Title: Early Grade Reading Screening: Arabic
1 Early Grade Reading Screening Arabic
- By
- Sana Tibi, Ph.D.
- EGRA Workshop
- Washington, DC
- March 12th, 2008
- Define the Instrument
- Procedure
- Domains measured
- Results
- Recommendations
- Safeguards
- Early Reading Screening Instrument(ERSI)
(Morris, 1992) - Phonological Awareness (PA)
- Oral-Language (Speech production)
- Visual-Perceptual (matching visual symbols)
4 Early Reading and Screening Instrument Subtests (ERSI) Subtests Maximum Score
Alphabet knowledge Invented spelling Word recognition Concept of word Total ERSI isolation medial Production of letters Basal Decodable 8 8 8 40 8 8 9 89
5 Early Reading and Screening Instrument Subtests (ERSI) Subtests Maximum Score
Phonological Awareness tasks (PA) Sound categorization Rhyming oddity Syllable deletion Phoneme segmentation Total PA Speech production tasks Multisyllabic word repetition Verbal Fluency Rapid serial naming Visual-perceptual Task 8 8 8 8 32 8 of items correct amount of time of items correct 8
- The easiest PA task is sound categorization
(first sound in a word) - The most difficult is phoneme segmentation
(segment words into sounds) - Significant differences b/wn city village
subjects on ERSI PA - Robust correlation b/wn total ERSI scores PA
scores - Moderate correlation b/wn the PA Naming tests,
and the PA Speech production tests -
7Means St. Deviations for all PA scores
Subjects Sound Categor. Oddity Elision Segment Total PA
Males 6.67 (2.11) 6.59 (1.91) 5.65 (2.42) 3.71 (3.27) 22.62 8.3
Females 7.45 (1.34) 6.47 (1.80) 6.04 (2.25) 4.11 (3.12) 24.07 6.88
All Subjects 7.06 (1.81) 6.53 (1.85) 5.84 (2.35) 3.88 (3.20) 23.31 7.6
8Means Std. Deviations for PA
Subjects Total PA
City 25.02 5.98
Camp 22.09 9.82
Village 20.49 8.22 P.05
9Means St. Deviations for ERSI
Total ERSI
City 67.12 20.47
Camp 65.67 24.48
54.24 26.63 P.05
- Develop a standardized tool
- Develop a comprehensive tool
- Implement it on different grade levels
- Validity Reliability
- Training-Workshops
- Develop instructional materials
11Safe Guards
- Culturally appropriate
- Linguistically appropriate
- Type of schools (public vs private/L1 L2)
- Training to carry out the tool
- It should not be the ONLY tool