Title: Project 1: Background
1Project 1 Background
- Informed search 8- puzzle world
- BFS, DFS and A algorithms
- Heuristics Manhattan distance , Number of
misplaced tiles - Lisp programming
- Defstruct, defparameter, setf, list, zerop
- mapcar, append, cond, loop..do, aref
- Funcall, return-from, format and .
2A search
- Combines
- Uniform cost search
- g(n) Exact path cost from start state to node n
- Initial node 0, later nodes (parent g-value)1
- Greedy search
- h(n) Heuristic path cost from node n to a goal
state - Initial node0, later nodes Manhattan distance/
Misplaced Number of tiles - Heuristic function for A
- f(n) g(n) h(n)
- choose h(n) so that it never overestimates
(admissible) - A Next node to expand is node with lowest f(n)
3Some lisp
- Funcall(a b c d..) calls function a with
arguments b,c,d.. - Sort(list lt key x) sorts the list in lt
order based on the x field of each item in list
destructive - Append(list1 list2), cond
- (mapcar (lambda (x) (op)) (list)) computes op
on each item of list and returns new list
(Children fn) - quote (common mistake) protects from evaluation
- (Make-array (2 3) initial-element 0) 2 by 3
array - (Aref array x y) returns x,y the element of array
- Equalp (cannot be used with arrays)
4A Search Code
A list of nodes (state, action, parent, g-val,
h-val, f-val)
- (defun A (nodes goalp children-fn fvalue-fn)
- (
- cond ((null nodes) nil)
- Return the first node if it is a goal node.
- ((funcall goalp (first nodes)) (first nodes))
- Append the children to the set of old nodes
- (t (A (sort (append (funcall children-fn (first
nodes)) - (rest nodes)) 'lt key fvalue-fn ) goalp
children-fn fvalue-fn)))) - (t (let ((temp (sort (append (funcall children-fn
(first nodes) - (rest nodes)) 'lt key fvalue-fn )))
- (A temp goalp children-fn fvalue-fn)))))
Functions goalp Compare current state
goal-state returns true or
nil children-fn
takes parent-node and
returns a list of children nodes
fvalue-fn takes a node
and returns
its f-value ( a one line code)
A Good place to find the maximum length of queue
5Node structure global parameters
- Node
- State Could be just an array (33)
- Parent again a node
- Action left, right, up, down from parent
(string) - G-val parent g-val 1
- H-val call manhattan distance or misplaced
tiles - F-val G-val H-val
- Start node(start state, NIL, NIL, 0,0,0)
Global parameters (defparameter) Number of nodes
generated Number of nodes expanded Maximum size
of queue Goal state
- Goalp (state)
- Compare state with goal (global)
- Do NOT use equalp
- Loop for each element in state to compare with
corresponding element in goal state - generalize and write equal-state to compare
any two states - return true / NIL (return-from)
7Children Fn puzzle children
- You have left-child, similarly right, up, down
child - puzzle children will call each of them on a
given state - (append left right down up)
- Good place to keep track of number of nodes
generated and expanded
- Manhattan
- for each element a at (x,y) in state
- Find position (another function) of a in goal
state Say (x1,y1) - Find (abs(x-x1)abs(y-y1))
- Number of misplaced tiles
- modification of goalp
- whenever 2 corresponding elements are not equal
, increment a counter initially set to 0
9Possible Order in writing functions
- Goalp
- Right, up, down children
- Children-fn
- Heuristics
- A
- Then statistics