Title: Key Concepts for AmeriCorps
1Key Concepts for AmeriCorps
2Session Objectives
- Provide an opportunity for participants to
network in program specific group - Discuss key fiscal and grant compliance issues
that could impact group - Discuss tools and information that can support
grantees in addressing key issues
3Group Table workCreate list of key issues that
grantees want to discuss
4Basics of Financial Management
- Accounting System with Detailed Chart of Accounts
- Proper Documentation of Expenditures
- Appropriate Time and Activity Reporting
- Procedures to Ensure Costs are Allowable
- Written Allocation Plan
- Regular Review of Budget to Actual Expenses
- Strong Internal Controls
- Written Policies and Procedures
- Risk Based Monitoring
- Effective Member Management
5Federal Financial Report May be Coming Soon
- The Office of Management and Budget may direct
federal agencies to start using the long-planned
Federal Financial Report in 2008. - The new form essentially combines the 269 report
grantees provide to their funding agencies with
the 272 report grantees send to the Payment
Management System at HHS. - If the directive comes soon, Corporation grantees
may start using the form for the report due at
the end of October 2008.
6Federal Financial Report (FFR)
- The purpose of the FFR is to give recipients of
grants a standard format for reporting the
financial status of their grants. - This is part of Federal Financial Assistance Act.
- CNCS is working on implementation and will
provide detailed forms and instructions.
7Common Audit Findings
- Members start earning hours before they sign
their contracts - Member timesheets dont add up to the number of
hours certified on the exit form. - Programs claim staff costs based on budget
amounts and not actual time spent on the grant - Match is not sufficiently documented
8Common Audit Findings
- Programs are not conducting mid-term and
end-of-term evaluations. - Grantees claim match for costs not in the
approved budget. - Programs are not conducting background checks
when appropriate. - Grantees/programs are not reconciling their
general ledger to the FSR.
9Member Management Issues
- Member Eligibility
- Member Contracts
- Criminal Background Checks
- Member Orientations
- Member Evaluations
- Living Allowance
- Documenting Certifying Member Hours
10AmeriCorps Members Eligibility Requirements
- Statutory
- U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident Alien
- (Note an I-9 Form is not sufficient
documentation) - At least 17 years old (16 if Youth Corps)
- High School diploma or GED or agree to obtain one
11Member Performance Reviews
- Grantees must conduct and keep a record of at
least a midterm and end-of-term written
evaluation of each member's performance for Full
and Half-Time members and an end-of-term written
evaluation for less than Half-time members. The
evaluation should focus on such factors as - Whether the member has completed the required
number of hours - Whether the member has satisfactorily completed
assignments and - Whether the member has met other performance
criteria that were clearly communicated at the
beginning of the term of service.
12Managing Members
- Ensure there is a signed member contract
- Conduct appropriate Criminal Background Checks
for their type of service - There is documentation that members have received
an orientation - Receive two evaluations per year (one for less
than full time Members and none for EAP)
13Living Allowance
- Equally distributed over the term of service
- Cannot be paid on an hourly basis or in lump sums
- Cannot be docked as a disciplinary measure
- It can be garnished in some states (e.g. for
child support) - Federal share can never be more than 85 of the
minimum living allowance - for current grants
awarded in 2007. There is a change for grants
that were applied for in 2008 - Professional Corps living allowance may exceed
the maximum, but the grantee pays 100 - no CNCS
funds - It is taxed
14Documenting Certifying Member Hours
- Programs should have written policy for member
hours. - All member hours should be properly documented on
clear, legible, time sheets that are completed
in pen without the use of white out. - Timesheets should be signed by BOTH Member and
supervisor. - Prior to certification of award, individual
should be sure that members have completed and
documented required hours.
15New OverallMatch Requirements
- As part of the Corporations 2008 appropriations,
Congress changed the requirements for matching
AmeriCorps grants. - In general, the new requirements will apply to
the grants that were submitted in January of
2008. In most cases, programs funded in 2007 or
earlier (and which do not receive 2008 funding)
must continue to meet the 15 and 33 match
16After WBRS is retired
- WBRS will be phased out and grantees will utilize
My AmeriCorps Portal - Grantees/subgrantees will no longer have to enter
member hours - Grantees will complete Financial Status Report in
EGrants (or Federal Financial Report when
17Guidance on Incorrect Certification of Member
Education Awards
- Program are responsible for ensuring
certification on end-of term forms are correct. - Incorrect certifications can lead to full
repayment to the National Service Trust by the
18- Group Activity
- Discuss change in Match requirement, member
issues and life after WBRS - Create a list of questions/issues to discuss
- Create a list of tools that would assist you
address issues
19We will gather in this room with this same group
on Thursday at 1045 to wrap-up and discuss
issues and questions