Defining Functions with DEFUN Functions are the primary abstraction mechanism available in Lisp. (Others are structures and macros). Non-built-in Functions are ...
Because you can write new programs and extend old programs really, really quickly in Lisp ... forms: setq/setf, quote, defun, defparameter, defconstant, if, ...
Alok Mehta - Programming in Lisp - Data Abstraction and Mapping. 1 ... Cliches. Many procedures have a common template (defun list-transformer (input-list) ...
Project 5 quick sort. Goal. Define a function named uID to perform quick sort to ... (defun u123456 (alist) 'SAMPLE FUNCTION' (cdr alist)) Testing environment and flow ...
Search as a problem solving technique. ... be able to formulate a search problem by: ... (setq new-paths (expand-path (car queue) (defun goal-recognizer (state) ...
(plus (car a) (plus-red (cdr a)) )) ) (plus-red (1 2 3 4 5)) 15. 7. Mapping: mapping a list into another list of the same size (defun add1-map (a) (if (null a) ...
Attempt to perform pattern match (see next ) ... parts and recursively try to match both (defun pat-match (pattern input &optional (bindings no-bindings) ...
What is AI and a brief history of AI. Historical systems, ideas ... (defun hypotenuse (x y) (sqrt ( (square x) (square y)))) (hypotenuse 4 3) 5. What is AI? ...
(hack1 (car thing))) ;; but not that of thing (defun hack1 (arg) ... (cons (hack1 (car arg)) (hack1 (cdr arg) How to play ... Edit file.lisp in the other window) ...
Representaci n en LISP Ejemplo A, (1/4) ;;; EJEMPLO DE REPRESENTACION DE UN PROBLEMA (sin variables) (setf *estado0* '((0 1) (1 2) (2 3) (3 4) (4 NIL ...
Title: CSE 341 Programming Languages Spring 1999 Author: Steven L. Tanimoto Last modified by: Steven Tanimoto Created Date: 3/28/1999 3:03:05 PM Document presentation ...
Title: Franz Training Class Comments Author: David Tan Last modified by: ssears Created Date: 6/24/1997 5:49:50 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show
Tower of Hanoi. Three pegs, S(start), T(temp), E(end) N disks ... (if ( n 1) (hanoi-aux (- n 1) start temp end) ... (if ( n 1) (hanoi (- n 1) temp end start) ...
1. University of Florida. EEL 5840 Class #06 Fall 2003 Dr. A. ... (integerp sex) t if sex is an integer (floatp sex) t if sex is a floating point number ...
(cons (cons var val) bindings)) A (first) correct version of pat-match with binding management ... (let ((binding (get-binding var bindings))) (cond ((not binding) ...
the run-time stack is manipulated by pushing a new activation record instance onto it ... For each recursive call, the same activation record instance is manipulated ...
Title: Lecture 5-B (continuation of 5-A) Subject: Intro to LISP Last modified by: Neli Zlatareva Created Date: 2/18/1998 2:35:46 PM Document presentation format
The purpose of the quote is to prevent evaluation of s-expression that should be ... The basic functions for accessing the components of a list are car and cdr. ...
Hydrangea (Ajisai in Japanese) is the sign of the rainy season in Japan. The flower is adored and honored by most of the Japanese like they do for ume, sakura and irises. Hydrangea themed accessories found in Japan are quite famous. It appears as a popular decorative motif such as in Kimono, woodblock prints, paintings, tableware, jewelry, and other home décor accessories
Issues in the Verification of Systems Tao Song, Jim Alves-Foss, Karl Levitt Computer Security Lab Computer Science Department University of California, Davis
Getting Started with Lisp It is suggested that you use the Lisp interpreter available on the general machine ( You are welcome to use other ...
We will need to add knowledge to our algorithms to make them perform better ... Produces shorter paths, but like many optimal path algorithms it requires more work ...
... writes an algebraic list processing language for AI work ... Strongly tied to AI research during the 70s and 80s. Fell from prominence during the AI Winter ...
... they both return different values depending on the ... example with two recursive conditions. A. Go through the list recursively one element at a time ...
Lisp programmers love Lisp 'Perhaps I like Lisp because of some ... Cygwin or Unix/Linux prompt. Emacs. Getting Started - Examples. Numeric Literals. Characters ...
CS Intro to AI Welcome to LISP William Regli Geometric and Intelligent Computing Laboratory Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Drexel University
help Shows list of interpreter commands :reset Starts the interpreter over : ... Using CAR:- e.g.: USER(2): CAR( 1 2 3 4) 1. Using CDR:- e.g.:- USER(3): CDR ...