Full-Day Early Learning Curriculum and Best Practices - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Full-Day Early Learning Curriculum and Best Practices


Assignment for Early Childhood Education Curriculum Design and Implementation, Graduate Certificate Program in Early Childhood Education Administration – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Full-Day Early Learning Curriculum and Best Practices

Curriculum and Best Practices Full Day Early
Learning Model EDU5602 Assignment 3 By
Katherine Wong 2014 Algonquin College of Applied
Arts and Technology For Velma Doran,
Instructor Sheridan College
Full Day Early Learning(FDEL)
  • The Ministry of Educations plan for full day
    early learning is to help more children get a
    strong start in school so they can lead
    successful, rewarding lives.

Full Day Early Learning Goals
Dr. Charles Pascal on the Full-Day Early
Learning Model
Click on Image 20 min. interview (youtube)
Children Develop Within a Complex Set of
Interrelated Systems
FDEL recognizes the importance of these
interrelationships and holds this
interconnectedness at the centre of its vision.
Full-Day Early Learning Curriculum (in its
entirety 162 pages)
  • Click on image to view

20 Principles of Best Practices
  • This presentation will demonstrate where the FDEL
    program meets the 20 Principles of Best
    Practices as discussed in Modules 1-2. This
    will provide you with a more accurate
    understanding of the model and where this program
    may need to go in order to meet best practices in
    specific areas.

1. Development of the Whole Child
  • FDEL meets the development of the whole child
    through its play-based and inquiry-based
  • The kindergarten curriculum, with elements of the
    ELECT, include learning along a developmental
    continuum with specific learning areas personal
    and social development, language, mathematics,
    science and technology, health and physical
    activity, the arts.
  • The curriculum stresses the importance of
    interrelationships (slide 5).

2. Meaningful to Children
  • The curriculum is meaningful to children as it
    focusses on childrens interests. It is
    therefore constantly changing and evolving based
    on the environment, the teaching staff and the
    children in the classroom at any one time.

Sensory Construction under the Ocean 3D
3. Experiential Learning
  • Learning is experiential as it is hands-on.
    Children have access to materials to touch and
    feel and construct in a safe environment.
  • However, some schools and school boards do not
    allow children this young to go into the
    community nor do they have fieldtrips for safety

Building and sailing cork boats after the
winters thaw.
Discussion Question
Do you think experiential learning in the FDEL
program meets best practices? Are children
learning as much as they can by not being allowed
to go into the community or on field
trips? Should experiential learning beyond the
classroom be left up to the parents and why?
4. Builds on Current Knowledge and Skills
  • The FDEL program builds on a childs current
    knowledge and skills. Teachers and Educators
    scaffold and extend a childs learning from the
    basis of what they currently know and its
    different for each child.
  • For example, if a child can already print
  • letters, an Educator builds on skills by
  • having the child write words and helps
  • them begin to read.

These children are playing alphabet bingo.
5. Fosters Childrens Construction of New
Knowledge (Piaget)
  • Educators introduce children to new ideas and
    concepts and then provide materials for the
    children to explore and investigate.
  • Children will ask questions which
  • will result in new ideas and
  • materials for a deeper
  • understanding.

Learning about shadows - Shadow puppets
6. Play-Based, Child-Centered Learning
  • The FDEL curriculum is intentional play-based
    learning and meets the interests of the children.
  • When children bring in new interests, the
    Educators try to implement them into the program.
  • The program is child-centered
  • as all materials and learning
  • are age-appropriate.

Play-Based Kindergarten Curriculum Explained
Click on image to read
7. Expressive and Reflective Practice
  • Each school board, school and classroom have
    different ideas on expressive and reflective
  • Some Principals offer workshops to encourage this
    and encourage Teacher-ECE collaboration.
  • Each Teacher-ECE partner reflects with the
    children differently.

Children reflect on Who they are.
8. Collaborative and Democratic
  • The Teacher-ECE partnership is a 50/50
    collaboration and for the most part, the
    individual partnership determines how they want
    to operate within the classroom.
  • There are some partnerships that are stronger
    than others and it is a work in progress, but
    must never interfere with the childrens
  • You will hear many stories from different
    Teachers-ECEs on this subject.

An Atkinson Centre Study on Teachers and ECEs
Working Together
Click on above image to access
9. Supports the Family, Acknowledges Parents as
  • FDEL supports the family by offering before and
    after school programs so parents dont have to
    worry about the transition from school to an
    after care program (a seamless day).
  • ECEs are able to assess childrens special needs
    to start the process for additional support.
  • Through the after school programs, parents and
    ECEs can discuss issues and work on a
    co-operative program to assist a child with
    issues such as behaviour or self-regulation.

10. Demonstrates Cultural Sensitivity
  • Cultural sensitivity is encouraged through
    planning activities related to special holidays.
  • Children are encouraged to speak their native
    language with other children of the same culture
    during recess and free time and share their
    language with the class.
  • Students in older grades with common cultural
    languages are brought into the classroom to
    assist children communicate who have minimal
    English as required.

11. Realistic and Developmentally Attainable for
  • Kindergarten is a two-year program with a wide
    range of expectations for children between the
    ages of 3-6 as per the Kindergarten curriculum
    and ELECT framework.
  • Some school boards are opting for split JK-SK
    classes to allow modelling for the younger

Buttons sorting by color and shape, counting,
patterning, using small pincer tools to
strengthen fine motor muscles..
12. Promotes Understanding, Curiosity and Problem
  • This is a play-based and inquiry-based curriculum
    with a focus on understanding, curiosity and
    problem solving through intentional planning.
  • The knowledge of the Teachers and Educators is
    key to how this all unfolds in the classroom.
    Each individual has their specialty.

Is that a garden snail?
How does goop work?
Discussion Question
My concern for the FDEL program is that each
classroom really depends on the Teacher-ECE
knowledge and skills. This comes not only from
basic educational requirements but through
additional professional development, life
experiences, interests and personality of the
staff. What does this say about Best
Practices? How can we ensure that children in
each classroom have equal opportunity for
learning? What is/are your personal specialties?
13. Low Numbers of Children for Each Educator
  • Each school board in Ontario manages this process
    slightly differently but the guideline is a cap
    of 26 children per class or 13 children per
  • Depending on the location of the school, some
    classrooms have up to 32 children or 16 children
    per Teacher. Some have as low as 18 or 9
    children per Teacher.
  • In some instances, Educational Assistants find
    time to spend with the children who have
    unidentified special concerns.

Discussion Question
Do you feel the full-day early learning program
meets best practices in terms of teacher-child
ratios? If not, how do you think they can solve
the inconsistencies from school to school and
school board to school board?
14. Smaller Group Sizes to a Maximum of 16
Preschool Children
  • Since Kindergarten is no longer considered
    preschool, this point under best practices is not
    applicable to the full-day early learning
  • The before and after school programs are not
    considered child care but an extension of the
    core day.
  • Kindergarten and the before/after school programs
    are not required to abide by the Day Nurseries

15. Genuine, Authentic and Consistent
Educator/Children Relationships
  • The Teacher-ECE team supports the classroom
    during the ten-month school year providing
    consistent relationships with the children
    resulting in important child-adult bonding and
  • The before/after school program operates for 12
    months of the year allowing ECE-child bonds
  • to continue beyond the regular
  • school year.

ECEs work one-one developing strong bonds.
16. Educator Training and Qualifications Related
to Early Learning
  • In the full-day program, Educators have the
    skills and qualifications to work with children
    from ages 0-12.
  • Educators are skilled in the areas of play-based
    and inquiry-based curriculum planning and design,
    programming, child development, assessment,
    teacher collaboration and lead the before and
    after school program.
  • Through the College of Early Childhood Educators,
    ECEs reflect on their practice through a program
    of Continuous Professional Learning and update
    their skills to meet demands of the job.

17. Safe and Healthy Environments for Children
The FDEL program focuses on four foundations that
ensure optimal learning and healthy development
with ELECT used as the foundational framework.
18. Child-Centred Physical Environment that
Promotes Independence
  • The FDEL program is set up with children in mind
    through an environment that focusses childrens
    attention on transitioning to grade 1.
  • The Educators and Teachers ensure the environment
    is child-friendly and changes it as needed for

Children learn to dress independently.
19. Use of Both Child and Program Observation
Tools for Feedback and Assessment
  • The Educator is responsible for observing
    children using a variety of observation methods
    to evaluate for special needs, for curriculum
    planning and for assessment purposes.
  • The Educator provides input to the Teacher for
    report cards and for Parent-Teacher meetings.
  • Observation, feedback and assessment are also
    done by the schools educational support team.

20. Administrators that Support a Curriculum of
Reflective Best Practices
  • In many school boards, the Principal is the first
    step in supporting curriculum and reflective best
    practices and works closely with the FDEL team
    for all core day activities.
  • The before and after school program may be run by
    a third party or by the school boards early
    learning support team which may have different
  • Professional Development is ongoing throughout
    the school year and in the summer.

  • The full-day early learning program in Ontario
    meets many of the high standards of best
  • The Teachers and Educators in each classroom are
    key to ensuring that best practices are
    continually reflected on and are high on the
    priority list when programming, evaluating and
    setting up the third teacher the environment.
  • It is important for Teachers and Educators to
    strive for best practices by staying abreast of
    current ideas and trends.

  • elearning module Exploring the Voices of
    Full-Day Kindergarten Toronto Region
    Excellent resource http//www.misatoronto.ca/index
  • A variety of full-day kindergarten resources and
    webcasts http//www.edu.gov.on.ca/kindergarten/E
  • How does Learning Happen? Ontarios Pedagogy for
    the Early Years (52 pages) http//www.edu.gov.on.c

Who am I?
  • I am a Registered Early Childhood Educator with a
    B.A. in Psychology from the University of Ottawa,
    focussing on Children and Families. I currently
    work full-time for a school board in the core day
    and after school program.
  • I am a part-time Advanced Art Instructor with the
    City of Ottawa (summer, breaks, weekends),
    programming and instructing in the areas of
    visual arts and dramatic performance for children
    ages 3-7.
  • I am a national certified Fundamental Movement
    Coach with the Ontario Coaching Association
    helping young children advance their athletic
    skills for lifelong physical literacy.
  • I am the Communications Officer on the Executive
    Committee of the OSSTF (Ontario Secondary School
    Teachers Federation) union District 25 for the
    current year.
  • I am a lyricist, working with musicians,
    performers and producers from Russia to Australia
    online through virtual studios finishing off my
    6th album.
  • I am a mother of two wonderful children.

Musical Credits
  • Song Some Miracle will Happen
  • Lyricist Katherine Wong, Canada
  • Music and Production Henry Mittnacht, Germany
  • Melody and Vocals Yolande Strauss, South Africa

  • Interview with Dr. Charles Pascal
  • http//www.youtube.com/watch?vBAI1HTyCOgw
  • The Full Day Early Learning Kindergarten
    Curriculum http//www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/curriculu
  • The New Play-Based Kindergarten Curriculum
    Explained http//tvoparents.tvo.org/article/new-
  • Atkinson Centre Study Can We Work Together
  • Photos courtesy the school board for
    educational purposes only. No duplication or
    reprint without permission.

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