Title: Raise Your Hand for Woodstock
1Celebrating the 98th Anniversary of WOSA
Raise Your Handfor Woodstock
2Remember what it felt like to Raise Your Hand
in school?
- It showed that you had an answer
- It showed that you had an idea
- It showed that you volunteered to participate
even if you werent quite sure you were right - It was an offer of support
- It felt a lot better than being called on
3Thats the theme leading up to the 100th
Centenary of WOSA
42011 will be the100th Anniversaryof the first
formal WOSA Gathering
5- Leading up to that centenary, Woodstock School
wants to - Thank you and support your engagement
- Enhance communication
- Increase attendance at gatherings
- Improve participation in annual giving
- Generally Engage the unengaged
6How Can You Raise Your Hand for Woodstock?
- Raise your hand to GREET
- Raise your hand to GIVE
- Raise your hand to ENGAGE
- Get back in contact with classmates you haven't
seen since school. - Meet up with fellow students, parents and staff
in your area. - Connect with the school and others on Facebook,
WSAlumni.com and by other electronic means to
share your stories and interactions with others
- Lets encourage participation at any level in the
annual fund - Currently only 7-10 of alumni give
- Even a small donation indicates care
- Lets have a participation goal rather than only
a financial goal
- Contribute your ideas
- Care about the mission and values of the school
- Volunteer with your local WOSA
- Help us recruit staff and students
- Come and visit India and Woodstock
10Thank you for participating in Worldwide
Woodstock Day and for Raising your Handfor
11Now for some school news- Gym dedication- Chris
Anderson 74 alumni award- Hostel renovation-
Tour Bhutan with Jane Cummings
12It took almost a decade but was worth the wait
13September 18, 2009Win Mumby Gym Dedication
14Described in Indian newspapers asThe finest in
North India, if not all India
15A full regulation size basketball court
161 practice basketball courtand 3 badminton courts
171 squash court
184 table tennis tables
193 climbing walls in a dedicated room
20Fitness gym
21Full equipment for cardio, strength and
functional sports training
22Gymnastics/play area for Elementary School
232 fully equipped classrooms withsmartboard
244 locker room and restroom facilities with 24
showers, 17 WCs, 16 hand wash sinks, 104 lockers.
25Major DonorsWin Mumby 42Carol Downs
MumbyRick Downs 79Class of 42Class of
43Class of 52Coca Cola
Honored guests from the Downs and Mumby families
Rick Downs 79 with Sanjay Narang 81, Supervisor
of Construction
26Hostel Renovation
New pool
New two story structure where old pool was located
New basketball court
27Hostel Renovation
Space for an additional 25 studentsWireless
internet throughoutLounges on every
floorBathrooms on every floorNew dining room
Interior spaces have been completely
rebuiltOnly the exterior walls remain
28Chris Anderson 74Distinguished Alumnus of
Woodstock SchoolOctober 26th Awards Ceremony
29Chris Anderson founded the Sapling Foundation, to
"provide a platform for the world's smartest
thinkers, greatest visionaries and most-inspiring
30After a long career in journalism and publishing
(during which he launched Business 2.0 and the
games website IGN), Chris Anderson became the
Curator of the TED Conference in 2002.
31At an all-school assembly in the Win Mumby Gym on
October 26th Chris will receive his award and
speak on the topic of global citizenship
32During the special assembly, Project Bandaloop
will perform. The company, under the artistic
direction of Amelia Rudolph 82, creates a blend
of dance, sport, ritual, and environmental
33Jane Cummings Himalayan Odyssey Toursponsored
by Friends of Woodstock School (FWS)
34Alumni and friends of Woodstock School are
invited to join this unique tour from April 8-
28, 2010 and experience the dramatic scenery and
vibrant culture of the highest mountain range in
the world while returning to their roots in
Mussoorie.The tour will be led by Jane
Cummings, former director of KWI, and later
Woodstock School's Development Director.
35ExperienceHinduismOutdoor EducationIndiaNatur
36Download the brochure and registration
37Woodstock SchoolA Day in Our LivesAlthough
no day is typical at Woodstock, this
entertaining video takes you around the clock and
throughout the campus for a glimpse into
Woodstock School for a 24 hour period.View or
download the video athttp//www.wsalumni.com
38Through the Woodstock Lens A Visual Experience
of IndiaNew coffee table book
39Through the Woodstock Lensa visual experience
of India reflects the places that Woodstock staff
and students live, work and travel in India. This
photo journey begins at Woodstock School and
extends throughout India.
40Photos from the book
41Photos from the book
42Photos from the book
43Photos from the book
44Photos from the book
45Photos from the book
46Photos from the book
47Photos from the book
48Photos from the book
49Photos from the book
50Photos from the book
51Photos from the book
52Photos from the book
53Available from the alumni store.Rs. 1250 for
sales for those living in India or the SAARC
countriesUS 39.99 for the rest of the world,
postage and packing extra. For information on
how to order a copy, email alumni_at_woodstock.ac.in.
Or get a free copy by becoming a regular donor
through the "sustaining donors" scheme managed by
Friends of Woodstock School.