Title: Blueprint for Growing Your Sunday School
1Blueprint for Growing Your Sunday School
4Luke 1428 For which of you, wanting to build a
tower, doesnt first sit down and calculate the
cost to see if he has enough to complete it?
5Arthur Flake
- Committed layman and Sunday School Director at
First Baptist Church, Winona, Mississippi. - Salesman by vocation. Sunday School was his
passion. - So successful that he in 1909 he was employed as
a field worker in Sunday School. - 1920 he move to Nashville to head Sunday School
work for Southern Baptists. - His 5 step formula, Flakes Formula, have been a
blueprint for Sunday School work ever since.
6Your table group is competing with the rest of
the table groups. Take turns at your table taking
a block from the bottom or middle of the stack
and placing on the top of the stack. Count the
blocks as you move them. Continue until the
stack falls.
7What are similarities between the game Jenga
and growing a Sunday School?
8There are principles to buildings and structure
just as there are principles to building a Sunday
School. Similarly a Sunday School must have
sufficient organization and support in order to
function effectively and be able to teach, reach,
and minister effectively with those for whom they
are responsible.
9Have you ever seen a building be imploded?
10Have you ever seen a building be imploded?
11Flakes Five Step Formula
- K now your possibilities.
- E nlarge the organization.
- E nlist and train workers.
- P rovide the space.
- GO after the people.
12your possibilities
13What is our primary ministry area?
Broadview Missionary Baptist Church
- Who does God want us to reach?
- What is our primary ministry area?
- Does our Sunday School have plans to reach the
people there?
- Where is our Sunday School currently growing?
- Are we prepared organizationally to continue
reaching those people? - Where is there potential to reach people that we
are not currently reaching in our churchs
primary ministry area? - What are some of those groups?
- Is our Sunday School effectively assimilating our
church members?
16Has your Sunday School accepted its possibilities?
- Does your Sunday School know its potential for
reaching people? - Does your Sunday School accept its responsibility
for reaching people? - Does your Sunday School have a heart for those it
has the potential to reach? - Is it clear which class/department is responsible
for reaching the specific people?
17Seeking to discover your possibilities
- The Church Membership Roll
- Inactive Sunday School members
- Worship service visitors
- Sunday School Classes and Organization for
saturation - Vacation Bible School
- Special Events
- New Comers
- Friends, Relatives, Associates, and Neighbors
- Demographics and census data
- People search, Opinion Poll
18What do you do with the information?
- Having prayerfully determined your possibilities
influences all of the next actions.
19the organization.
20- Organization is placing ourselves in the best
possible position to be used by the Holy Spirit. - Max Caldwell
21Four Major Issues
- Purpose leaders and members have a correct
understanding of the purpose of the Sunday
School. - Leader-learner ratios -- sufficient numbers of
leaders. - Unit size -- classes the appropriate size growth
and effective teaching and ministry. - Targeting A Sunday School that clearly defines
the target of the ministry and outreach of
22- The key element in enlarging the organization is
starting new Bible study units.
23- The harvest is abundant, but the workers are few.
Therefore, pray to the Lord of the harvest to
send out workers into His harvest. Luke 102
24- Starting new units is a great way to involve a
great number of classes and members in the
25Issue in a smaller Sunday School
- The issue in a smaller Sunday School (and in all
Sunday Schools) is not when do the numbers
necessitate a new unit, but when do we have the
opportunity to begin a new unit.
26Value of Starting New Bible Study Units
- New units reach people at higher percentage than
existing units. - It is harder for outsiders to fit into existing
unit because of group dynamics.
27Value of Starting New Bible Study Units
- New units grow faster when they receive help from
an existing class. - Usually new classes reach new people which open
new opportunities for ministry.
28 12 Proven Steps
- Create a climate for new units.
- Identify target group(s).
- Win the confidence of members of existing units
before beginning new units from them.
29 12 Proven Steps
- Seek sponsorship.
- Enlist and train a leadership team.
- Provide space for the new unit.
- Create an atmosphere of success for the new unit.
30 12 Proven Steps
- Promote the starting date and location to the
target group. - Invite and enroll prospects.
- Conduct the first session.
31 12 Proven Steps
- Celebrate the beginning of the new unit.
- Establish a mindset for open group.
32 MODELS for starting new units
- Restructure existing class/department
33 MODELS for starting new units
- Assign leadership team to an unchurched target
34 MODELS for starting new units
- Identify an unreached group and start Bible study
when and where - they can/will meet.
35 MODELS for starting new units
- Start short term group that becomes entry point
for ongoing group.
36 MODELS for starting new units
- Blitz target group
- with publicity and
- ensure first session
- is well attended.
37- Only God can make an apple out of a seed.
- Ask Him to help you see the seed in the apple.
and train workers.
39Listen to this conversation
- Narrator The next day Moses sat down to judge
the people, and they stood around Moses from
morning until evening. When Moses father-in-law
saw everything he was doing for them he asked, - Jethro What is this thing youre doing for
the people? Why are you alone sitting as judge,
while all the people stand around you from
morning until evening? - Narrator Moses replied to his father-in-law,
40Listen to this conversation
- Moses Because the people come to me to
inquire of God. Whenever they have a dispute, it
comes to me, and I make a decision between one
man and another. I teach them Gods statutes
and laws. - Jethro What youre doing is not good,
- Narrator Moses father-in-law said to him.
- Jethro You will certainly wear out both
yourself and these people who are with you,
because the task is too heavy for you. You cant
do it alone. Now listen to me I will give you
some advice, and God be with you. You be the one
to represent the people before God and bring
their cases to Him. Instruct them about the
statutes and laws, and teach them the way to live
and what they must do.
41Listen to this conversation
- But you should select from all the people able
men, God-fearing, trustworthy, and hating bribes.
Place them over the people as officials of
thousands, hundreds, fifties, and tens. They
should judge the people at all times. Then they
can bring you every important case but judge
every minor case themselves. In this way you will
lighten your load, and they will bear it with
you. If you do this, and God so directs you,
you will be able to endure, and also all these
people will be able to go home satisfied.
42Complete the puzzle
43(No Transcript)
44Enlisting and training leaders is important
- God-called, gifted leaders lead members to have a
vision for their area and engage members in
achieving that vision. - The principle of multiplying leadership is
biblical. - Having the proper number of effectively enlisted
and trained leaders helps the Sunday School focus
externally instead of internally.
45Enlisting and training leaders is important
- Having the proper number of effectively enlisted
and trained leaders helps the Sunday School teach
for spiritual transformation. - Having the proper number of effectively enlisted
and trained leaders helps the Sunday School
minister more effectively.
46Enlisting and training leaders is important
- Having the proper number of effectively enlisted
and trained leaders allows the Sunday School to
start new classes and departments. - Having the proper number of effectively enlisted
and trained leaders raises the effectiveness of
Sunday School work.
47A Process for Enlisting Sunday School Leaders
- Pray.
- Make a list of needed workers.
- Make a list of potential workers.
- Could this person serve, if willing?
- Would this person be acceptable to the church?
48Places Where You Can Identify Names of Potential
- Adult Sunday School Class Roles
- Recommendations from adult teachers
- People presently serving as Apprentices or in
associate or other class positions - Church membership rolls
- Vacation Bible School leaders
- Graduating college students returning home
- Training course participants
- Former Sunday School leaders not currently
serving - Persons who respond to interest surveys
- Potential leader training participants.
49A Process for Enlisting Sunday School Leaders
- Make a list of training opportunities.
- Training opportunities come from four basic
sources - Sunday School training events your church will
conduct - Sunday School training events sponsored by your
association in the next 12 months - Training events conducted by your state
convention - Training events conducted by LifeWay Christian
50A Process for Enlisting Sunday School Leaders
- Pray again.
- Decide on one person for each position.
- Begin the process early to avoid trying to decide
on a backup if your first choice turns you down. - Make an appointment.
- Enlisting Sunday School leaders in the church
hallways hinders the process. Make an
appointment this is important work.
51A Process for Enlisting Sunday School Leaders
- Make an enlistment visit.
- Personal visits should be made by the person to
whom an individual would be responsible. - By following this process (without taking any
shortcuts), you can discover all the workers God
has provided for your Sunday School.
52Make the Enlistment Visit
54Provide the Space
55Arthur Flake Building a Standard Sunday School,
p. 31.
- There is no such thing as building a Sunday
School great in numbers in small, cramped
quarters. Neither can a Sunday School of the
highest efficiency be operated without proper
equipment. While good equipment does not
necessarily guarantee an efficient Sunday School,
at the same time, it is necessary if a Sunday
School is to do the best quality of work.
56Maximum Enrollment
Maximum Enrollment
57Think about your Sunday School and answer these
- Where do we have classes that are too large for
their present space? - Do we need new space for the above class or is
the class too large and we need to start a new
class? - Where do we have classes that have more space
than they need and that space could be better
used by another class?
59Equipment and Furnishings
- Where in our Sunday School do we have the
greatest need to improve the equipment and
furnishings? - How would better equipment and furnishings
improve our teaching? - Would better equipment and furnishings help us
better reach people?
60Ways to Provide More Space
- Unused space
- Adjust the present use of space.
- Empty out storage rooms.
- Multiple use of space.
- Use the church offices, fellowship hall, gym
- Adjacent space
- Build additional space
62GO after the People
- The slacker does not plow during
- planting season at harvest time he looks,
and there is nothing. - Proverbs 204
Without this step the others lose meaning.
64Key Outreach Essentials
- Definite outreach organization.
- Definite time to go out.
- Definite prospects and prospect system.
- Definite reporting process.
- Face-to-face contact.
- Other forms of contact.
65- But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit
has come upon you, and you will be My witnesses
in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to
the ends of the earth. - Acts 1 8 (HCSB)