Title: Biosafety in the Workplace
1Biosafety in the Workplace
- PLS 4/595D /Regulations and Laboratory Management
- Spring Semester, 2006
- Mark J. Grushka, M.S., CSP
- Manager, Biosafety and Biosecurity
- University of Arizona
2Main Topics
- Part 1 Introduction to Biological Safety
Principles (Tuesday/April 11th) - Part 2 Introduction to Regulatory Framework
(Tuesday/April 11th) - Part 3 Biosafety Program Management, Application
of Project Management Techniques and Case Studies
3Part 1 Introduction to Biological Safety
- Definitions
- Key Principles
- Data on Laboratory Acquired Infections
- Risk Assessment
- Biosafety Containment Levels
- Primary Containment
- Emergency Preparedness
4Introduction to Biosafety Principles
- Complex relationship between organisms and hosts.
We are surrounded by countless microorganisms.
Our bodies depend upon them for natural processes
such as digestion. But most of time, we do not
get sick because of natural defenses. - Infectious (pathogenic) organisms must
- Attach and survive hosts defenses
- Multiply
- Create signs and symptoms of disease in host
- Safety
- Risk
- Biosafety
- Biosecurity
- Freedom from harm
- Control of accidental losses involving
- People
- Property
- Loss to process
- The chance that something may or may not happen.
Often defined as - Frequency (how often)
- Severity (how bad)
- Development and implementation of administrative
policies, work practices, facility design, and
safety equipment to prevent transmission of
biological agents to workers, other persons or
the environment - MMWR December 6, 2002
- Protection of high-consequence microbial agents
and toxins, or critical relevant information,
against theft, or diversion by those who intend
to pursue intentional misuse - MMWR December 6, 2002
10Kochs Postulates
- 1890 Robert Koch Established List of Criteria to
Judge Whether or Not a Given Microbe Was
Responsible for a Given Disease - The organism must be present in every case of the
disease - The organism must be isolated from the diseased
host and grown in pure culture - The specific disease must be reproduced when the
pure culture is inoculated into a healthy
susceptible host - The organism must be recovered from the
experimentally infected host
11Biohazardous Materials
- Include All Infectious Organisms (Bacteria,
Chlamydiae, Fungi, Parasites, Prions,
Rickettsias, Viruses) which can cause disease in
humans or cause significant environmental or
agricultural impact. - Materials that may harbor infectious organisms
such as human or primate tissues, fluids, cells,
cell cultures.
12Key Principles of Biosafety
- Laboratory Practices and Techniques
- Hand Washing Important
- Manipulation of Material to Minimize Aerosols
- Consistent Use of Personal Protective Equipment
- Safety Equipment (Primary Barriers)
- Biological Safety Cabinets (BSCs)
- Facility Design and Construction (Secondary
Barriers/Room Design) - Room Pressure Negative to Corridor
- Controlled Access to Non-Research Personnel
- Medical Surveillance
13Typical Routes of Entry for Viral or Bacterial
- Inhalation
- Ingestion
- Injection
- Needle sticks
- Accidental cuts with sharp objects
- Skin or Eye Exposure
14Laboratory Acquired Infections
- Risk of Laboratory Associated Infections (LAIs)
is Real - Historical Examples IncludeBrucellosis, Q Fever,
Hepatitis, Typhoid Fever, Tuberculosis, Hepatitis - Of the 3921 LAI Only 703 (18) Caused by
Identifiable Accidents including needle sticks,
broken glass, spills or sprays (R.M. Pike 1976)
1540 Years of Data on Overt LAIsPike, R.M. 1978
Various Classes of Agents
16Ten Most Frequently Reported LAIs Pike, R.M.
1978 Past and Present Hazards of Agents
17Universitys Responsibilities
- To provide a workplace free of recognized
hazards. UA Policy and OSHA Requirement - To provide training to employees in order to
recognize hazards and to protect employees
against those hazards. - Methods of controlling risk may include
- Building Design Including Containment Features
(Primary/Secondary) - Policies/Procedures (SOPs)
- Personnel Protective Equipment
- Medical Surveillance Programs
18Basic Risk Assessment Framework
- Hazard Identification
- Estimate Probability of Occurrence
- Decide on Acceptable and Non-Acceptable Practices
- Implement Practices
- Monitor
19Example of Risk Assessment for Cell Culture
- Â http//www.biosafety.be/CU/animalcellcultures/mai
npage.html Introduction - Bioline International
- http//www.bioline.org.br/request?by95008
20Risk Assessment Flow Chart
21Employee Responsibilities
- If you dont know, ask.
- If you have not been trained to do it, dont!
- Follow established biosafety practices and
procedures. Always ask Principal Investigator. - Immediately inform Principle Investigator or
Laboratory Manager if any accidents, spills,
procedural issues/concerns or any questions arise
about your safety or the safety of others. -
22Biosafety Levels Defined
23Biosafety Level One (BSL-1)
- BSL-1 Work with Well Characterized Agents Not
Known to Cause Disease in Healthy Adults.
Standard Microbiological - Open bench tops acceptable with good standard
microbiological practices - Laboratory not necessarily separated
- Special containment equipment or facility design
not required - Examples include E. coli K-12, Bacillus subtilis
Also Called Bench Work.
24Biosafety Level Two (BSL-2)
- BSL-2 Work with Moderate Potential to Affect
Personnel and Environment. (Herpes, Influenza
viruses, Legionella sp.) - Personnel are specifically trained to handle
pathogenic agents - Lab access limited when work is conducted
- Extreme precautions taken when handling
contaminated sharp items (needles, scalpels) - Appropriate immunizations are administered when
available and baseline serum samples encouraged - Certain procedures require biological safety
25Biosafety Level Three (BSL-3)
- BSL-3 Work May Cause Serious or Potentially
Lethal Disease as a Result of Exposure to
Inhalation Route. (M. Tuberculosis, Bacillus
anthraces) - Very specific training
- Biosafety Cabinets used
- Appropriate PPE and other clothing
- Specific engineering and design features
26Additional (BSL-3) Requirements
- Immunization and medical surveillance protocols
required - No open bench work
- Ducted exhaust air ventilation creates
directional airflow from clean toward
contaminated areas prior to discharge to
outside - High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters
may be required for room exhaust
27Biosafety Level Four (BSL-4)
- BSL-4 Work with dangerous and exotic agents which
pose a high risk of aerosol-transmitted
laboratory infectious and life threatening
disease. Ebola, Marburg, - Special facility design features required
- All activities confined to Class III biosafety
cabinets (glove boxes), or Class II BSCs used by
workers using one piece positive pressure
personnel suits ventilated by a life support
28Identifying Biohazard Risks
- What am I Working With? How Can it Cause Disease
and How do I Protect Myself? - Routes of Entry Include Inhalation, Ingestion,
Inoculation, Skin and Eyes - Typical Risks of Exposure Include Contaminated
Needles, Mouth-Pipetting, Splashing, Animal Bites
29How to Protect Yourself
- Knowledge and Understanding of the Biohazards You
Are Working With - How Can it Get Onto/Into My Body
- How to Protect Myself (Hierarchy of Control)
- Containment Equipment
- Techniques
- Personal Protective Equipment
30Identifying Biohazard Risk is Key
- Accident/Incident Preceded Events Represented
Only 18 of LAIs - Aerosols, Droplets and Fomites are Likely Sources
- Lab Techniques With High Potential for Exposure
Include - Centrifuges/Blenders, Opening Tubes/Bottles,
Syringes/Needles, Inoculating Loops, Heating Over
31Mammalian Tissue Culture Work
- Risks
- Tissue culture may contain virus or bacteria
capable of spreading to human host - Integrity of culture may be altered because of
contamination from outside source - How to Reduce Risks to Human and Cell Culture?
- Manipulation of tissue cultures only under Class
II Biological Safety Cabinets - Use care when doing any procedure using
instruments that may break skin - Use proper PPE like latex gloves, eye protection
32Class II Biological Safety Cabinets Explained
- Main Function
- Protects Worker
- Protects Work (Tissue Cultures From Microbial
Contaminants, i.e.. Integrity of Cultures) - Features
- High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) Filter
Minimizes Escape of Contaminants Within Cabinet
Into Lab - HEPA Filtered Air Supply Bathes Work Surface,
Protecting Work - Certified Annually by Facilities Management
33Basis of Primary ContainmentIsolate the
Laboratory Worker from Biological Agent With
Ultra Filtered Directional Air Currents
34Class II Type B1 Biological Safety Cabinet Air
Flow/HEPA Filter Placement
35Proper Use of Biosafety Cabinets
- Dos
- Become familiar about the equipment by reading
users manual and asking PI. - Keep laboratory doors closed and minimize
movement in front of cabinet to avoid disrupting
airflow. Avoid rapid arm movement in and out of
BSC. - Decontaminate work surfaces with disinfectant
before and after working in a cabinet according
to laboratory standard operating procedures
36Proper Use of Biosafety Cabinets
- Donts
- Do not use cabinets as a permanent storage area
for supplies (disrupts airflow) - Do not work inside cabinet with UV lamp on, if so
equipped. (skin/eye burns) - Do not rapidly insert or withdraw arms. (disrupts
airflow) - Place required equipment or supplies for
procedure inside before beginning work.
(minimizes hand/arm withdrawals which can disrupt
37Eagleston Institute Biosafety Cabinet Clips
38What Does Your Lab Look Like? Advantages of Good
- Reduces Risk of Slip, Trip and Falls
- Protects Integrity of Biological Experiments by
Providing Adequate Space and Reduce Contamination
Potential - Easier to Decontaminate Surfaces
- Saves Time by Being Able to Find Stuff
39Emergency Preparedness
- What Should I Do When Things Go Wrong?
- Learn the types of emergencies that could happen
- Spills of liquids
- Equipment malfunctions
- Exposure to potential pathogens through
inhalation, ingestion, skin including eye
exposure, needle or other sharps - Learn how to respond to minimize exposure time
and concentration - Contact your supervisor to protect your health
and legal rights
40Biohazard Spills
- Each Lab Required to Have Spill Decontamination
Plan - PI Required to Have Cleanup/Decon Procedure for
Specific Biohazards Found in Lab - If Spill Occurs/General Guidelines
- Remove affected clothing/gloves
- Wash contaminated body areas with soap/H2O
- Secure area until cleanup completed
- Call UA Risk Management 621-1790 for technical
- Risks of Working with Biological Materials in
Research are Real - The Risks Can be Managed Through
- Properly Identifying and Assessing Biological
Risks - Good Laboratory Practice and Technique
- Correct Use of Safety Equipment (Primary
Barriers) Including Biological Safety Cabinets - Facility Design, Construction and Maintenance
(Secondary Barriers) - Additional Resources are Available Through
Institutional Biosafety Committee and
Professional Staff
42Regulatory Framework
- PLS 4/595D /Regulations and Laboratory Management
- Spring Semester, 2006
- Mark J. Grushka, M.S., CSP
- Manager, Biosafety and Biosecurity
- University of Arizona
43Part 2 Introduction to Introduction to Regulatory
- What are the major regulations covering
biosafety? - How is the University of Arizona organized for
biosafety compliance? - What are the future implications for regulatory
control of biosafety?
- The regulatory framework covering biosafety can
be characterized as a combination of statutes,
regulations, rules and guidelines from various
federal and state agencies, private and public
organizations and other interested parties such
as manufacturers of containment equipment
45Federal Laws
- Occupational Health and Safety Act (OSHAct)
- Bloodborne Pathogens (29 CFR 1910.1030)
- Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals in
Laboratories (29 CFR 1910.1450) - Personal Protective Equipment(29 CFR
1910.132-139) - Needlestick StandardÂ
46National Institutes of Health
- NIH Office of Biotechnology Activities
- NIH Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant
DNA Molecules - IBC Resources
- HazMat Safety
- Hazardous Materials Regulations (49 CFR 100-185)
- Hazardous Waste
- Microbiology
50Select Agents
- All individuals who have access to Select Agents
must undergo a Security Risk Assessment - Acquisition, use, transfer and disposal of Select
Agents is monitored by CDC/APHIS through issuance
of registration
51How is the UA Organized to Comply?
- Compliance based at Vice President for Research
Office - Manager of Biosafety and Biosecurity
- Chairman of the Institutional Biosafety Committee
- Program Coordinator
52UA and Regulatory Reality Check
- Institution Governed by Many Internal Policies
and External Laws/ Regulations - Provides a Road Map for Establishing and
Monitoring Effectiveness of Biosafety Program - Keys to Success
- Accountability (Who is in Charge)
- Clear Goals and Objectives
- Periodic Monitoring
53Regulations and Guidelines for Biosafety at UA
- Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)
- Blood borne Pathogen Standard (Required Training
for All Employees Who Work With Human Tissues,
Blood or Other Bodily Fluids Must Take Course
From UA Risk Management) - University of Arizona Biosafety Handbook
- Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical
Laboratories (CDC/NIH) - NIH Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant
DNA Molecules - Laboratory Specific Procedures (SOPs)
54Institutional Biosafety Committee Requires a
Written Plan from PI for These Types of Research
- Recombinant DNA
- Pathogenic Microorganisms
- Mammalian Cell Lines
- Gene Therapy
55Institutional Biosafety Committee Basics
- Reports to Vice President for Research
- Insures a safe working environment by minimizing
exposure of personnel to harmful biological
agents - Peer Review of research conducted at or sponsored
by the U of A for compliance with adopted
policies, regulations and guidelines
56Where to Get More Information
- (IBC Website) http//www.ibc.arizona.edu
- (Risk Management Website) http//www.
w3fp.arizona.edu/riskmgmt - http//cdc.gov
- http//labor/osha.gov
Mark J. Grushka, Manager, Biosafety and
Biosecurity 621-5279 and Margaret Stalker,
Program Coordinator 621-3441
57Criteria for Review
- Use of Pathogenic Materials
- Use of rDNA techniques
- Use of Cell Culture
- Transgenic Plants
- Gene Therapy
58Memorandum of Understanding and Agreement Form
- Is the main risk assessment document submitted by
Principal Investigators - Submitted in on-line form
- Reviewed at least twice
- Prereview
- Committee Review
- Approval from IBC allows PI to conduct research
at specific BSL level
59Auditing Function
- All BSL-3 laboratories audited annually by
Manager of Biosafety - All Select Agent laboratories audited annually by
Manager of Biosafety - All BSL-1 applications require an on-site
inspection prior to consideration by IBC
60Other Resources
- Training
- Bloodborne Pathogen and Shipping of Hazardous
Materials by Air done by Risk Management and
Safety - On-line UA Biosafety Handbook
- Program Manager,Manager of Biosafety and IBC
Chair available to respond to technical or
regulatory questions
61Guidance Documents
- World Health Organization Biosafety
Manual http//www.who.int/csr/delibepidemics/WHO_C
DS_CSR_LYO_2004_11/en/ - 2nd Edition Primary Containment for
BiohazardsSelection, Installation and Use of
Biological Safety Cabinets http//www.cdc.gov/od/o
hs/biosfty/bsc/bsc.htm - Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical
Laboratories (BMBL) 4th Edition
62Part 3 Biosafety Program Management, Application
of Project Management Techniques and Case Studies
- PLS 4/595D /Regulations and Laboratory Management
- Spring Semester, 2006
- Mark J. Grushka, M.S., CSP
- Manager, Biosafety and Biosecurity
- University of Arizona
63How to Organize a Biosafety Management Program
- Goals
- Elements
- Risk Assessment
- Training
- Medical Surveillance
- Documentation
- To prevent employees and their families from
acquiring laboratory-associated infectious
diseases - To prevent contamination of the environment and
promote environmental quality - To comply with all National, International and
Local regulations for the use of biohazards - To conform to prudent Biosafety practices
- Organization
- Biosafety Manual
- Registration and Inventory Control
- Risk Assessment and Control of Biohazards
- Biosafety Training
- Emergency Response
- Medical Surveillance
- Auditing Program
- Documentation
Management Commitment Through Leadership Designati
on of a Biosafety Officer Management appoints an
individual qualified by training and
experience Role of Site Safety Teams Establish a
mechanism to monitor and control the use of
biohazards which can be done through the Site
Safety Team Establishment of Responsibilities Des
ignate responsible individuals Management Biosafe
ty Officer (Site Safety Leader) Committees Supervi
sors Associates
Slide 8a
Site Biosafety Committee(s)
- Biosafety Committee (CDC)
- Infectious Agents (Viruses, Bacteria, Parasites)
- Infected Materials (Human Blood, Body Fluids,
Tissues) - Animal Pathogens (live vaccine challenges)
- Zoonotic Agents (non-human primates, other
animals) - Institutional Biosafety Committee (NIH)
- recombinant DNA (rDNA) Work with Restricted
Agents - Infectious Host Vectors
- Human Gene Transfer Experiments
- Transgenic Animals
- Cloning of Toxin Molecules
- Develop a Biosafety Manual to include
- Engineering Controls
- Biosafety Cabinets (BSCs) BSL-2/3
- HEPA filtered glove boxes (BL-3)
- Sealed centrifuge cups
- Work Practice Controls
- Decontamination of lab surfaces daily
- Standard Operating Procedures for Work in the
Microbiology Lab - Handling of Cultures/Samples
- Spill Response/Decontamination
- Biohazard Waste Decontamination/Disposal
- Training Program and Documentation
- Vaccination Program (as required)
- Hepatitis B Vaccine/ Vaccinia virus vaccine
Inventory Control
Registration Identify Infectious Agents (e.g.,
Mycobacteruium tuberculosis, Brucella
melitensis) Determine the Biosafety Level (BSL 1,
BSL-2, BSL-3) Identify Procedures (description of
work, aerosol generating, culture work, waste
treatment, spill clean-up, etc.) Identify
appropriate storage conditions (refrigeration,
frozen at -20 or -70 degrees C,
freeze-dried) Assign Responsibilities to
designated individuals Inventory
Control Document Physical Inventory Document
Location of Infectious Agents Document Controls
to be Used such as Biosafety Cabinets, special
equipment (sealed centrifuge rotors,
etc.) Document Assigned Responsible Individuals
Biohazard identity/name e.g., Mycobacteruium
tuberculosis, Brucella melitensis Infectious to
humans Humans are the primary host Infectious to
animals Animals are the primary host or reservoir
of agent Infectious for other living things in
the environment Plants, algae, insects
- What is the Biosafety Level (BL-1,BL-2,BL-3)
- What is the amount of infectious material present
- What is the infectious dose (amount of infectious
material needed to cause infection in a normal
person) - What is the mode of infection
- aerosol, percutaneous, ingestion, absorption
- What is the Portal of Entry
- Nose via inhalation
- Through the skin via injection or puncture
- Mouth via eating or drinking
- Directly on the skin or an abrasion of the skin
Slide 11b
What is the Condition of the Host Immunocompromise
d because of drug therapy or illness Immunocomprom
ised due to a primary infection and therefore
more susceptible to secondary opportunistic
infections What is the Availability of Vaccine Is
there a vaccine available against the
biohazardous agent What is the protective factor
of the vaccine (is it effective for 60, 80 or
100 of all individuals) What is the Availability
of Drug Treatment Is the biohazardous agent
susceptible to antibiotic treatment What is the
resistance of the agent for antibiotic treatment
(e..g., multi-drug resistant M. tuberculosis) Is
there a drug therapy for viral agents (e.g.,
acyclovir, pencyclovir)
- Hierarchy of Controls
- Substitution/Elimination
- Use a non-pathogen whenever possible
- Engineering Controls
- Primary Containment
- Biosafety Cabinets,
- Glove Box Enclosures
- Secondary Containment
- Building Design Features
- negative air pressure
- floor to ceiling walls
- closed doors
Slide 12a
- Hierarchy of Controls (continued)
- Administrative Controls
- Frequent hand washing
- Frequent changing of PPE
- Removal of PPE when leaving work area
- Prohibition of eating, drinking, smoking, chewing
gum - Limiting use of needles and sharps
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Protective eyewear
- Safety glasses with side-shields or facemask
- Protective outer wear
- Use of latex gloves, lab coats
- Respiratory Protection
- HEPA filter mask (Dust-mist, N95, N100, etc.)
Slide 12b
- Identify Agents to be Used
- To ensure that workers know signs/symptoms of
infection and pathogenicity of agent used - Provide General Biosafety Training
- To ensure that workers know the basics of
Biosafety Practices - Microbiological aseptic techniques
- Proper techniques for decontamination/disinfection
- Selection and use of Personal Protective
Equipment - Provide Task-Specific Training
- Especially critical for work in BLS-2 and BLS-3
areas - Provide Information on Appropriate Vaccination(s)
- Workers need to know all about the vaccine(s)
they will be using (e.g., efficacy, side effects,
booster requirements, etc.) - Evaluate Effectiveness of Training
- Quizzes, Tests, Observations, Performance
Slide 15
Develop Written ER Procedures Ensure the ERP is
accessible to all employees (located in critical
areas) Ensure the ERP is communicated to
employees and outside agencies Ensure Adequate
Training Employees must be trained to the
appropriate response level Ensure Use of
Appropriate PPE Employees need to be involved in
the selection process Employees need to be
trained in the use and maintenance of
PPE Supervisors need to encourage/enforce use of
PPE Practice ER Drills The ERP needs to be
practices (emergency evacuation, spill
clean-up) Ensure Post-Exposure Medical
Surveillance Injured responders must report
injury and get medical attention/follow-up
Slide 16
- Baseline Physicals
- Employees history, Family history, Serum banking
- Immunizations (as appropriate)
- Vaccination, Titre checks
- Emergency First-Aid
- Medication, Consultation, Medical Follow-up
- Adequate Training in Recognition of Symptoms
- Provided to employees at risk
- Accident/Injury Reporting Procedure
- Investigation, Root Cause Analysis
Types of Audits/Inspections Regular
Self-Inspections conducted by designated
employee(s) on a routine basis (daily/weekly) Supe
rvisor Self-Inspection conducted by the
supervisor on a weekly/monthly basis to reinforce
regular employee inspections Site/Department
Inspection Performed quarterly by a site team of
employees, supervisors and site management
representative(s) Periodic External
Audit Performed annually by auditor outside of
the site operations (e.g., Corporate staff,
another site, an outside consultant) Inspection
Follow-up Ensure corrective actions are taken to
eliminate identified deficiencies
Slide 18
Registration Approval Signed by the Investigator,
the Department Director and the Biosafety Officer
(Safety Coordinator) Medical Records For medical
clearance, physicals, vaccinations, diagnostic
test results, post-exposure evaluations, annual
check-ups Vaccination Records Include
declinations where appropriate Date of
vaccination, blood titers, booster requirements
and completion of vaccination protocols Training
Records Document initial training, supervisor
training, refresher training Include dates,
trainer qualifications, course syllabus, sign-in
sheet, method of evaluation (tests/quizzes),
certificates issued Auditing Records Ensure all
inspections/audits are documented including
actions taken
Slide 19
80Documentation Framework
Mandatory Global Goal Orientated
Other equivalent means allowed
Preferred Approach
Codes (Management Systems)
Should vs. Shall
Not mandatory unless mandated by Standard
Audience Specific
Product Info
Sector Guidance
Tech Info Specialist Reference
81The Vice President for Researchs Walkabout for
- Introduction
- In the spring of 2001, Vice President for
Research and Graduate Studies, Dr. Richard Powell
initiated a program to acknowledge excellence in
research through successful integration of the
principles and practices of biosafety management.
The success of research depends on intelligent
identification, evaluation, and control of risk.
The following exemplifies how this is being
accomplished at the University of Arizona.
82Examples of the Walkabout
- Dr. Friedmans TB Lab Noted for Excellence in
Biosafety Procedures May 2001 - Â Â http//www.ahsc.arizona.edu/opa/ahsnews/may01/po
we.htm - Â Shubitzs Valley Fever Lab Recognized for
Biosafety Excellence July 2001 - Â http//uanews.opi.arizona.edu/cgi-bin/WebObjects/
idUtPtDpXbJrhSbEVlsgCHxg - Â VP Research Recognizes Three for Biosafety
Excellence October 2001 - Â http//uanews.opi.arizona.edu/cgi-bin/WebObjects/
UANews.woa/wa/MainStoryDetails?ArticleID4384 - Â VP Research Recognizes Biological Cabinet
Maintenance Staff for Biosafety Excellence - January 2002
- http//uanews.opi.arizona.edu/cgi-bin/WebObjects/U
83Examples of the Walkabout
- Sterling Parasitology Laboratories Recognized as
a Model of Biosafety Excellence April 2002 - Â http//ali.opi.arizona.edu/cgi-bin/WebObjects/UAN
dFxhwGQJUxgVVczUhMKgq0 - Â VP Research Recognizes UA Unit for Managing
Hazardous Waste - July 2002
- Â http//uanews.opi.arizona.edu/cgi-bin/WebObjects/
idfUuz5a8K0ndElr2pg4xHgM - VP Research Recognizes Mirror Lab for Excellence
in Health, Safety Leadership December 2002 - http//uanews.opi.arizona.edu/cgi-bin/WebObjects/U
dCuIsRJGISTHGsQtpJ3cu30 - Â Â
- http//
84Examples of the Walkabout
- VP Research Focuses Walkabout on Microbiology and
Biosafety April 2003 - Â
- http//uanews.opi.arizona.edu/cgi-bin/WebObjects/U
dgvjtwRNtmTIsrxIFWDDTig - Â
- VP Research Recognizes Biosafety Excellence in
Molecular Agriculture Research October 2003Â - http//uanews.org/cgi-bin/WebObjects/UANews.woa/wa
/MainStoryDetails?ArticleID8103. - Â
- University Animal Care, Research Labs Designed
with Effectiveness, Safety in Mind January 2004 - Â http//uanews.opi.arizona.edu/cgi-bin/WebObjects/
85Examples of the Walkabout
- Veterinary Diagnostic Lab Integral to Risk
Assessment March 2004 - Â http//ali.opi.arizona.edu/cgi-bin/WebObjects/UAN
ews.woa/5/wa/LQPStoryDetails?ArticleID8856 - Â
- VP Research Highlights Excellence in UA Animal
Hazards Program September 2004 - Â http//ali.opi.arizona.edu/cgi-bin/WebObjects/UAN
86 Scenario 1The Dedicated Post-Doc
- Situation
- A new Post-Doc has just arrived from a
prestigious University. He is working on
improving the production of Interferon from a
human cell line. Unfortunately the cell line
also produces Human T-cell leukemia virus. He
brings this cell line in from the University
where he was working before and decides to grow
it up in incubators in several labs without
telling anyone else working in those labs that it
is also co-contaminated with HTLV III. - What do you do?
- How can this have been avoided?
Slide 21
87 Scenario 2The Helpful Lab Worker
- Situation
- A lab assistant in a private lab is working with
a mouse cell line that has been genetically
modified to produce the entire genome of HIV
without the LTR sequences (so it is
non-infectious). She has been contacted by a
very prestigious colleague from another private
institution in Europe and was invited to visit
their lab. She decides to take along a vial of
her cell line packaged in liquid nitrogen. To
make sure there is no delay she is hand carrying
the vial on the plane in her carry-on bag. - Is this wrong?
- Why?
- How can this have been avoided?
Slide 22
88 Scenario 3The Reluctant Director
- Situation
- Your institution is just implementing a new
Biosafety Program. Up until now no one has ever
questioned the Laboratory Animal Sciences (LAS)
Department about their work. The Director of LAS
is reluctant to have his department participate
in this newfangled program that is only going to
hamper his group and make life more difficult for
him and his people. - What can you do to ensure that LAS participates
in the program?
Slide 23
89 Scenario 4The Busy Scientist
- Situation
- A Nobel winning scientist is working in your
company. He is a very important person and is
much too busy to attend any Biosafety training
sessions or let his assistants attend. Besides,
what could you possibly show him? - What do you do?
- How can you convince him of the need to attend
training? - How can this have been avoided?
Slide 24