Title: Kein Folientitel
1(No Transcript)
2Info about Australia
- 20 times larger than Germany - A quarter of
Germanys population
- 7 states Western Australia is as big as
Western Europe
- annual economical growth of 4 since 1990 -
GDP has been rising 3.4 on average since 1998
- gt6 mio immigrants from 200 countries in the
last 60 years
3History of Australia
1770s - White Settlers lt-gtAborigines -gt about
300,000 - 1,000,000 Aborigines
1778 - Sydney was founded -gt first prison
1850s - Gold Rush
1911 - Canberra became the captial city
4White Australia Policy ( Background)
- 1780s - American Revolution ended
- Convicts were shipped to Australia
- 1850s - Gold Rush
- Europeans and Chinese settled
- Economic Boom
- Increasing foreign population
- 1901 - common immigration policy
5White Australia Policy ( 1880s-1950s)
Immigration Restriction Act 1901
- limit immigration to Australia - enable
deportation of illegals
- Dictation Test
- any non-European citizen - 50 word long
Abolition of the Policy
- reluctant acceptance of black US troops -
Colombo Plan
6Current Immigration Policy
- based on Migration Act of 1958 -gt to change
international image of the White Australia
- any applicant must satisfy health and character
2 ways to get a permanent visa - migration
program - humanitarian program
7Current Immigration Policy
Migration Program
- skill migration stream -gt workers with
particular skills
- family stream -gt partner, child, parent, other
- special eligibility stream -gt distinguished
talents (sportsmen or scientists)
8Current Immigration Policy
Humanitarian Program
Offshore resettlement program - from overseas
Onshore protection - temporary visa has expired
or arrived illegally - about 50.000 a year -
queue jumpers
9Onshore aplicants grants by origin
10Settler Arrivals, by Eligibility
11Uninviting Immigration Policy for Refugees
About 20 mio refugees worldwide -gt Australia
hosts 13.000
Queue Jumpers -gt fear being exposed to capture
if applying trough official channels -gt UN
International Refugee Convention acknowledges
that anyone fearing persecution is entitled to
seek refuge, even without documents
Detention Centers - for illegal immigrants -
investigation of applicants status - human
rights groups governments own advisory body
has expressed concern
12Detention Centers in Australia
13New Arrangements to Strengthen Border Control
- external territories excised - terms of
imprisonment for people smugglers - class actions
in migration processes prohibited - ...
-gt Prime Minister (John Howard) wants to hold
on to its policy
14The End