Title: The opposing teams
- Cardioembolic
- Carotid Stenosis
- Clot
- Pressure
3the starting lineup
- Hypertension
- Diabetes
- Smoking
- Atrial Fibrillation
- Carotid Disease
- Hyperlipidemia
4the second string
- Obesity
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Diet
- Sodium
- Alcohol
5Sudden Death Overtime
- Some players on the ice increase the likelihood
that the game is already in Sudden Death
Overtime. - They need to be dealt with IMMEDIATELY
6Sudden Death Overtime
- Carotid
imaging showing stenosis - Get the surgical team
- to take out the opposing
- player before he can act
7Endarterectomy and timing of surgery.
Rothwell P, Eliasziw M, Gutnikov S, et al. The
Lancet 2004363915-924.
8For this
You need this
9The Coaches
- The Coaches help define the game plan
- what players to put on the ice
- what overall strategy to use
10The Coaching Staff
Carotid Doppler
TT or TE Echocardiogram
11Specialty team coaches
Coagulation studies
12Sudden Death Overtime
- If the coaches detect A. fib on the ice
13Atrial Fibrillation
A different goalie is needed
14Generally to beat the opposition a strong defense
and a good goalie are needed
- Hypertension
- Diabetes
- Smoking
- Hyperlipidemia
These guys work well as a team. The same group
of players is usually put up against them
15Generally to beat the opposition a strong defense
and a good goalie are needed
- Hypertension
- Diabetes
- Smoking
- Hyperlipidemia
- Anti platelet
- Anti hypertensives
- Smoking cessation
- Statins
- Diet
- Low Sodium diet
- Low BMI
- Exercise
- Reduce excessive alcohol
16Second string
- Obesity
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Poor Diet
- Sodium
- Alcohol
- Low BMI
- Exercise
- Diet
- Low Sodium diet
- Reduce excessive alcohol
- EXisting PREvention Strategies for Stroke
- Compared Usual vs Enhanced Care after TIA or
minor stroke - Usual
- Enhanced
- Same day seen
- Start meds at first visit
- Oxfordshire (OXVASC) pop 91000
- Make clinical judgment if a true TIA or stroke
- ASA (or clopidogrel if ASA contraindicated)- both
were given for 30 days if presentation within 48h - Simvistatin
- Perindopril /- indapamide if systolic BPgt130
- anticoagulation if in atrial fibrillation
- BP
- Carotid dopplers if indicated- obtained within
about 7 days - CT same day or shortly thereafter- antiplatelet
drugs initiated before CT if all symptoms
- Mean time to assessment fell from 3 days to less
than 1. - Median time to first prescription fell from 20
days to 1 day - 90 day stroke rate fell from 10.3 to 2.1
21Recurrent Strokes within 90 days of first event
Oxforshire 10 Strokes prevented per year Leeds
and Grenville 10 strokes prevented per
year Ontario gt1000 strokes prevented
per year
22(No Transcript)