Title: Maurice Bourquin
1The AMS Tracking Detector for Cosmic Ray Physics
in Space
- Maurice Bourquin
- University of Geneva
- On behalf of the AMS Tracker Collaboration
- New Zealand-Australia Workshop
- June 2004
2AMS Collaboration
3AMS-02 Tracker Collaboration
- Perugia INFN and University (Italy) (INFN and
ASI) - Geneva University (Switzerland) (SNF)
- Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou (China)
- National Aerospace Laboratory (NLR) (The
Netherlands) - Aachen Ist Institute (Germany) (DARA)
- Montpellier (IN2P3) (France)
- Turku University (Finland) (TEKES)
- Moscow State University (Russia)
- South East University (Nanjing) (China)
- Institute of Space Science University of
Bucharest (Rumania) - Electronics in collaboration with CSIST (Taiwan)
and MIT (USA)
- Applications of semiconductors for space
experiments - Scientific goal of this project (in broad terms)
- Study the composition of CR (charged particles)
in the galaxy and beyond - Few precise data on charged particles w.r.t.
photons - To get composition, measurements to be performed
above atmosphere
5 The International Space Station
- NASA has accepted to install AMS on ISS for 3
years, after sucessful shuttle flight of AMS in
1998. - ISS not yet complete (missing ESA, Japanese
modules, AMS,) - Advantage for AMS power, weight, astronauts,
- C.f. failure of high-rate data link on Discovery !
6AMS on the International Space Station
7 8Antimatter Quest
9DarkMatter Quest
10Astrophysics motivations
11Cosmic Rays Fluxes
12Detector Requirements
13The AMS-02 Detector
- TRD e/p separation
- TOF ß and Z, sign(Z)
- Star tracker pointing
- Magnet 0.8 T, sign(Z)
- Si tracker p, Z, sign(Z)
- ACC anticoincidence system
- RICH ß and Z, sign(Z)
- ECAL e/p separation
14Superconducting Magnet
15Superconducting magnet collaboration
16Why a Silicon Tracker for AMS ?
- Â
- Fulfils scientific goals
- Large surface to cover large acceptance of
spectrometer (0.5 m2 sr) - Â
- gtgt High statistics measurement (rare
anti-nuclei if any, exponentially decreasing CR
spectrum) - Â
- Â Excellent spatial resolution in magnetic field
(10 µm/plane in 0.8 T) -  gtgt High rejection power against nuclei in
anti-nuclei search - Â
- gtgt Good identification of light isotopes
- Â
- gtgt Good double-track reconstruction for
converted photons
17Why a Silicon Tracker for AMS ?
- Large number of planes
- gtgt reduces background due to nuclear
interactions (several indep. measurements.) - Choice of double-sided sensors increases
transparency of the detector (3 of a radiation
length) - Â
- gtgt Reduces large angle scattering of nuclei
which could simulate the curvature of
anti-nuclei. - Measurement of high energy converted photons
- Together with Star Tracker and GPS
- E.g. study of Gamma Ray Burst energy and time
18Why a Silicon Tracker for AMS ?
- Well adapted to space environnement
- Space environement constraints can be met (see
below). - Reliability is prime consideration for mission
success, as human intervention (almost)
impossible. - Safety issues take new dimensions with
astronauts (Shuttle or Station) for mission
safety - gtgtuse established technologies.
19The AMS-02 Tracker
20Structure of an AMS Ladder
21Silicon Tracker Ladders
22Space environnement constraint
weight Sensors on thin and rigid AlC honeycomb
support planes Planes supported by
C-fiber shells and conical flanges Cables
small dimensions and weight  Limited power
Limit number of readout channels Daisy chain (
200 W) signals in bending plane and multiplexing
in non-bending one  Vibrations and
accelerations All eigenfrequencies required to
be above 50 HZ - Perform simulations
- Tests modules under vibrations
23Impact on Silicon Tracker (cont.)
Pressure changes Atmospheric pressure to
vacuum in 10 seconds Long term
outgasing all materials checked with
NASA Â Limited data transfer In situ
calibration and compression of data
Local buffering for extensive
periods Temperature changes Heat removal by
conduction to radiating surfaces (the
permanent magnet in AMS-01)
by active cooling system (two-phase pumped
cooling loops to external radiators in
AMS-02) Simulations
Vacuum-thermal tests Permanent control
by thermal sensors in orbit Operation
Without human intervention (3 years for AMS) Â
24STS-91 shuttle experimental flight
25The AMS-01 flight was a success
The tracker behaved perfectly well AMS
temperature and tracker noise during
STS-91 Operating temperature 20 C-5 C,
surviving temperature 20 C-20 C
26Tracker Thermal Control System
27Tracker spatial resolution
28 Charge determination
- In AMS-01
- high noise level of n-side strips
- inefficient charge collection across the
208-micrometer readout gap - --gt identification of nuclei up to Z8 only
(up to Z26 for AMS-02)
- ? 1. Passivation of the silicon sensors to
protects the sensors from surface damage during
contacts with assembly tools. - ? 2. Redesign of sensors to increase ohmic side
signals - ? more uniform charge collection
30Reduction of number of n-side strips to increase
charge collection
- ? 3. New fabrication technology (by CSEM, now
Colibrys) to diminish noise.  - ? 4. More careful assembly procedures  to
minimize mechanical, chemical and electrical
32Improved Assembly Procedures(Ph. Azzarello
33AMS-02 Tracker Construction
34Upilex cable on n-side
35Upilex cable on p-side and electronics
36N-side bonding jig
37Wire bonds
38Shielding wrapping
39AMS-02 tracker charge resolution
- ? Beam tests at CERN and GSI
- ? Combined results of 6 ladders
40AMS-02 tracker charge resolution
- ? Correlation of p-side and n-side measurements
with a prototype RICH detector
41Tracker Plane AMS-02
42Tracker Reduction Board
43Antimatter Search with AMS-02 antihelium
44Darkmatter Search with AMS-02 positrons
45Space born and ground based high energy ? ray
46GLAST LAT Overview (courtesy Dr. Sugizaki)
Si Tracker 8.8?105 channels, lt160 Watts per 16
tower units 16 tungsten layers, 36 SSD layers per
one tower Strip pitch 228 µm Self triggering
3000 kg, 650 W (allocation) 1.8 m ? 1.8 m ? 1.0
m 20 MeV 300 GeV
CsI Calorimeter Hodoscopic array 8.4 X0 8
12 bars 2.0 2.7 33.6 cm
- Mega-channel particle-physics detector in orbit
- ? Low power (lt650 W)!
- Extensive data reduction on orbit!
- No maintenance!
- cosmic-ray rejection
- shower leakage
- correction
47Unidentified Sources with AMS
- The AMS detector will be installed on the ISS on
2007 for 3 years. - Fundamental physics issues will be adressed
- Antimatter sensitivity of the order 10-9
- Dark matter searches through different signatures
(e, p , ?, ) - Astrophysics measurements
- Charged particle tracking is done with a silicon
microstrip detector, well adapted to work in
space, in the high field superconducting magnet