Title: Biosafety Training
1Biosafety Training
- University of Ottawa
- Office of Risk Management
- ?Human Resources - Occupational Health
Disability Leave
2Biosafety Outline
- Introduction
- Laboratory Associated Infections
- Blood-borne Pathogens
- Classification of Biohazards
- Infection/Biohazard Control
- Spill Response
- Biomedical Waste
- Regulations
3What is Biosafety?
- Measures employed when handling biohazardous
materials to avoid infecting oneself, others or
the environment. - Achieved through
- Engineering Controls
- Administrative Controls
- Practices and Procedures
- Personal Protective Equipment
4What is a Biohazard?
A potential hazard to humans, animals or the
environment caused by a biological organism, or
by material produced by such an organism
- Examples
- Viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites and their
toxins. - Blood and body fluids, as well as tissues from
humans and animals. - Transformed cell lines and certain types of
nucleic acids .
5Whos Responsible, who are the Stakeholders?
- Health Canada
- Canadian Food Inspection Agency
- Transport Canada
- Ontario Ministry of Labour
- Emergency Response Personnel
- Suppliers Contractors
- Community
- Vice-President (Research)
- Committees
- University Services (ORM, HR, PRS, PS)
- Deans, Chairs, Principal Investigators,
Employees, Students - Manager of Biological Containment Suite
6Key Services
- Office of Risk Management
- Training
- Interface with Regulatory Bodies
- Biosafety Program
- certifications
- training
- procedures
- inspections
- contingency planning
- accident/incident follow-up
7Key Services
- HR (Occupational Health, Disability and Leave)
- Medical surveillance
- Immunizations
- Medical Follow-up
- Interface with Workplace Safety and Insurance
8Why are we concerned about biohazardous materials?
- Potential for acquiring a laboratory-associated
infection (LAI) - Contamination of the environment
- Contamination of research
- Public perception
9Laboratory Associated Infections
Susceptible Host
Infection Source
- Immune system
- Vaccination status
- Age
- Cultures and stocks
- Research animals
- Specimens
- Items contaminated with above
Route of Transmission
- Percutaneous inoculation
- Inhalation of aerosols
- Contact of mucous membranes
- Ingestion
- Only 20 causative or defined event
- 80 of which are caused by human error
- 20 are caused by equipment failure
- Top 4 accidents resulting in infection
- Spillages splashes
- Needle and syringe
- Sharp object, broken glass
- Bite or scratch from animals or ectoparasites
12(No Transcript)
13Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP)
- Sources
- Blood
- Semen
- Vaginal Secretions
- Body Fluids
- Cerebrospinal
- Amniotic
- Synovial
- Tissue Cultures
- Organ Cultures
- Infected Experimental Animals
14Risk of Exposure
- Pathogen involved
- Type of body fluid
- Route of exposure
- Duration of exposure
- Volume of blood involved in exposure
- Concentration of virus at time of exposure
- PPE worn
15Specific Examples of Bloodborne Pathogens
- Hepatitis B
- Hepatitis C
16Issues to Consider
- Symptoms
- Mode of transmission
- Incubation period
- Survival outside host
- Communicability
- Immunization
- Prophylaxis / Treatment
17If An Exposure Occurs (or the possibility of
- Initiate first aid
- Notify your supervisor / designated person
- Report to hospital emergency department or
Universitys Health Services - Report incident to OHDL
- Occupational Health, Disability and Leave Office
telephone ext. 1472 http//www.uottawa.ca/service
18Universal Precautions
- Minimum standard of practice for preventing the
transmission of BBP - Includes - Education
- - Hand washing
- - Wearing protective barriers
- - Use safe work practices
If samples cannot be guaranteed non-infective
treat as infectious!
19Classification of Biohazards
- Conventional Agents
- Unconventional Agents
- Recombinant DNA
- Tissue Culture
- Animal Work
- Anatomical Specimens
Class D, division 3 of WHMIS (Poisonous and
Infectious Material - Biohazardous Infectious
20Classification of Biohazards
- As the level ? so does
- the risk of the organism to humans, animals,
plants and/or the environment - the procedural and facility requirements
- the level of containment required
- the degree of protection for personnel, the
environment and the community.
21Conventional Agents
Unlikely to cause disease in healthy workers or
Rarely cause serious human or animal disease
May cause serious disease
Likely to cause very serious disease
22Unconventional Pathogens
- TSE prion diseases lethal transmissible
neurodegenerative conditions - Creutzfeld-Jakob disease, Variant C-J Disease,
Mad Cow Disease, Scrapie, Chronic Wasting
Disease. - Resistant to destruction by procedures that
normally inactivate viruses. - Contact ORM to assess requirements (containment,
procedures, waste disposal, etc.)
23Recombinant DNA
Genetic Engineering in vitro incorporation of
genetic material from one cell into another
- Canada Level of risk depends on source of DNA,
vector and host. - The Biosafety Committee will assist the
investigator in this determination.
24Tissue Culture
- Have the potential to contain pathogenic
organisms - In general
Human non-human primate, and mycoplasma-containi
ng cell lines
Level 2
Level 1
A detailed risk assessment should be undertaken
when using a new cell line.
25Animal Work
- Animals can harbour infectious organisms
(naturally or introduced) - Level dependent on type of work being conducted.
- Special Animal Care training is required for all
personnel working with animals. - All work involving animal use must receive prior
approval from the Animal Care Committee
26Anatomical Specimens
- All specimens should be considered infectious due
to potential presence of infectious agents - Important to consider the type of specimen
- blood, organs, tissues
- Spinal sample, brain tissue
- From infectious patient
- In general Level 2 but it depends on the nature
of the work.
27Infection/Biohazard Control
- Engineering Controls
- Administrative Controls
- Practices and Procedures
- Personal Protective Equipment
28Engineering Controls
- Technology based, reduce or eliminate exposure to
hazards by changes at the source of the hazard. - Containment
- Primary vs Secondary
- Containment levels
29Primary Containment
- First line of defence.
- Ensures protection of personnel and immediate
environment from exposure to the infectious
agent. - Protective envelope that encapsulates the
infectious agent or animal. - Petrie dish, vial, stoppered bottle.
- Biological safety cabinets, glove boxes and
animal caging equipment. - Effectiveness of control is based on the
integrity of the containment.
30Secondary Containment
- Protects the environment external to the
laboratory from exposure. - Includes facility design and operational
31Biosafety Containment Levels
- Containment Levels similar to Risk Levels.
- Biohazards Committee will evaluate the research
proposals to ensure adequate containment . - Level 1
- Level 2
- Level 3
- Level 4
32Level 1
- Basic laboratory
- Requires no special design features
- Biosafety cabinets are not required and work may
be performed on the open bench.
33Level 2
- Clinical, diagnostic, research and teaching
facilities with level 2 agents. - Requires a class I or class II biological safety
cabinet if any potential for aerosol or splash
exists. - An emergency plan for handling spills must be
developed. - Access should be controlled.
34Level 3
- Specialized design and construction
- primary barriers to protect the individual
- secondary barriers to protect the environment
- All staff must undergo special training on the
agents being used, PPE, equipment, waste
management as well as practices and procedures
above and beyond the scope of this course.
35Level 4
- Only one level 4 facility in Canada (Canadian
Centre for Human and Animal Health in Winnipeg,
Man.) - Design specifications are extremely stringent,
worker is completely isolated from infectious
36Biological Safety Cabinets
- Effective means of physical containment for
biological agents, especially when aerosols are
generated. - HEPA filters remove particles (min 0.3 microns)
with 99.97 efficiency. - There are 3 main classes of cabinets (I, II,
III) which provide various levels of protection.
37Biological Safety Cabinets
- Laminar flow hoods
- NOT biological safety cabinets
- Vertical or horizontal laminar flow
- HEPA filtered air (intake)
- product protection only
- Biological Safety Cabinet
- HEPA filtered laminar air flow and
- exhaust
- personnel, environment often
- product protection
38Working safely in a BSC
- Before using the cabinet
- Ensure BSC is certified
- Turn off UV lamp turn on fluorescent lamp
- Disinfect work surfaces with appropriate
disinfectant - Place essential items inside cabinet
- Allow the blower to run for 5-10 min before work
39Working safely in a BSC
- During use
- Ensure material and equipment is placed near the
back of the hood, especially aerosol-generating
equipment. Do not block any vents. - Use techniques that reduce splatter and aerosols.
- General work flow should be from clean to
contaminated areas. - Minimize movement so as not to impede air flow.
- Open flame in BSCs is controversial.
40Working safely in a BSC
41Working safely in a BSC
- After completion of work
- Leave blower on at least 5 minutes to purge
cabinet - Remove and decontaminate equipment and materials
- Disinfect cabinet surfaces
- Turn off blower and fluorescent lamp, turn on UV
42Working safely in a BSC
- Maintenance
- Twice daily - Work surfaces wiped down
- Weekly - UV lamp should be wiped clean
- Monthly - All vertical surfaces wiped down
- Annually - UV lamp intensity verified.
- - Decontamination with formaldehyde gas (ORM)
- - Certification (ORM)
43Administrative Controls
Program based, information and methods to
minimize risk of exposure.
- Risk assessment
- Medical Surveillance
- Training/Education
- Resources
- Inspections
- Signs Labeling
44Administrative Controls
- Risk Assessment
- Will determine type of containment, procedures,
and safety equipment required - Responsibility of users, additional assistance is
available from ORM - Consider areas such as experimental design,
procedures to be employed and personal
experience/knowledge, etc.
45Administrative Controls
Risk Assessment Know your Agent
- Know and understand the various characteristics
of the agent(s) you are working with. - This information is available from
- Suppliers or manufacturers
- Example
46Administrative Controls
- Medical Surveillance
- Training Education
- Lab specific policies and procedures
- Biosafety training
- Resources
- ORM web site, Biosafety page
- Faculty web sites
- Biosafety Manual
- Training Videos
47Administrative Controls
- Inspections
- Routine self-inspections
- Biosafety Inspection Checklist available on-line
- In addition, ORM, EHSOs and OHS will inspect
labs to ensure compliance with regulations/
guidelines and provide feedback.
48Administrative Controls
- Signs Labeling
- Biohazard warning signs must be posted on doors
to rooms where biohazardous materials are used. - Biohazard labels should be placed on containers,
equipment and storage units used with biological
49Practices and Procedures
- General Safety Guidelines
- Good Microbiological Practice
- Handwashing
- Specific Procedures
- Centrifuges
- Needles Syringes and other sharps
- Pipettes
- Blenders, Grinders, Sonicators Lyophilizers
- Inoculation Loops
- Cryostats
50General Laboratory Safety Guidelines
- Mostly common sense, but you must understand the
hazards you face in the laboratory and be
adequately trained to deal with them. - Basic must knows for all labs.
- Examples?
51Good Microbiological Practice (GMP)
- Basic code of practice that should be applied to
all types of work involving microorganisms - Objectives
- prevent contamination of laboratory workers and
the environment - prevent contamination of the experiment/samples
- Application of aseptic technique, minimization of
aerosols, contamination control, personal
protection, emergency response
- One of the single effective means of preventing
infections - IF done properly and frequently
- When to wash?
- Before starting any manipulations
- Before leaving the lab
- When hands are obviously soiled
- Before and after completing any task in a BSC
- Every time gloves are removed
- Before contact with ones face or mouth
- At the end of the day
53Safe use of Centrifuges
- Before use
- Stress lines? Overfilled? Balanced?
- Caps or stoppers properly in place?
- Run conditions achieved?
- Use sealable buckets (safety cups) or sealed
rotors - After run
- Centrifuge completely stopped?
- Spills or leaks?
- Allow aerosols to settle (30 min) or open in a
54Needles and Syringes
- Avoid use whenever possible
- Use a BSC for all operations with infectious
material - Fill syringes carefully
- Shield needles when withdrawing from stoppers
- Do not bend, shear or recap needles.
- Dispose of all used needles/syringes in yellow
sharps containers
- Mouth pipetting is prohibited.
- All biohazardous materials should be pipetted in
BSCs. - Never force fluids out, use to deliver
pipettes. - To avoid splashes, allow discharge to run down
dispense the receiving container wall. - Never mix material by suction and expulsion.
- Reusable pipettes should be placed horizontally
in a disinfectant filled pan.
56Blenders, Grinders, Sonicators and Lyophilizers
- Operate in a BSC whenever possible. Allow
aerosols to settle for 5 minutes before opening. - Safety Blender
- Do not use glass blender jars
- Decontaminate immediately after use
- Lyophilizers
- Use glassware designed for vacuum work, ensure
there is no damage before using. - All surfaces should be disinfected after use
- Use vapour traps whenever possible.
57Inoculation Loops
- Sterilization in an open flame may create
aerosols which may contain viable microorganisms. - Shorter handles minimize vibrations.
- Disposable plastic loops are good alternatives.
- Wear gloves during preparation of frozen sections
and heavy gloves when accessing the cryostat. - Decontaminate frequently (70 Ethanol or
specific to agent) - Guards and wheel locks!
59Personal Protective Equipment
- PPE can become an important line of defence (last
line of defense). - Responsibility of both the user and the
supervisor to ensure that PPE is worn
- Criteria for consideration
- Routes of exposure that need to be blocked
- Degree of protection offered
- Ease of use
- Only effective if correctly selected, fitted,
used and cared for, and the individual is trained - Ensure PPE is removed before leaving the lab.
- Footwear
- Closed toed shoes should always be worn. Booties
are worn in some higher containment labs and
animal facilities. - Lab Coats/Gowns
- Long-sleeved, knee length with snaps
- Elastic cuffs
- Back-closing gowns
- Periodic cleaning required
- Gloves
- Latex, nitrile vinyl for work with biological
agents - Exam gloves should not be reused, change
frequently. Utility gloves can be disinfected and
reused if they show no sign of degradation. - Consider tensile characteristics, length of cuff
- Double gloving
- ORM can provide assistance finding an alternative
for people with allergies. - Gloves are not to be worn in public places
- Eye Face Production
- Goggles, safety glasses to protect the eyes
- Full face shield to protect facial skin.
- Respirators
- Only personnel who have been fit-tested and
trained should wear respirators.
- Spill response will vary depending on
- What was spilled?
- How much was spilled?
- Where was the spill?
- What is the potential for release to the
environment? - Spills should be cleaned up immediately (unless
an aerosol was generated), to ensure proper
decontamination. - Ensure appropriate PPE is worn and clean-up
equipment is readily available.
65Spills General Clean-up
- Cover spill area with absorbent material
- Soak the spill area with an appropriate
disinfectant (i.e. 10 bleach) - Pour disinfectant from the outside surface of the
absorbent material towards the inside - Ensure any broken glass is picked up (with
forceps!) and placed in a sharps container - Leave on for 20 to 30 minutes
- Wipe up with absorbent material
- Waste should be disposed in appropriate biohazard
bags and where possible autoclaved
66Spills Special Cases
- Within a Centrifuge
- Within a BSC
- Open Areas (lab, during transport)
- The spill response plan template is available at
- All users of biological materials should be
familiar with the spill clean-up procedures. - All spills are to be reported ASAP to the lab
supervisor and ORM. - Additional assistance is available from
- ORM x 5892
- Your departmental safety officer
- ERT x 5411 (through Protection)
68Decontamination, Disinfection and Sterilization
- Decontamination Free of contamination, the
destruction of microorganisms to a lower level
such that it removes danger of infection to
individuals. - Sterilization The complete destruction of all
viable microorganisms. - Disinfection Use of agents (physical or
chemical) to destroy harmful organisms on
inanimate objects (not necessarily all organisms)
69Decontamination Physical
- Heat
- Autoclaving (most practical and recommended)
- Incineration (for disposal of sharps and tissues)
- Irradiation
- UV light (wavelength of 253 nm is germicidal)
- Gamma (disrupts DNA and RNA)
- Filtration
- HEPA (biological safety cabinets, ventilation)
- Items that CAN be autoclaved
- Cultures and stocks of infectious material
- Culture dishes and related devices
- Discarded live and attenuated vaccines
- Contaminated solid items (petrie dishes,
eppendorf tips, pipettes, gloves, paper towels) - Items that CAN NOT be autoclaved
- Chemical, chemotherapeutic or radioactive waste
- Bleach
- Certain kinds of plastics
- Sharps (not at the University of Ottawa)
- Preparation of waste
- Use only approved autoclave bags.
- Do not overfill autoclave bags
- Separate material for re-use from that which will
be disposed and dry from liquid material . - If outside of bag is contaminated, double bag.
- All flasks containing biological material should
be capped with aluminum foil. - Ensure items are labeled with contact
72Safe Use of Autoclaves
- Many autoclaves are now run by dedicated staff,
however, if you are operating an autoclave - Learn how to use!
- Ensure PPE is worn
- Recognize acceptable material and packaging
- Proper loading and unloading
All users/operators must fill out the Autoclave
User Questionnaire and receive training!
73Decontamination Chemical
- Generally for disinfection rather than
sterilization - Choice depends on
- Type of material to be disinfected
- Organic load
- Chemical characteristics
- Most common are chlorine compounds and alcohols
(broad range)
74Disinfection What to use for my organism?
- Viruses
- Enveloped (HIV, Herpes)
- 2 domestic bleach
- 75 Ethanol
- Quaternary ammonia
- 6 formulated Hydrogen peroxide
- Non enveloped (Hepatitis, Adenovirus)
- 10 domestic bleach
- 6 formulated Hydrogen peroxide
- Gluteraldehyde
- Formaldehyde
- Bacteria
- Vegetative bacteria (E.coli, Staph)
- 2 domestic bleach
- 75 Ethanol
- Quaternary ammonia
- 6 formulated Hydrogen peroxide
- Mycobacteria and fungi
- 10 domestic bleach
- 75 Ethanol
- Phenolic compounds
- 6 formulated Hydrogen peroxide
- Spore forming bacteria (Bacillus)
- 10 domestic bleach
- Gluteraldehyde
- Formaldehyde
- 6 formulated Hydrogen peroxide
75Waste Management
- Biomedical waste
- Discarded biological material from teaching,
clinical and research laboratories and
operations. Biomedical waste includes but is not
limited to - Animal waste
- Biological laboratory waste
- Human anatomical waste
- Human blood and body fluid waste
- Sharps
76Waste Management
- All biological waste should be decontaminated
prior to disposal (including level 1 agents). - Treated waste is no longer considered
biomedical (i.e. microbiological waste, blood
and bodily fluid waste) and can be disposed in
the regular waste stream. - Any waste that cannot be treated (i.e. sharps,
carcasses, tissues and body parts) remains
biomedical waste and must be incinerated off
77Waste Disposal
Biomedical Waste (untreated)
78Waste Disposal
Biomedical Waste (treated)
In compliance with Sewer use by-laws
With H2O 110
79Special Waste
- EtBr
- Toxins
- Recombinant DNA
- Contact ORM
- Important Considerations
- does material need to be transported at all
- packaging requirements
- means and route of transportation
- regulatory requirements
- Between lab transfers - 4 sided cart, sealed
primary container, secondary container, low
traffic route. - Off Campus transfers consult ORM
81Shipping Receiving
- Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act Class 6.2
of (Infectious Substances) - International Air Transport Association
- HC/CFIA restrictions
- Ensure
- Proper classification
- Proper packaging
- Proper labeling
- Proper documentation
- Import/Export Permits
- Importation permits required by Health Canada or
CFIA for certain agents - US restrictions
- Ensure you meet all criteria and have all
pertinent documentation
- Controlled access
- physical barriers (structural design,
departmental design, key/card access, etc.) - psychological barriers (obvious presence of
identifiable security personnel, security
culture, use of monitoring tools) - monitoring activities (security patrols,
departmental monitoring, key control program) - personnel clearance
- What material is presently being used and/or
stored in the lab - Location
- Expiry date
- How much, use log
85The Bottom Line
- If you are not careful and diligent with
biological agents you risk - Infecting yourself, others or the environment
- Contaminating your research
- Having Health Canada, Canadian Food Inspection
Agency, Ministry of the Environment or Transport
Canada after you
- Biosafety - ensuring that individuals and the
environment are not infected - Biohazards - microorganisms, blood and body
fluids, tissues and tissue culture - Everyone within the University community is
responsible - With proper knowledge, planning and care, a
biological exposure is avoidable.
87Biosafety Website Orientation
- http//www.uottawa.ca/services/ehss/biosafety.htm
88(No Transcript)