Rigidity and Tensegrity - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Rigidity and Tensegrity


using the Hessian for the second-derivative test. 12. What energy function ... Theorem: The Hessian H of the energy potential is the sum of the quadratic forms ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Rigidity and Tensegrity

Rigidity and Tensegrity
  • Robert Connelly
  • Cornell University

Part I The local theory
  • Statics

What determines rigidity?
What determines rigidity?
  • The physics of the materials.

What determines rigidity?
  • The physics of the materials.
  • The external forces on the structure.

What determines rigidity?
  • The physics of the materials.
  • The external forces on the structure.
  • The combinatorics/topology of the structure.

What determines rigidity?
  • The physics of the materials.
  • The external forces on the structure.
  • The combinatorics/topology of the structure.

What model?
What model?
  • My favorite is a tensegrity.

What sort of rigidity/stablility?

What sort of rigidity/stablility?
  • A very basic choice is prestressability.
  • This means that there is potential function Eij
    defined for each member ( cable, bar, or strut)
    i,j, and the configuration p (p1, , pn) is
    at a unique local minimum, modulo congruences, of
    the total potential
  • E(p)Sij Eij(pi - pj2)
  • using the Hessian for the second-derivative test.

What energy function to choose?
What energy function to choose?
  • It does not matter too much.
  • It only matters what the first and second
    derivatives are of Eij at pi-pj2.
  • (Eij )(pi-pj2) wij the (pre)stress
  • (Eij )(pi-pj2) cij gt 0, the stiffness

The basic stress-stiffness decomposition
  • Theorem The Hessian H of the energy potential
    is the sum of the quadratic forms
  • H stress energy stiffness energy,
  • and for the displaced pi pi for each i,
  • stress energy Sij wij pi - pj2,
  • stiffness energy Sij cij (pi - pj) (pi -

The stiffness matrix
  • The matrix of the quadratic form giving the
    stiffness energy is
  • R(p)TDR(p),
  • where R(p) is the rigidity matrix, D is the
    diagonal matrix with cijs as diagonal entries,
    and ()T is the transpose. This stiffness matrix
    is always positive semi-definite.

The stress matrix
  • Note that the stress energy quadratic form is the
    sum of d identical forms if the structure is in
    d-dimensional space. Then each of these forms
    has its symmetric matrix W, where each
    off-diagonal entry is -wij-wji, and the row and
    column sums are 0.

An example of a stress matrix
Equilibrium stresses
  • For a tensegrity framework G(p), an equilibrium
    stress w is an assignment of a scalar wij wji to
    each pair of distinct vertices i,j of G, such
    that wij 0 when i,j is not an edge of G, and
    for each i, the equilibrium equation
  • Sj wij(pj-pi)0
  • holds.
  • When a configuration is at a critical point (e.g.
    a local minimum), then the corresponding stress
    is in equilibrium.
  • A cable corresponds to wij gt 0, i.e. tension.
  • A strut corresponds to wij lt 0, i.e. compression.

Properties of the stress matrix
  • If the affine span of the points of the
    configuration p (p1, , pn) is d-dimensional,
    then the rank of W is at most n-d-1.
  • If the rank of W is n-d-1, and some other
    configuration q is such that w is an equilibrium
    stress for G(q), then the points of q are an
    affine image of the points of p.

Part II The global theory
  • Stress matrices applied again.

  • A tensegrity G(q) dominates G(p) and we write
    G(p) G(q) if
  • Each cable ij of G(p) is no longer than the
    corresponding cable ij of G(q).
  • Each strut ij of G(p) is no shorter than the
    corresponding strut ij of G(q).
  • Each bar ij of G(p) is the same length as the
    corresponding bar ij of G(q).

Global Rigidity
  • A tensegrity G(p) in Ed is globally rigid, if
    G(q) G(p) implies the configuration q in Ed is
    congruent to the configuration p.

How do you tell when a given framework is
globally rigid?
How do you tell when a given framework is
globally rigid?
  • Answer Its hard, even when there are only
  • More precisely, if you could find a polynomial
    time algorithm for this problem, you could solve
    a huge list of unsolved equivalent problems, and
    most likely earn a million . This problem is
    non-deterministically polynomially (NP) complete.
    For example, even for global rigidity in the
    line, global rigidity is the uniqueness part of
    the knapsack problem. (Saxe, 1979)

Tools to show global rigidity
  • Theorem Suppose that G(p) is a tensegrity in Ed
    with an equilibrium stress such that
  • The stress matrix W is positive semi-definite of
    rank n-d-1.
  • The only affine motions of the configuration p
    that preserve the member constraints are
  • Then G(p) is globally rigid in any EN containing

  • This tool is sufficient for many of the popular
    tensegrities that are built by artists and
  • You can see several examples of symmetric
    tensegrities at my web page
  • http//mathlab.cit.cornell.edu/visualization/tense
  • See also Simon Guest for information about how to
    use symmetry in rigidity calculations.

Part III Bar frameworks
  • More stress matrices using the generic philosophy.

Generic configurations
  • A configuration p is called generic if the
    coordinates of all of its points are
    algebraically independent over the rationals. In
    other words, any non-zero polynomial with
    rational coefficients will not vanish when the
    variables are replaced by the coordinates of p.
  • p, e, g, are algebraically independent.

Generic rigidity
  • Theorem A bar framework is rigid at a generic
    configuration if and only if it is
    infinitesimally rigid at any configuration.
  • This means that generic rigidity is a
    combinatorial property of the graph G only.
  • Theorem (Laman 1972) Suppose that G has n
    vertices and e 2n-3 edges. Then G is
    generically rigid in the plane if and only if for
    every subgraph of G with n vertices and e edges
    e 2n-3.

  • Corollary (Lovasz and Yemini ) Given a graph
    G with n vertices and e edges, there is an
    algorithm to determine whether G is generic rigid
    in the plane in at most O(ne) steps.
    (Variations 2-tree condition, the pebble game,

Generic global rigidity
  • A graph G is generically globally rigid in Ed if
    for some (every?) generic configuration p, the
    framework G(p) is globally rigid in Ed.
  • The following graphs are generically globally
    rigid in the plane

Generic global rigidity
  • A graph G is generically globally rigid in Ed if
    for some (every?) generic configuration p, the
    framework G(p) is globally rigid in Ed.
  • The following graphs are not generically globally
    rigid in the plane

When is a graph G generically globally rigid in
  • Necessary conditions
  • G must be vertex (d1)-connected. (This means
    d1 or more vertices are needed to disconnect the
    vertices of G.)
  • G must be generically redundantly rigid. (This
    means that, for p generic, G(p) must be rigid,
    even when any edge of G is removed.) B.
    Hendrickson (1991).
  • Conjecture (Hendrickson) For d2, these
    conditions are also sufficient.
  • For d3, these conditions are not sufficient. (Me

Vertex connectivity
  • If G is not (d1) vertex connected, then d1
    vertices separate G, and reflection of one of the
    components of G about the (hyper)-line through
    those d1 vertices violates global rigidity.

Vertex connectivity
  • If G is not (d1) vertex connected, then d1
    vertices separate G, and reflection of one of the
    components of G about the (hyper)-line through
    those d1 vertices violates global rigidity.

When is a graph G generically globally rigid in
  • Sufficient condition
  • For p generic, G(p) has an equilibrium stress w,
    and an associated stress matrix W with maximal
    rank n-d-1, where n is the number of vertices of
    G. (Me, to appear.)
  • Unlike the necessary conditions above, this
    condition is numerical, and it involves solving
    linear equations, as well as computing the rank
    of the n-by-n matrix W.
  • Conjecture If G is generically globally rigid
    in Ed, then either G is a simplex or it satisfies
    the condition above for some generic
    configuration p.

The rigidity matrix
  • For a graph G, the rigidity map f End -gt Ee is
    the function that assigns to each configuration p
    of n vertices in d-space, the squared lengths of
    edges of G, f(p)(. . ., pi - pj2, . . .),
    where e is the number of edges of G.
  • The rigidity matrix R(p) df is the differntial
    of f.
  • Fact The co-kernel of R(p) is the space of
    equilibrium stresses of G(p). I.e. w is an
    equilibrium stress if and only if wR(p) 0.

Proof that the stress condition implies global
The Tarski-Seidenberg theory of quantifier
elimination implies that the situation below
cannot happen, since the configuration p is
generic. So a neighborhood of p can be mapped to
a neighborhood of q by a diffeomorphism h, so
that fh f, and dfp dfq dhp. This implies
that any equilibrium stress for p is an
equilibrium stress for q. If the rank of the
associated stress matrix is maximal, this implies
that p and q are affine images of each other, and
ultimately that they are congruent.

Henneberg transformations
  • Suppose that G(p) is a rigid framework in the
    plane, with p generic, such that it has an
    equilibrium stress w whose stress matrix W has
    rank n-3. Then the following transformation adds
    one new vertex to G while the new framework has
    an equilibrium stress whose stress matrix has
    rank (n1)-3.

Henneberg transformations
  • Suppose that G(p) is a rigid framework in the
    plane, with p generic, such that it has an
    equilibrium stress w whose stress matrix W has
    rank n-3. Then the following transformation adds
    one new vertex to G while the new framework has
    an equilibrium stress whose stress matrix has
    rank (n1)-3.

Henneberg transformations
  • Then a perturbation of the new vertex creates a
    generic configuration for this transformed graph,
    as below.
  • The rigidity matrix for all three frameworks has
    maximal rank, and so the stress space changes
    continuously, and the stress matrix remains
    maximal, and we get generic global rigidity for
    this generic configuration for this transformed

What graphs can be obtained from Henneberg
  • Conjecture Any redundantly rigid, vertex
    3-connected graph G can be obtained from a
    sequence of Henneberg operations and edge
    insertions, starting from K4, the complete graph
    on 4 vertices.
  • For example

What graphs can be obtained from Henneberg
  • Conjecture Any redundantly rigid, vertex
    3-connected graph G can be obtained from a
    sequence of Henneberg operations and edge
    insertions, starting from K4, the complete graph
    on 4 vertices.
  • For example

What graphs can be obtained from Henneberg
  • Conjecture Any redundantly rigid, vertex
    3-connected graph G can be obtained from a
    sequence of Henneberg operations and edge
    insertions, starting from K4, the complete graph
    on 4 vertices.
  • For example

What graphs can be obtained from Henneberg
  • Conjecture Any redundantly rigid, vertex
    3-connected graph G can be obtained from a
    sequence of Henneberg operations and edge
    insertions, starting from K4, the complete graph
    on 4 vertices.
  • For example

What graphs can be obtained from Henneberg
  • Conjecture Any redundantly rigid, vertex
    3-connected graph G can be obtained from a
    sequence of Henneberg operations and edge
    insertions, starting from K4, the complete graph
    on 4 vertices.
  • For example

Hungarian and student to the rescue
  • Theorem (A. Berg, T. Jordan, 2002) Let G be a
    3-connected, generically redundantly rigid graph
    with 2n-2 edges, where n is the number of
    vertices of G. Then G can be obtained from K4 by
    a sequence of Henneberg transformations.

Hungarian and colleague to the rescue
  • Theorem (T. Jordan and W. Jackson, 2003) Let G
    be a 3-connected, generically redundantly rigid
    graph. Then G can be obtained from K4 by a
    sequence of Henneberg transformations and edge
  • Corollary Hendricksons conjecture is true in
    the plane, and there is a polynomial time
    algorithm to test for generic global rigidity.

An example of the Berg-Jordan Henneberg
An example of the Berg-Jordan Henneberg
An example of the Berg-Jordan Henneberg
An example of the Berg-Jordan Henneberg
An example of the Berg-Jordan Henneberg
An example of the Berg-Jordan Henneberg
An example of the Berg-Jordan Henneberg
  • Care must be taken as how to choose the
    operations of inverse Hennenberg operations.
  • The graph to the right is not vertex 2-connected.

Part IV Existence of realizations
  • When does a graph have a realization with
    predermined edge lengths?

The molecule problem
  • Suppose that you given distance constraints on
    the edges lengths of a graph G, exact lengths, or
    upper and lower bounds. Determine a
    configuration that satisfies those constraints.

A modified problem
  • Suppose that instead that you are given a
    realization of the graph G in some possibly high
    dimensional Euclidean space EN. For what graphs
    can you ALWAYS be sure that there is a
    realization p in E3 with the same edge lengths?

A modified problem
  • Suppose that instead that you are given a
    realization of the graph G in some possibly high
    dimensional Euclidean space EN. For what graphs
    can you ALWAYS be sure that there is a
    realization p in E3 with the same edge lengths?
  • Answer See Maria Sloughter. It is related to
    the idea of backbones.
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