- An Interjection Expresses emotion on the part of
the speaker. - Often followed by exclamation mark, or comma if
the feeling isnt as strong
Interjections used to express emotion or
surprise. Hey! What are you doing. Man, I have
so much to do. Interjections are used more in
speech than in writing. Interjections are the
only part of speech whose use is related to the
level of discourse in writing. Swearing, often
is used as an interjection.
3As a part of speech.
- To express emotion (ouch, hey, woah, cheers)
- To fill space (uh, er, uhm, like)
- Greeting (hello, goodbye, bye, hi
- Express emotion on part of the speaker (Damn! I
am angry, Aww, the baby is so cute..
Interjections are not necessary to sentence
structure, in other words, you could speak
without using any interjections whatsoever and
people would still understand what you mean.
Interjections are different from all other parts
of speech in that they are not grammatically
related to any other part of a sentence, and are
used in writing to express emotion.