Title: The Unique Games Conjecture
1The Unique Games Conjecture with Entangled
Provers is False
Julia Kempe Tel Aviv University Oded Regev Tel
Aviv University Ben Toner CWI, Amsterdam
2Two-Prover One-round Games
- The verifier sends one question to each prover
- Each prover responds with an answer from 1,,k
(no communication allowed) - The verifier decides whether to accept or reject
- The value of a game is the maximum success
probability the provers can achieve, and is
denoted by ?(G) - The provers can have shared randomness but it
cant help them
3Unique Games
- We say that a game is unique if for each answer
of the first prover there is exactly one good
answer of the second prover and vice versa
CaiCondonLipton90, FeigeLovász92 - In other words, the verifier accepts answers a,b
iff b?(a) where ? is some permutation on k
1 2 3 4 5 k
1 2 3 4 5 k
1 2 3 4 5 k
1 2 3 4 5 k
4Example the CHSH game
- The CHSH game ClauserHorneShimonyHolt69
- The verifier sends a random bit to each prover
- Each prover responds with a bit (so k2 here)
- The verifier accepts iff the XOR of the answers
is equal to the AND of the questions - Unique game
- The value of this game is 3/4
5Unique Games Conjecture (UGC)
- In 2002, Khot conjectured that estimating the
value of unique games is also hard - Conjecture Khot02
- ??,?gt0 ?k such that it is NP-hard to determine
whether a given unique game G with answer size k
has ?(G)?1-? or ?(G)lt? - Remarks
- It is crucial that ?gt0 since otherwise easy
- The PCP theorem parallel repetition shows
- this without the unique requirement
6Implications of the UGC
7Algorithmic Results on Unique Games
- Lots of algorithmic work on approximating ? for
unique games Trevisan05, CharikarMakarychevM06,
GuptaTalwar06, ChlamtacMakarychevM06 - Can be seen as attempts to disprove the UGC
- One of the best known results is
CharikarMakarychevM06. Given any unique game G,
their algorithm outputs a value ? s.t. - 1-O((?logk)½) ? ?(G) ? 1-?
- This does not contradict the UGC, but instead
tells us how big kk(?,?) needs to be in order
for the conjecture to make sense
8Games with Entangled Provers
- These games are as before, except the provers are
allowed to share an arbitrary entangled quantum
state - Originate in the works of EinsteinPodolskyRosen35
, Bell64,
9Games with Entangled Provers
- The entangled value of a game is the maximum
success probability that entangled provers can
achieve, and is denoted by ?(G) - For instance, ?(CHSH)0.8536, which is strictly
greater than ?(CHSH)0.75. - This remarkable ability of entanglement to create
correlations that are impossible to obtain
classically (something Einstein referred to as
spooky) is one of the most peculiar aspects of
quantum mechanics
10Games with Entangled Provers
- Why study this model?
- It was here first ?
- If we ever want to really use proof systems,
then there is no physical way to guarantee that
the provers dont share entanglement - It might give us new insight on (non-entangled)
games - Despite considerable work, our understanding of
this model is still quite limited
11Games with Entangled Provers
- One of most important results is that of
Tsirelson80 who showed that for the special
case of unique games with k2, the entangled
value is given exactly by an SDP and can
therefore be computed efficiently (see also
CleveHøyerTonerWatrous04) - This is in contrast to the (non-entangled) value
of unique games with k2 which is NP-hard to
approximate (by Håstads hardness result for
MaxCut) - This SDP is used to determine that
12Games with Entangled Provers
- The only other known result is by Masanes05 who
shows how to compute ? for games with two
possible questions to each prover and k2 - In all other cases, no method is known to compute
or even approximate ?
13Our Results
- Theorem There exists an efficient algorithm
that, given any unique game G outputs a value ?
s.t. - 1-6? ? ?(G) ? 1-?
- This gives for the first time a way to
approximate ? for games with kgt2 - It shows that the analogue of the UGC for
entangled provers is false - Notice that our lower bound is independent of k,
whereas in the non-entangled case, the lower
bound is 1-f(?,k)
- We prove our main theorem in two steps
- We formulate an SDP relaxation of ?
- Surprisingly, this is essentially identical to
the Feige-Lovász SDP, often used as a relaxation
of ? - We then show how to take a solution to the SDP
and transform it into a strategy for entangled
provers - We call this quantum rounding in analogy with
the rounding technique used in SDPs
15The Proof
16Quantum Correlations
- If Alice and Bob share the n-dimensional
maximally entangled state
then they can perform a measurement as follows - Each party chooses an orthonormal basis of Rn
- Each party obtains an outcome in 1,...,n
- If Alice uses the orthonormal basis (x1,,xn) and
Bob uses the orthonormal basis (y1,,yn), the
output has the joint distribution given by - Notice that each partys marginal is uniform
17Quantum Correlations
- For example, heres how to get (cos?/8)20.8536
success probability in the CHSH game - The provers share a 2-dimensional maximally
entangled state - They perform a measurement in a basis depending
on their input
Input 0 Input 1
18The Proof
- For simplicity, lets consider unique games for
which there exists an optimal strategy in which
each provers answer distribution is uniform over
1,,k - Theorem There exists an efficient algorithm
that, given any uniform unique game G, outputs
a value ? s.t. - 1-4? ? ?(G) ? 1-?
- Proof Start by writing an SDP relaxation
- I will not show why this is a relaxation of the
entangled value (the proof is not difficult) - Let the value of this SDP be 1-? and output ?
- Our goal is to show that there exists a strategy
that achieves success probability ? 1-4?
19The SDP Relaxation
- A solution consists of k orthonormal vectors in
Rn for each question (for some large n) - In a good solution, the vectors should be
aligned according to the permutation
20Quantum Rounding The Idea
- Main Idea On input s, Alice performs the
measurement given by . Similarly
for Bob using the v vectors. - However, is not a basis of Rn !
- Instead, the provers complete their k vectors to
an orthonormal basis of Rn in an arbitrary way
21Quantum Rounding The Idea
- New problem the probability that Alice obtains
one of the first k outcomes is only k/n
otherwise, with probability 1-k/n, her outcome is
meaningless - Luckily, if Alice gets a meaningless answer, then
with high probability Bob also gets a meaningless
answer - This allows us to solve the problem by having
both parties repeat the measurement process until
they get a meaningful answer
22Quantum Rounding
- Alices strategy On input s, performs the
measurement given by the completion of - to an orthonormal basis.
- If obtains an outcome in 1,,k, returns it.
- Otherwise, repeats the measurement again (with a
fresh maximally entangled state) - Bobs strategy is similar.
23Quantum Rounding Analysis
- Fix some question pair (s,t)
- Assume for simplicity that the permutation ?st is
the identity permutation. - The contribution to the SDP is
- We will show that Alice and Bob have probability
at least 1-4? to output the same value i
24Quantum Rounding Analysis
- Alice and Bob have k1 possible outcomes in one
measurement, with k1 signifying try again. - The joint probability distribution is given by
1 2 j k k1
1 ? i ? k k1
25Quantum Rounding Analysis
- The probability that in one measurement, both
Alice and Bob output the same value is - The probability that both of them try again is
therefore at least - The probability of success is therefore at least
- We showed that the entangled value of unique
games can be well approximated (up to factor 6) - We extend our results to d-to-d games
- Our result also implies a parallel repetition
theorem for the entangled value of unique games
27Open Questions
- Unique games
- Improve our factor 6, or even compute ? exactly
- So far we only know how to do it for k2 by
Tsirelson80 - General games
- Can one compute ? exactly?
- Probably not. KempeKobayashiMatsumotoTonerVidick0
7 show this for games with 3 provers, and for
games with quantum communication. - But what about approximating ? ?
- Mostly open (even with many provers, quantum
communication, etc.) - The most important open question in this area