committee for Clinical Laboratory

Principles of Biosafety-Biosafety Levels
  • Clinical Laboratories
  • Biosafety Level 2 recommendations and OSHA
    requirements focus on the prevention of
    percutaneous and mucous membrane exposures to
    clinical material.
  • Primary barriers such as biological safety
    cabinets (Class I or II)
  • Used when performing procedures that might cause
    splashing, spraying, or splattering of droplets.
  • Biological safety cabinets also should be used
    for the initial processing of clinical specimens
    when the nature of the test requested or other
    information suggests the likely presence of an
    agent readily transmissible by infectious
    aerosols (e.g., M. tuberculosis)
  • When the use of a biological safety cabinet
    (Class II) is indicated to protect the integrity
    of the specimen.
  • The segregation of clinical laboratory functions
    and limited or restricted access to such areas is
    the responsibility of the laboratory director.
  • It is also the director's responsibility to
    establish standard, written procedures that
    address the potential hazards and the required
    precautions to be implemented.

Principles of Biosafety-Biosafety Levels
  • Importation and Interstate Shipment of Certain
    Biomedical Materials
  • The importation of etiologic agents and vectors
    of human diseases is subject to the requirements
    of the Public Health Service Foreign Quarantine
  • Companion regulations of the Public Health
    Service and the Department of Transportation
    specify packaging, labeling, and shipping
    requirements for etiologic agents and diagnostic
    specimens shipped in interstate commerce
  • The U. S. Department of Agriculture regulates the
    importation and interstate shipment of animal
    pathogens and prohibits the importation,
    possession, or use of certain exotic animal
    disease agents which pose a serious disease
    threat to domestic livestock and poultry
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