Title: Plateau
Joe Feddersen
2Joe Feddersen
3Connection to traditions of the Plateau People
4Feddersens ancestors are from the Inland
Plateau Region of the Columbia Basin
5Inspiration for his work comes from patterns
found on cornhusk bags, parfleches and baskets
made by his people
6Joe Feddersen says that the designs of the
cornhusk parfleches have distilled within them an
encyclopedia of information about place
7Colville Indian Reservation
8 Originally the designs were derived from the
Plateau region flora and fauna
9Colville Indian Reservation
10Uses the designs of his ancestors as a point of
departure for his personal exploration
Feddersens Basket
Old Basket
11Abstract imagery evokes memory and imagination
for Feddersen
12Interested in modernist aesthetic while
maintaining direct ties to Plateau designs
Modernism began to take hold in art during the
early Twentieth Century. It is defined simply as
art for arts sake. Think about the idea that
arts purpose is to express the uniqueness of
each artist.
13Joe Feddersen says that he is influenced by other
artists such as the work of Richard Diebenkorn
Ocean Park No. 114 1979
14Ocean Park No. 70 1975
15The work of Frank Stella also inspires
Feddersens work
Red River Valley 1973
16Frank Stella
Morro Castle 1958
17Feddersen takes old traditions like basketry and
makes it his own
18Feddersen is interested in jazz and the music of
composer Philip Glass
19In Plateau culture there is not such a word as
art. It is called making. Here we see
Feddersen in the glass studio at Evergreen
College in Washington state where he teaches.
20Let us take a look at the landscape here in East
Central Illinois We can look at it the
traditional way
21Or we can look at it in a new way
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