Title: Enlistment
2Unit Size
- Infantry
- Company
- Basic unit, commanded by a captain. Usually
contained 100 men. The company was then divided
into - 2 platoons -one commanded by the
captain, the other by the 1st Lt. - 4 sections -commanded by a sergeant.
- 8 squads - commanded by a corporal.
- Brigade
- A brigade is formed from 3-6 regiments and
commanded by a brigadier general. The south
usually used more regiments creating bigger
brigades. - Division
- A division is composed of 2-6 brigades and is
commanded by a major general. The south usually
had 4-6 making them almost twice as large as the
north. - Corps
- A Corps is composed of 2-4 divisions commanded by
a major general (Union) or a lieutenant general
(Confederate). The south usually had 3 or 4
again making them bigger. - Army
- Corps within a geographic area were grouped into
armies. The number of corps in an army could
vary anywhere from 1-8. Armies were commanded by
major generals (Union) and Generals (Confederate)
3Unit Size
4Raising an Army
- April 15th 1861- Lincoln calls for 75,000
- March 6, 1861- Davis calls for 100,000
volunteers. Too many showed up, 1/3 had to be
sent home!
Most soldiers were concerned that they would not
reach the field before the fighting was over!
- 3 Ways to list
- Regular Army - Army of professionals led mostly
by west-point graduates. 5 year service. Before
the war, army consisted of 17,000 men. - Militia - offered service to their state not to
the central government. - Volunteers - organized by the gov. of each state
into regiments.
5Average Soldier
- Most men enlisted for honor, patriotism, or
glory. Some didnt want to miss the excitement
or disappoint friends and family. Some didnt
want to be called a coward. -
Average soldier was 58, 143 lbs., and 25 years
old. Minumum age to enlist was 18. Boys as
young as 9 enlisted as drummer boys. Few of
them were actually prepared for soldier life.
They were not proffesional soldiers but civiliams
in temporary service to their country.
6Average Soldier
In the north there were more than 300 different
occupations represented in the camps. More than
100 in the South. When things broke, there was
usually someone around to fix it.
Most soldiers were white, native born,
protestant, unmarried, and young. ?1 out of 16
died in battle ?1 out of 10 was wounded in
battle ?1 out of 13 died of disease
7A Melting Pot
Company H of the 8th Michigan had only 37
Michiganders in its ranks the remainder
comprised of 47 New Yorkers, 26 Americans from
other states, 7 Canadians, 5 Englishmen, 4
Germans, 2 Irishmen, 1 Scotsman, 1 Dutchman and
one mysterious individual who listed as his
nationality The Ocean. By 1860, 1/3 of the
Norths male population was foreign born.
200,000 germans served in the Union army. 50,000
English, 50,000 Canadian, and 150,000 Irishmen.
8The Melting Pot
Only 9 of the Confederate Army was foreign born.
12,000 Native Americans served in the
Confederate. Mostly from the Cherokee,
Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole tribes.