Title: Plateau Indians
1Plateau Indians
2 The Plateau Indians relied on walking, the use
of snowshoes, various types of canoes along the
main river route, and the uses of the dog, before
the arrival of the horse around 1730.
There were many advantages to using the horse.
It transported the Indians and their possessions,
was used to hunt and gather food, was ridden to
war against their enemies, and it took part in
recreational activities..
3 Wild plants were a main staple of food of the
Plateau. The Plateau Indian also gathered wild
fruits and vegetables. The Plateau people
also hunted for buffalo and used every part of
the buffalo! In the winter when it was difficult
to hunt, the Plateau Indians ate dried buffalo
meat called pemmican. They also hunted elk and
The platau Indians spent the winter in villages
located in warmer valleys on the banks of major
waterways. Some of the villages consisted of
permanent circular, earthen-roofed houses built
partly underground or banked with earth against
the cold. The more common Plateau winter
home was a long lodge typically covered with mats
made from tule or cattail reeds or rushes and
were also commonly covered with bark. In
the spring a portable shelter of reed mats was
prepared if any protection from the elements was
needed. Away from the winter sites, large
fishing encampments were established using the
long lodge covered with mats. The adaptation of
the tipi occurred about the same time as the
introduction of horses in the early 1700s. It
could be easily mounted behind a horse for travel
via travois
Plateau Indians wore clothing made out of the
hides of deer and their robes were often from
buffalo hides. They made moccasins and boots
from the buffalo, elk, or deer hides. Their work
clothes were plain. Their ceremonial clothes were
decorated with beautiful shells, fringe,
porcupine quills, bird feathers, and later