Title: AmeriCorps
1 - AmeriCorps
- Member
- Orientation
- 2006 - 2007
3Its your world Its your chance to make it better
- How wonderful that no
- one need wait a single
- moment to improve
- the world.
- -Anne Frank
4 AmeriCorps is National Service
- Created by President Clinton in 1994
- the American Peace Corps
- 75,000 AmeriCorps members in all 50 states,
Puerto Rico, Guam and American Samoa - AmeriCorps funding comes from Congress through
the Corporation for National Community Service
in Washington, DC.
5The National Service Movement
- The Corporation for National and Community
Service - Mission Statement
The Corporations mission is to provide
opportunities for Americans of all ages and
backgrounds to engage in service that addresses
the nations educational, environmental, homeland
security, other human needs and public safety to
achieve direct and demonstrable results and to
encourage all Americans to engage in such
service. In doing so, the Corporation will
foster civic responsibility, strengthen the ties
that bind us together as a people, and provide
educational opportunity for those who make a
substantial commitment to service.
6The Corporation for National Community Service
and the 5 Different Kinds of National Service
75 Kinds of National Service
- AmeriCorps State and National
- AmeriCorps members are
- at least 17 years old
- involved in direct service in five key areas
education, environment, homeland security, other
human needs and public safety - usually part of a larger program that has at
least ten AmeriCorps members - Full time member serve 40 hours/week for a total
of 1700 hours - Part time members serve 20 hours/week for a
total of 900 hours - Summer members serve 40 hours/week for a total of
450 hours -
- Members can have part time jobs or go to school
as long as they are able to complete the required
service hours
8Kinds of National Service
- AmeriCorpsVISTA
- VISTA members are
- at least 18 years old
- community organizers/strengtheners rather than
direct service providers - focus on community development activities to
combat poverty - on duty 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so they
are not able to have a job or go to school while
9Kinds of National Service
- AmeriCorpsNCCC
- National Civilian Community Corps members
- are 18 to 24 years old
- Serve full time for one year and live together in
camps, traveling as a team to perform service in
specific areas of the country for several weeks
at a time - Implement special community service projects and
provide disaster relief services - .
10Kinds of National Service
- Senior Corps
- Senior Corps participants are
- volunteers ages 55 and older who serve through
local programs - Foster Grandparents, RSVP and Senior Companion
11Kinds of National Service
- Service-learning combines service to the
community with student learning in a way that
improves both the student and the community. -
- students learn and develop through active
participation in organized service conducted in
and meeting the needs of local communities. - coordinated with an elementary school, secondary
school, institution of higher education, or
community service program and the community -
- fosters civic responsibility and provides
structured time for reflection
12Nevadas AmeriCorps Programs
- Local funding for Nevadas AmeriCorps programs
comes from grants awarded by - Nevada Volunteers Community Service
- Nevada has 186 AmeriCorps members statewide
13Getting Things Done in Nevada
- Nevada has 5 AmeriCorps Programs
- Great Basin Institutes
- Nevada Conservation Corps
- Nevada Outdoor School
- Parasol Tahoe Community Foundation
- U.S. Vets-Las Vegas
- Collaboration for Homeless People
- United Way of Southern Nevada
14Getting Things Done in Nevada
15Its your worldIts your chance to make it better
16How is National Service different from a Job?
- Its an Adventure
- AmeriCorps helps people of all ages
- live up to their dreams
- help create solutions
- get things done
- help meet Nevadas unmet education, human and
environmental needs
There are opportunities in AmeriCorps for anyone
whos willing to do something special, something
unique or something exciting.
17AmeriCorps is Experience.
- AmeriCorps
- is a real-life
- Education
- and work experience
- wrapped into one.
- AmeriCorps members learn
- teamwork
- civic engagement
- responsibility
- and other essential skills that will help them
for the rest of their lives
You gain the personal satisfaction of taking on
a challenge and seeing results
18Benefits for AmeriCorps Members
- AmeriCorps members receive
- a small living allowance
- full time members are eligible for health
insurance - childcare benefits for those who qualify
- student loan forbearance
- training
- upon successful completion of national service,
an education award to help pay for college, grad
school, vocational training or repay student
loans - significant and meaningful experience that looks
great on a resume - the chance to really make a difference and to
give back
19AmeriCorps Grant Performance Measures
- Each program is funded by a federal grant that
has specific goals used to - measure accomplishments and the impact in your
community. - Goals are outcome oriented in 3 main focus areas
- Unmet Needs and Service Activities - Getting
Things Done - Member Training and Development
- Strengthening Communities Volunteer Recruitment
- What are the outcomes for your AmeriCorps
20Unmet Needs and Service Activities
- Each AmeriCorps program has a set of direct
service activities focusing in one or more of the
five priority areas
- Education
- Environment
- Homeland Security
- Human Needs
- Public Safety
261. Unmet Needs and Service Activities
- AmeriCorps is Getting Things Done in Nevada
- tutoring at risk children
- outreach to homeless adults youth in Las Vegas
and Henderson - protecting Nevadas environment statewide
- mentoring young adults with disabilities from
school to work - distributing food and clothing
- recycling
- mentoring kids
- conserving fragile desert wildlife
- providing social services to Spanish-speaking
persons - supporting families affected by domestic violence
- building the capacity of faith-based communities
- funding environmental research internships
- preschool and kindergarten readiness programs
- service learning programs
272. Member Training and Development
- All AmeriCorps members participate in
- PreService Orientation
- Program Kick Off and Swearing in Ceremony
- Initial service training
- Ongoing service training, supervision and staff
meetings - Mid term and final performance evaluations
- Active Citizens 101 Training
- Team building experiences
- Nevada Volunteers National Service Days
283. Strengthening Communities
- In addition to addressing needs and services and
participating in training and development, - AmeriCorps members strive to make communities
stronger. - By engaging citizens at the local level to
address unmet community needs, AmeriCorps members
plan and implement - 3 special community service projects every year.
- AmeriCorps members recruit, train and supervise
29AmeriCorps Members Recruit Volunteers
- AmeriCorps grants require members to recruit,
train and supervise two types of volunteers - EPISODIC VOLUNTEERS
- and
30Volunteers increase the effects of our AmeriCorps
- Volunteers sustain our efforts over time
- Volunteers get others involved
- Volunteers generate other volunteers
- Volunteers make a difference
31(No Transcript)
32Walk the TalkTalk the Walk
- As AmeriCorps members, we have a unique
opportunity to help get the word out about what
AmeriCorps is and how other people can
33Walk the Talk Talk the Walk
- Before you joined
- How did you hear about AmeriCorps?
- Why did you decide to join?
- Were your friends and family supportive of your
decision? If not, how did you convince them it
was a good opportunity?
34Activity The 30 second elevator speech
- You step into an elevator and
- someone asks you Whats AmeriCorps?
You have 30 seconds until your arrive at your
floor to explain what you do in the
community What will you say?
35- Why
- Are
- You
- An
- AmeriCorps
- Member?
36Ask yourself
- What do you hope to get out of your year of
national service? - What are you committed to?
- What will you value from your experience?
- I am an AmeriCorps member with ___________________
________ - I provide national service at ___________________
____________ - I am serving _____ hours with a one year
commitment. - I earn a small living allowance but will get a
____ education award for school. - Members serve all over Nevada in the priority
areas of education, environment, homeland
security, human needs and public safety. - I joined AmeriCorps because______________ talk
about your personal experience including how you
hope AmeriCorps will impact your life or the
lives of other people in the community.
38And then theyll wantto know...
- Whats it really like to be an AmeriCorps member?
- What will you enjoy the most about your
experience? - What do you hope to learn about yourself?
- What do you want to learn about your community
and other people? - Do you really think you can make a difference?
39The AmeriCorps Pledge
- I will get things done for America to make our
people safer, smarter, and healthier. - I will bring Americans together to strengthen our
communities. - Faced with apathy, I will take action.
- Faced with conflict, I will seek common ground.
- Faced with adversity, I will persevere.
- I will carry this commitment with me this year
and beyond. - I am an AmeriCorps member and I am going to get
things done.
40AmeriCorps works
- There are those who look at things the way
they are, and ask why... - I dream of things that never were, and ask
why not? - -Robert Kennedy
41National Service Resources
- Corporation for National and Community Service
- www.cns.gov
- National Service Resource Center
- www.nationalserviceresources.org
- Nevada Volunteers www.nevadavolunteers.org
42Nevada Volunteers
Nevada Volunteers 639 Isbell Road 220
Reno, NV 89509 775.825.1900 www.nevadavolunteers
The staff of Nevada Volunteers wish you a
successful year. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE!